Reviews For Baby Baby Baby!
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Reviewer: syndy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2017 06:48 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

Awwwwwwww what a cute chapter,if only this could for real :( but at least in this fic was real and was beautiful.

Reviewer: Itsmichaelbitch Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 16, 2015 02:03 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

Please update THIS IS AMAZING


Author's Response:

Thanks sooooo much!! And I'll try to update soon for y'all :)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2015 04:16 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1


Author's Response:

Awie don't worry, you'll find out what the sex of the baby is in the next chap!!! And ikr?! As SOON as Michael saw blood, he hit da floor lol

Reviewer: the creation 12 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 03:40 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

I can't wait for the extra surprise 

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2015 03:14 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

U done got a sista weak 😂😂😂😂

LOL omggg Lisa is funny first she done fuss out the nurse cuz she was bout to start her mj fan mode lol then I got...I was dead when she done fuss him out cuz he was singing off the wall like fr who told his tail to keep singing it do he like that song or wht he could've did a slow but nice song not no upbeat song then I was weak cuz he fainted lolll 

Good Update 👏👏👏

Author's Response:

Lol ikr?! Lisa was NOT in the mood for that nurse or Mike's singing! Glad u enjoyed this chap! Stay tuned for part 2! There's gonna be a surprise :)

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