Date: Jan 29, 2012 05:35 pm Title: Chapter 1
WHERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!?????????????????????????????!
Date: Dec 15, 2011 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 1
iam reading chapter 1 and i like it very good.

Date: Nov 15, 2011 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
well im a nice person. i do enjoy this story. i read the comment that you left im a kind person i love making people smile by saying nice words. when i say them i mean them. well have a wonderful day. L..O.V.E

Date: Oct 31, 2011 11:21 pm Title: Chapter 3
This is a magnicent story i feel that its beautiful and breathtaking. I really love reading it.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much :) such a lovely. comment. Readers like you and Megan are ones who inspire me to write you are Amazing! thank you so mmuch :) much L.O.V.E X

Date: Oct 31, 2011 02:10 am Title: Chapter 1
You said im amazing your sweet but your the best :)
Author's Response:
Awwwww thanks so much for all your lovely comments your the best is well hunnie remember that your comments are so beautiful they make me choke up your so kin XXX musch love :)

Date: Oct 31, 2011 02:01 am Title: Chapter 2
The bedroom she staying in is so beautiful. Through All the authors on here your grammer is very good. You said michael inspired you to write thats a wonderful thing i know michael would be very proud of you. Michael inspired me to write music. When someone inspired him for the talent its a beautiful thing. :) have a great day m.u.c.h l.o.v.e

Date: Oct 31, 2011 01:50 am Title: Chapter 1
Its fine sweetie it does make me uncomfortable but dont worry im used to it. My other account is keepitinthecloset. I dont use the other one very much. I do enjoy reading this story tho. I be posting my stories soon cos i love write too i have few stories done.Your welcome :) much l.o.v.e

Date: Oct 30, 2011 10:27 am Title: Chapter 1
That was great story so far. When it says danielle was beaten by her dad and later raped by a man. I know how it feels it happened to me before. I was raped by my bestfriend maurice i became pregnant. My mom and dad abused me. My mom changed and my dad died. Anyways I enjoy reading this story. I cant wait for the next chapter continue
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment and I really hope that you reading this storie does not make you feel uncomfortable if it does I am truly truly sorry. I will update with another chapter either tonight or tomorrow :) because like I said I really have enjoyed writing this storie but I just hope it dont make you deel uncomfortable as that is far from what I want someone to feel. If you ever want to message for like a general chit chat feel free but thank you so much for commenting you are one truthful word AMAZING thanks again much L.O.V.E XX