Date: Sep 07, 2013 06:07 pm Title: Chapter 8
Wowza... This story is literally amazing, I love it so much!! Please update soon!!!! :)
Date: Feb 01, 2011 01:05 am Title: Prologue
i llloovvveee ths story! i am so excited for your next chapter!

Date: Jan 22, 2011 10:13 am Title: Chapter 8
Author's Response: Bwahaha!! xD Glad you liked it!
Date: Jan 21, 2011 03:52 pm Title: Chapter 8
fantastic as always :) ... wondering when ur going to post the next chapter for the interview ^^ ... i just cant wait ...sry that i bug u all the time but its ur fault xD .. why do u have to be such an amazing writer ??
ly ♥ PEACE
Author's Response: Aww thank you! *blushes* Don't appologize for bugging me; I love to be bugged! haha Right now I'm working on the next update for Heart Breaker but I'll be starting on The Interview soon too! I've got the chapter more or less planned out; and now I just need to start writing it!
Date: Jan 21, 2011 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 8
I've been waiting for this update.....I love it!!
Hope they get together....
I want more PULEEEEEAASE!!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^ More to come! I'm writing the update!
Date: Jan 09, 2011 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 7
Oh Lenore Lenore, I love this story.....I AM DYING for Isobel and Michael to get together.
Michael is so heartbroken right now he needs her.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Girl you know how to write a good story!!!

Date: Jan 08, 2011 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 7
Oh my god, please, update soon! This story is great (:

Date: Jan 04, 2011 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 7
OMG PLEASE Pliz plz update this is amazing WOW i have been waiting for this update since 2010 lmao and now is 2011 jk jk
But its coming out amazing I LOVE this story, i know that little ho* of sandra would be all over Michael.. And that Isobel would be alone, but i didnt expcet Michael to pull her out to the dance floor..
Author's Response: Oh wow, thank you so much!! I'm really sorry for the long wait; I actually have one more chapter written that I'll be posting the next few days but I've basically put this story on a hiatus as I'm having a hard time concentrating on both Heart breaker and THe Interview, and The Interview is nearing an end, so I'm trying to get it finished. But maybe I'll find the time to write it as well... I'll definitely try! hehe So thank you, I'm so happy that you enjoy it; I know AU stories aren't for everyone and that makes me appreciate you even more as a reader! :)

Date: Oct 11, 2010 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 6
I'm not really into fan-fictions, I just like to read a few stories which I consider real good stuff, with real drama or context, so I'm going to congratulate you because this story right here is one of the best I've ever read! I really, really want you to update it. Contrary to all the fictions on here! Michael is not famous, he's hurt, and he's not in love with the main character! ...Which is a relieve actually and perhaps he likes one of her friends, something different in every single way. I know this is going to be a great text to read, so please, I'm begging you... Update more often!
Oh, and I love "The Interview" as well :) you're very talented.

Date: Oct 08, 2010 12:22 am Title: Chapter 6
Great comeback!! Love It!!

Date: Sep 19, 2010 01:33 am Title: Chapter 5
Ahh good story, wanna read more abour wuts gonna happen..

Date: Sep 08, 2010 11:40 pm Title: Chapter 4
Great chapters you got me hooked!! I know you just did but Pliz update soon..

Date: Sep 08, 2010 06:43 pm Title: Chapter 4
This is a good story. I'm sure that Michael knows by now that Isobel has a crush on him!

Date: Aug 26, 2010 02:16 am Title: Chapter 2
Damn I feel sorry for Michael.. pliz update soon I love this story.
Author's Response: Thank you! :D More to come soon!

Date: Aug 25, 2010 10:05 pm Title: Prologue
this is really good so far. i can't wait to see if isobel and michael are brought together. and i also like the idea of michael not being famous. update soon!
Author's Response: Thank you! :) I'm glad to know you like the fact that he's not famous in this story! I believe most people would rather read about famous Michael than Michael OOC! Though personally I think OOC Michael stories can be just as interesting and that's why I decided to give it a shot!