Reviews For Dear Michael...
Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed 

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Date: Jul 17, 2012 02:51 am Title: Chapter 5

Date: Jul 17, 2012 02:51 am Title: Chapter 5
The characters are *Chris Browns voice* BEAUTIFUL peopleee ^_^
Omg she figured out that it was her dad!!! So dramatic, I'm not suprised she acted like that though. He left them for Pete's sake, I wouldnt know what else to do in that situation either!!
OMG, Michael's there!
I love this so much!!! You're incredible , <3
Reviewer: chi chu Signed 

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Date: Aug 02, 2011 06:04 pm Title: Chapter 5

Date: Aug 02, 2011 06:04 pm Title: Chapter 5
Please keep writing this story, its great. :)
Reviewer: Illusion Signed 

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Date: Jun 27, 2011 02:46 am Title: Chapter 5

Date: Jun 27, 2011 02:46 am Title: Chapter 5
I'm really liking this..Keep going! :)
Keep Michaeling!