Reviews For Text Me
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Reviewer: PiperJackson4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 05, 2012 07:03 pm Title: Anais

I can't wait till V meets the boys. Safaree and Anasis are cute 2gether

Author's Response:

I can't either. Thanks for reviewing!

                        <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: Gigi Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 05, 2012 03:10 pm Title: Who In The Hell Is This?

So I stumbled across this, on the quest to find another story. This is great, I really like the story idea. Very unique concept. Keep up the good work.  :)

Author's Response:

Why, thank you. I'm glad you've found it.

                            <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: sheba93 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2012 06:23 am Title: Pink Friday And S. Beezy

They are so cute! i'm sorry if I haven't been reviewing. I sorta messed up Cherry and I gotta fix it.

Author's Response:

It's fine sweetie, thanks a lot!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2012 12:56 am Title: Pink Friday And S. Beezy

Ohhhh they gonna set SB up, xD

Awh i actually like the age gap between Nessa and Mike, because even tho he is older he is still so0o fly lol

Lovinn it, keep this up hun! :D


Author's Response:

Yup and I've said this mannnyyyy times before, I'm in love with older Michael so I also love writing about him.

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2012 12:51 am Title: P.J.

Ahhh, i LOVE The Road To El Dorado and Matilda too! I have Road To El Dorado on DVD though i dont need Matilda on dvd, it comes like all the time on tv lool.

Awww, Paris and Nessa were too cute! They instantly clicked, the part where she asked her can she call her mum was so shweeet :')

I am loving this story! xD

Author's Response:

Thanks for your review! <3

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 28, 2012 02:32 pm Title: P.J.

i loved it. where did u find the pic of paris and what's the story behind it?i'm curious

Author's Response:

I found the picture on Google Images, I do not know the story behind it though

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 28, 2012 11:47 am Title: Pink Friday And S. Beezy

aww that's so sweet michael is supporting his lady's music..and i hope safaree likes the girl they set him up with. and michael and nessa is so cute togethere i can see a possible barbie and paterpan wedding during the future. lolz this is so good keep it up :)

Author's Response:

:D, I'm sure SB will like Anais. ;)

BARBIE AND PETERPAN! Lmfao, that's something to ponder.

Thanks for the review Barb!

                                      <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: delavielove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2012 03:00 pm Title: P.J.

:) Dear heart, I loove Matilda! Haha this chapter was ahh-dorable! I love the bond that Paris and Nessa formed! They were like fast friends! Haha, Nessa had nothing to worry about. It's so cute. Haha. Love it, love it dear heart <3

Author's Response:

Thanks so much. It's time to move on to the really tough ones, Prince and Blanket. I, the author, don't even know how Vanessa is going to react to that situation. I'm glad you love it, 'cuz I love you!
                                                                                              <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: delavielove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2012 02:53 pm Title: Hell

:) I'm back! I'm a doctor and working in the hospital is tough dear heart. I don't have alot of time to read other people's fiction. sometimes I can just barely find time to update mine. But I'm caught up in the story now! :( I feel so bad for Michael in this chapter, you just don't even know.

And did you see Nicki's 'Stupid Hoe' video?? It was crazy! Lol Crazy in Minaj-fashion that is lol. Much L.O.V.E. dear heart <3

Author's Response:

I'm glad you've made time for Text Me, it means a lot. And I do know! Placing that picture in this chapter made me really sad to look at him in that time of his life.

I saw Stupid Hoe! And that is why I love my wife! (Although I don't really like when she was in the cage.)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2012 02:19 pm Title: P.J.

aww that's good to see paris is comfrotable with vanessa being aroung and look her as a mother figure. very good keep it up.

Author's Response:

I thought this chapter was the most adorable of them all so, thanks and I will.

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2012 02:01 pm Title: Here It Comes And There It Goes

i luv this story and they are sweet couple they stick togthere like white on rice i like that. keep updating when u can. 1love

Author's Response:

Lol. Thanks a lot for taking the time to review.

            <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: PiperJackson4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 10:01 am Title: Hell

This is a sad chapter. I feel so bad for Mike. Update please!

Author's Response:

Don't feel down for too long, things are looking up for them! ;)

And if anyone else is reading this response, please know that I will never ever ever ever abandon my stories. I've made that promise to myself and now I'm making it to you. Even if (God forbid) I'm the last person writing on this site, I'll still keep trudging on. I love you all!

                                                                                                           <3 Mrs. Maraj-Jackson

P.S. - Sorry PiperJackson4eva, for ranting on a response to your review!

Reviewer: Wifeygurly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2012 08:38 pm Title: Who In The Hell Is This?

hey what website or software did you use for your banner?

Author's Response:

My doll mikespyt made it for me on photoshop!

Reviewer: Leahluv21 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2012 12:50 pm Title: We Fell Off... For Real

That picture of of my favorites. Love it. Man had soooo much swag. GAH!

Anyway :) Great update. Can't wait for another update!!

Author's Response:

Thank you, I like it too.

Reviewer: Leahluv21 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2012 12:46 pm Title: Here It Comes And There It Goes

Awww the necklace was such a cute gesture.  So adorable.  Love it.  Poor Vanessa him going all the way back to Cali! Hope they get to see each other again soon :)

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review! <3

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