A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Summary: I love reading stories about teenage, 70s era Michael. But it seems that most people want to start their stories no later than the mid to late 80s. Well, here's the challenge. I want to read stories, series, poems, or anything else you've got about Michael during his time in New York filming The Wiz. The story has to be historically and culturally accurate. Meaning, no cell phones and internet. 8-tracks and Afros, ya dig? Bonus if you can manage to sneak in people that he actually knew then (Tatum O'Neal, Diana Ross, Stephanie Mills). So, dust off your platforms and straighten those lapels. It's gonna be a dynamite and out of sight time in New York!
Categories: Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Family, Parody, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery, Angst, Adult, Slash, Lyrics, Poetry Characters: Michael

I've noticed that challenges aren't so popular here, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways.

If you could write a letter for Michael Jackson, what would you say? Would you say he's your biggest inspiration, or that he is your idol, or that you love him? Maybe send him a poem, a picture, a confession? Tell him you need a friend, or that you'll be his friend if he ever needs?

It's simple- all you have to do is submit your response with a letter for MJ.

Be creative! I'm looking forward to read everything you have to say :)

Categories: Hurt/Comfort, Poetry Characters: Michael