Reviews For Baby Baby Baby!
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Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 28, 2015 03:27 pm Title: Oh Sh#t...

Maybe , she is having twins...

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2015 08:20 pm Title: Oh Sh#t...

I got like three things to say 

1) OHHHHH SNAP her water just  broke lawd Jesus 

2) Michael is crazy loll still singing off the wall

3) Thank god the IRRELEVANTS R gon **cough cough** Joseph and Priscilla **cough cough**

Author's Response:

Lol I LOVE your comment!!!! I'm glad Joseph and Priscilla are gone now too! Ugh they're such a pain lol

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