Date: May 13, 2019 06:05 am Title: Chapter 2
Please continue! I love the story so far

Date: Nov 05, 2011 01:20 am Title: Chapter 2
Ah yea, jobs on the first day haha; LIKE A BOSS ;D Aww Ebony and Michael, wonder what will happen! Another great chapter honey, update sooon! xD
Author's Response: Haha xD Yeah Michael got that swagg only he could come to America on the first day and get a job and find a place to stay. LoL! Thanks for the compliment Hun. Another thank you for your wonderful reviews :D <3
Date: Nov 04, 2011 06:13 pm Title: Chapter 1
I REALLY love this movie, LOL. Thanks for writing about it.
Author's Response: LOL! Me too ^_^ I think it'll be a fun one to right :D Thanks for reviewing <3

Date: Oct 29, 2011 01:36 am Title: Chapter 1
OooOohhh this adventure should be goood! xD cant wait to see what happens, i hope Michael finds true love! I havent seen all of the movie Coming to America (only ever the start 15 minutes, i dont even know why i never get to watch it all 0.o) but im interested in whats gonn happen in this! :D
Author's Response: Haha :) it sure will. Ooh you must see it ^_^ it's so funny! Trust me, you would love it :D I'm so thankful for reviews ^_^ I can't belove I have three already :) Thanks for reviewing <3

Date: Oct 28, 2011 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 1
ha i love it!
Author's Response: :D Thank you so much! I'm glad you love it :) <3

Date: Oct 27, 2011 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 1
OMG!! This is genius!!!! Coming to America is hilarious!!. I haven't seen the whole things but the parts I saw where laugh out loud funny. This is going to be a great story!!:) BTW that picture of Michael is quite stunning.
Love it!! Please update soon!!
Author's Response: OMG!! You must see the whole movie, it is HIGHlarious :D This story is going to be a fun story to write :)
Thanks for being my first reviewer!! Oh and I Loove the picture of Michael, he looks totally FABULOUS! :) Peace and Michael <3