I feel it needs to be done, so move your butt and work it off, write it girl! yes, talking to you on the computer screen eating them damn cookies yo mama said not to or yo head look like last nights KFC when she finish those chicken breasts! oh giirl, you got serrved! (anyone think of Tovah McQueen from Reality Check?)
haha, kidding as usual, but please do respond. Besides, Prince Charles is an ugly mothafucka XD she needs a handsome man. It can be any genre, any length, anything you want.
Categories: Admin Only, Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Humor, Sci Fi, Bad: 1986-1990 Characters: Michael
For this challenge you can write a story, poem, song, rap or anything you want. You can write how these people affected your life and how much they mean to you. Or what you think about them. Anything you want :))))
You HAVE to use ALL the characters shown in the picture
- Michael Jackson
- Gary Coleman
- B.I.G
- 2Pac
- Heavy D
- Marilyn Monroe
- Aaliyah
- "Left Eye" Lisa Lopes
- Amy Winehouse
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Teddy Pendergrass
- Ray Charles
- Eazy E
- Elvis Presley
- James Brown
- Richard Pryor
- Teena Marie
- Rick James
- Al Green
- Marvin Gaye
It can be long or short, it doesnt matter but someway somehow, everyone has to be included in it.
Everyone in this pic past/died :(((( I think this is a way of showing respect :))) And I love this. This seems really fun to do :))
I hope you can do it!! Go on!!! I want to see what you can do :))
Categories: Romance, Adventure, Horror Characters: Michael