Date: Oct 28, 2011 05:54 am Title: Pretty
Sorry to hear about your car got broken into. Damn buglars. Great story by the way.

Date: Oct 28, 2011 05:41 am Title: Running
Its cool how blind people can get a vibe or feelings off a touch by knowing there sad or happy. Thats pretty cool.

Date: Oct 25, 2011 01:29 am Title: Pretty
I'm glad with Michael and Alice hit it off and my opinion Jackie needs to stop being overprotected with Alice. But anywho, I love the chapter and I can't wait for the next chapter. *Sidebar* I'm sorry that your car got broken into, my car was broken into also, they took my radio :/.
Author's Response:
yeah, i only put Jackie as that protective because later in the story, Alice will tell Michael why she becaome blind and all that jazz. Jackie is her best friend, and is determined that nothing bad will ever happen to her again. :) but thank you! xoxoxo.
*oh, and im sorry that YOUR car got broken into. it really does suck.

Date: Oct 24, 2011 05:11 pm Title: Pretty
I love this story and I can't wait until the next part! :)
L-O-V-E <3
Author's Response:
thank you! that means sooo much to me. i love your stories too. :)
Date: Oct 24, 2011 04:55 pm Title: Pretty
Your use of vocabulary is very decent. Just remember to look for where you might have missed capital letters. I'm really interested in reading more of this story.
Author's Response:
yeah, i try to fix my grammatical errors. its just that i wanna get it posted so fast!!! lol. im glad your interested, and i hope youll continue to read.
Date: Oct 22, 2011 11:15 am Title: Running
I love it I didnt get it at first but now I get it and I love it!
Author's Response:
thank you, though i am curious on how you didnt get it at first.... please tell me so this wont happen with other readers!!!!1

Date: Oct 20, 2011 07:00 pm Title: Running
This is a great start! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
L-O-V-E.. <3
Author's Response:
thank you. :) i am actually very confident in this story, so that means alot.