Date: Sep 01, 2012 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 60
Great chapter! I feel bad for Tatiana. I was wondering when the bonde girl was going to come back in the story. Hopefully Michael will try to win her back. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Date: Sep 01, 2012 05:44 pm Title: Chapter 60
OMG! I can't believe Tatiana asked Michael about that girl! And... He didn't deny it!!!! Ahhhhhh Poor Tatiana! That hurts so badly! I know! :( I want more chapters!!!! I hope Michael will do something!!!! Pleaseeeeeeeeee
Date: Sep 01, 2012 02:12 pm Title: Chapter 60
Oh now I remember that girl! She was the blonde girl that the called up that night when Tati didn't show up *hits forehead* how could I forget? lol But I think it was cute how he made her laugh. And she got Bill to sing lol Seems like she had somewhat of a good time. Aww man, I can't wait for more!
Date: Sep 01, 2012 01:49 pm Title: Chapter 60
I think this chapter is good.
Date: Sep 01, 2012 08:33 am Title: Chapter 59
I feel like that other chick was lying. But if she wasn't then that would be messed up especially because Michael thought that Tatiana was sleeping around with the cast. But anyway, since Bill is going...he might get a little too drunk and spill some information about Mike. Hmmm I can't wait to see what happens next.
Date: Sep 01, 2012 06:09 am Title: Chapter 59
I knew she would found out eventually
Date: Aug 31, 2012 06:53 pm Title: Chapter 58
I remember reading this a while ago, but I stopped for some unknown reason. But now that I'm all caught up after two days of reading, I am in love all over again with this story. You are an amazing writer !!
I just love their little private adventures.
Date: Aug 31, 2012 05:16 pm Title: Chapter 58
You know this is so adictive lol I'm checking every day to see if you update it Lol I'm glad he feels good around them... And He shares about Tatiana with them... Keep writing I need more :)
Date: Aug 31, 2012 03:46 pm Title: Chapter 58
Lol that guys really funny:) cant wait for the next chapter
Date: Aug 30, 2012 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 57
THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE BACK!!!! Such beautiful chapters. I'm just sad i read through them so quickly lol. (p.s. I definitely squealed out loud when i saw that you updated lol) Great job!
Author's Response: squee <3
Date: Aug 30, 2012 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 57
This story is beautiful and I really hole that you continue
Date: Aug 30, 2012 02:38 pm Title: Chapter 57
this is so sweet and beautiful! i loved that chapter! he's at peace with her... he needs to realize they belong to each other!!! thank you for the beautiful update! xxx
Date: Aug 30, 2012 02:26 pm Title: Chapter 57
Thank you for updating! I love MJ tries so hard to be her friend. I think he lies to himself cause he needs her close.... So close... I really want him to ler her in his world... His heart
Date: Aug 29, 2012 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 57
So sweet. But only a week left? I'm waiting to see what will unfold for these two ...