Date: Apr 21, 2012 12:11 pm Title: Chapter 38
Ugh...Enter the Chandlers. This is where the trouble comes in.
Author's Response:
Tell me about it *rolls eyes* now the rollercoaster begins...
Date: Apr 21, 2012 03:47 am Title: Chapter 37
OH MY BABY JESUS!! i swear to you i've read this whole story from 9pm to 7am because i couldnt stop this story has to be my favorite or at least in my top three keep up the work
DAMNNN! <---- Just had to add that in there
Author's Response:
Girl you know how happy i was to see your comment, honestly gave me the energy to post up an update, i was worried that everyone stopped reading this, THANK YOU!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!xoxoxox
Date: Apr 11, 2012 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 36
Remi is doing a great job.!! She's movin on up!! I wonder what she is going to issue!!
Author's Response:
Heya! theres a new update on the lovely couple ;p LOVE YOU!!
Date: Apr 11, 2012 11:26 am Title: Chapter 35B
Someone's in denial...It won't work for long, I can tell.
Author's Response:
You are so didnt last long ;p
Date: Apr 10, 2012 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 35B
So right now I'm guessing that Lisa is going to slide her way into Michael's life agian. Oh god!!
Author's Response:
Pretty close, your on the right track! xoxoxo
Date: Apr 04, 2012 12:52 pm Title: Chapter 34
I disagree with her decision to leave this time. They should be mourning together, not apart. I know she's hurting but so is Michael. It was his baby too. I just don't know about these two anymore. She shoulda kept her ass there. She can't just keep leaving then comin back. If Michael moves on, she's gonna hate herself. Or even if she meets someone. This is just a mess. I've lost faith in these two. Too much drama and uncertainty.
Author's Response:
I love the way you think. you analyse really well on this which i take in so much. They should have been mourning together not apart. Michael is also mouring and needs somebody too, sometimes Remi can be selfish. BUT ANYWAYS LOVE YOUR REVIEWS TO DEATH! loool xoxoxoxo
Date: Apr 03, 2012 11:18 pm Title: Chapter 33B
remi should have been taking it easy an she wouldnt have lost the bby i feel so bad for them now i think things are only gonna get worst for them please let this be a dream i just cant imagine remi hurting mike or worst him hurting her sighs update soon i love this story
Date: Apr 03, 2012 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 33B
I don't think she should leave Michael. Remi should just talk to him and tell her how she feels.
Date: Apr 02, 2012 03:12 pm Title: Chapter 33A
I'm glad she told him. I'm also happy that Lisa is gone but I have a feeling she may make another appearance.
Date: Apr 02, 2012 01:53 pm Title: Chapter 33A
I'm glad she told him, he definitely needed to know. But I'm just not convinced on anything else. I feel like if he loves her the way he says he does, his actions don't reflect that. Why didn't he try to get her back? I really feel like he didn't work hard enough. He needed to want her because of what she brings to his life. Not cuz of the baby and damn sure not cuz of that ho going back to her husband. Michael isn't convincing me enough, I'm sorry. Especially since its his fault why they broke up in the first place. I really hope Remi breaks it all the way down to him when they're alone. He needs to know and really understand why she was gone and if it happens again, why she will leave again.
Date: Apr 02, 2012 10:03 am Title: Chapter 33A
Awww that was so sweet! I hope they work on their relationship, especially because they will be parents. C'mon, no more drama for a while, pleaaasseee!!
Date: Apr 01, 2012 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 1
Dye your hair and put on yo freak em dress and show Michael what he missin lol. i hope she tell him she pregnant though. even though he being a douche he deserves to know. that don't mean she should take him back so easily. if michael really loved remi he would get rid of that bitch lisa. excuse my french. lol
Author's Response:
Yasss girl!! Putcho freakum dress on!!! lmao!!!! about that "Lisa bitch" and girl, curse all you want! xxxxx
Date: Mar 30, 2012 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 32
Yeah I understand that.. But Michael is Michael and Bradley is Bradley. No men are just alike. But anyway, I still feel like Michael is being an ass. I understand her reasons for not wanting to tell him about the baby, but he still should know. Maybe she can tell him over the phone but still lay down the law to him on what it is between them. He should know that she is carrying his child but of he wants to be with her and that child, he needs to stop acting like one. I really can't stand him now.
Date: Mar 30, 2012 06:51 pm Title: Chapter 32
I'm surprised. No Lisa.? Oh well!! She was always up Michaels ass anyway. She needs to stay away for good now and focus on her marriage.
Date: Mar 30, 2012 11:50 am Title: Chapter 31
Michael is a nice guy but he is a little to friendly with Lisa. Remi should tell Michael that she is pregnant because that is his baby as well and no child should grow up without a father. Unless the child's father is deceased every man should be there for their children.