Reviews For Dirty Diana.
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Reviewer: ilovemike18 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 23, 2011 01:50 am Title: Prologue #1

This is one of my favourite stories on MJFiction. It is so cleverly written and so interesting. You are very gifted! And I don't think, I KNOW, if you carry on and devote to this story, it can become one of the most popular stories, on here. I truly believe that. And the concept is amazing and the structure and flashbacks to the present and past was so intelligent. I'm in awe and very impressed. I wanna be able to write like you! lol. Honestly though, darling this is incredible. I cannot wait until you update again:)


Author's Response:

Wow, you just made my day! I love you!

I'm really commited to this story, I just know I won't give up on it like I have done to others. And I'm so glad that you like it!
And I'll update as soon as I can, which I hope will be today...
I'll do my best to make this a reeeeeally good story, I promise ;)
Thank you so much for your great feedback, it really made me happy :)

Much love, Annie.

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 22, 2011 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 3: The Misunderstood.

Love this great stry

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 22, 2011 04:17 am Title: Prologue #2

I really love this story so much like you have no idea :) Please continue with this story and don't leave me hanging :)

Author's Response:

it makes me soooo happy that you like it! I'll do my best to update today- I won't leave you hanging! :)

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 22, 2011 03:27 am Title: Chapter 1: When Do We Start?

I absolutely love this chapter and I really like Diana's attitude :) and I think I'm the only one too LOL. I can't wait for the next chapter :)

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 22, 2011 03:06 am Title: Prologue #1

Was it worth it? Um yes, it was worth it! The introduction was amazing! There should be more fictions like this :) Please continue with this story.

Reviewer: Star31737 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2011 08:47 pm Title: Prologue #2

Aaahhh ,, LOve This Storryy .. (:
-- Continuee ASAP !

Reviewer: Star31737 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 17, 2011 02:04 pm Title: Chapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter.

i LOVE This Storryy !
Continuee ASAP (:

Reviewer: Alina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 17, 2011 11:46 am Title: Chapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter.












Author's Response:

only time will tell... :)

Reviewer: lovemj Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Oct 16, 2011 08:10 am Title: Prologue #1

 Love it..... you are an amazing writer...keep up the amazing work......need the next chapter ASAP!!!!;))

Reviewer: MrsJackson92 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 15, 2011 12:39 pm Title: Prologue #1

You ask " is it worth it " .... i can't belive !!!! This story caches me from the first chapter, and your absolizely in my favourite stories yet !!! I hope it comes a flashback and you show how all began !!!!

Pleeeaaas, continue with this story t could become very popular like it seems to me , really

You have to keep it !

Author's Response:

oh my :o your review just made my day!

I always ask those things, y'know, if the stories are worth continuing... I'm really insecure... can't help it xD;
but it makes me so happy that you like it- even better, it's on your favorites! :D
seriously, I had to go check for myself!

wow, I bet I look like a dork right now, smiling from ear to ear and all proud of myself...! thank you for the amazing feedback, much love <3


Reviewer: sholamjj4life Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 15, 2011 07:16 am Title: Prologue #1

I like it ! it's an intresting story.

Reviewer: lovemj Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 15, 2011 06:19 am Title: Prologue #1

yes i love it already ......keep going:))

Author's Response:

thank you, I'll have the next chapter up asap :)

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