Original Girl
An original female character.
Other Results: 39 Challenges, 67 Series

Ashanti is in a bit of a pickle. It's raining, it's almost midnight and her car just died on her. After a tow truck takes her to the 24/7 auto shop, she meets sexy mechanic Michael Jackson. The two hit it off in an instant physical attraction. Could Michael be the one she's looking for? Or just a man to fix her car?

Categories: Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Death, Emotional Abuse, Racism
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6245 Read Count: 1417
[Report This] Published: Sep 04, 2014 Updated: Jan 17, 2018

Kendra Hilliard feels unsatisfied with life, on the day of her 25th birthday she makes a wish. A harmless wish. To simply be in easier times and have something worth living for.

What occurs is something she never expected.


Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Erotica, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Nudity, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Racism, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 113966 Read Count: 4523
[Report This] Published: Aug 27, 2016 Updated: Jan 17, 2018
Summary: Past Featured Storycenter

Disclaimer: Remember, this is a work of fiction. Dates, events, and people have been changed to fit my vision.

Categories: HIStory: 1995-1999, Adult, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Characters: Lisa Marie Presley, Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Erotica, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Death, Neglect
Series: None
Chapters: 65 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 206484 Read Count: 39910
[Report This] Published: Sep 10, 2016 Updated: Jan 02, 2018


A challenge is all it takes. A guarantee that finds itself turned into reality.

a fan pisses the wrong dude off, his royal badness.

”YOU STARTED THIS, and you are gonna help finish it. My people will be in touch . You better be there gurl”. 


Two men who compete in just about everything, the King of Pop and the Prince himself, music, album sales, awards, recognition, popularity. and now women. 

What happens after pissing them both off, and gets caught in the crossfire of a tense rivalry? who'll she pick? or will she share? 

banner by Babygirl123

Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, One Shot, Slash
Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: Erotica
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7020 Read Count: 406
[Report This] Published: Dec 25, 2017 Updated: Dec 25, 2017
Summary: Michael finally gets the night that he's always dreamed of with his beloved, but yet again something gets in the way.
Categories: Dangerous: 1991-1993, Angst, Drama, One Shot
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1226 Read Count: 208
[Report This] Published: Dec 20, 2017 Updated: Dec 20, 2017

Hey yall um these are just going to be a few random short stories that i wrote. But with this you get the chance to decide whether or not i make another chapter. The most i will do for each story is probably 5 chapters but the chapters will be long. (Thats how i got the medium thing lol) 

Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, Dangerous: 1991-1993, HIStory: 1995-1999, This Is It: 2006-2009, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Mystery, Romance, Song Fics, Suspense
Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3042 Read Count: 3533
[Report This] Published: Apr 23, 2013 Updated: Dec 15, 2017

Leylah Allen is a smart, stunning and splendid woman from Atlanta. Her boyfriend Tyrone is a strong, muscular man with a passion for Basketball.

Leylah is invited by her friend to come to a Michael Jackson concert. She gets to meet Michael and they begin to hit it off. Leylah takes a strong liking to Michael even though they are in a platonic friendship.

However, Michael starts to delevop feelings for Leylah that causes her to be distant from him considering she has a boyfriend. In months time, her and Tyrone`s relationship begins to fail and she has no choice but to vent to someone else other than her sister and friend. When Tyrone tries to threaten Leylah, Michael springs to the rescue. Leylah begins to notices that Michael was all she needed after all. 

 Will they ever find the deep love that they deserve?

Categories: Dangerous: 1991-1993, 1993-1994
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Mild Violence, Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5067 Read Count: 77
[Report This] Published: Dec 08, 2017 Updated: Dec 13, 2017

Michael Jackson, a local vampire who believes that he can take down any slayers without any hesitation. But when he meets Alexis, he decides that he wants her all to herself. Will Alexis fall for him or will she abide by her father's rules and slay him?

Categories: Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 45006 Read Count: 9760
[Report This] Published: Apr 25, 2012 Updated: Dec 04, 2017
Starlight by ASchmuck Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 77]

Madison Webster is a seventeen-year-old girl, whose mother had received a great job offer to support their family. The downfall -- Madison has to leave the only life she's ever known and all those who are close to her as her and her mother move to a new town. 

As she moves in and adjusts to her new life, she meets a mysterious boy who holds an even more mysterious secret. Nobody in her new school seems fond of him and horrific rumours swirl about him and his history.

What happens when the two encounter? What is this secret that keeps them from being close together? 


Categories: Thriller: 1982-1983, Adult, Adventure, Mystery, Romance, Sci Fi, Suspense, Trigger Warning!
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Death, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 101222 Read Count: 5997
[Report This] Published: Jun 23, 2013 Updated: Nov 27, 2017
Summary: My daddy always told me that the words please, thank you and excuse me could take you far in life.
I never quite understood what he meant until I became older and took for granted the one person who exemplified this simple kindness on the greatest stage in the world.

This is a story of life, love, betrayal, forgiveness and the harshest lesson that life has ever taught me. Be wise, be kind, have faith and let that be enough.

Categories: Dangerous: 1991-1993
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8152 Read Count: 342
[Report This] Published: Feb 10, 2017 Updated: Nov 27, 2017

When times are hard, we must remember where we are and who we love and who brought us that emotion. Embark on this journey of Love, Hate, and Situations! 

Categories: Off The Wall: 1975-1981, Thriller: 1982-1983, Bad: 1986-1990, Dangerous: 1991-1993
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6642 Read Count: 145
[Report This] Published: Nov 09, 2017 Updated: Nov 23, 2017

Trinity lives an unfulfilled life as an outcast, under the ever so watchful eye of her strict father, who also happens to be the mayor of her town. But when her curiosity sends her to the eerie property of the mysterious and delightfully charismatic Maestro, her life is forever changed. And an entire world of magic and mystery opens up for her as her true destiny becomes revealed.. Join Trinity in the adventure of a lifetime as she deals with magic, destiny and love in this supernatural romance,


Let Them All Materialize!


Categories: HIStory: 1995-1999, Adult, Adventure, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mild Violence, Nudity, Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Abuse, Death, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Kidnapping, Physical Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 68 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 332835 Read Count: 40969
[Report This] Published: Nov 02, 2012 Updated: Nov 22, 2017

Ever imagine growing up avoiding the mistakes of others that you see on the daily news everyday 

I though the same until someone had walking in my life and put me in a world of the unknown

This was my love story which took a sinster twist which I was slowly sucked into

Based on a true story 

Categories: Off The Wall: 1975-1981
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mild Violence, Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1001 Read Count: 31
[Report This] Published: Nov 22, 2017 Updated: Nov 22, 2017
Give It Up by Lenetta16 Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 102]

Peyton is your typical high school outcast. She doesn't follow trends, she has a very low tolerence for others and she lacks a sunny disposition. But when she meets Michael, the friendly college student who is the complete opposite of her, it seems as if he can be the one thing that will actually make her somewhat enjoy school. Will they become really close friends or will it eventually evolve into something more? Find out in Give It Up!

Categories: Off The Wall: 1975-1981, Angst, Humor, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 75070 Read Count: 3995
[Report This] Published: Aug 14, 2013 Updated: Nov 22, 2017

Ariya thought the town she grew up in was a pretty safe place to live. There hadn't been a brutal murder since before she was born-that is until the murder of cheerleader Sylvia Banks happened. But amidst all the rumors and hype surrounding her death, Ariya had found solace-and friendship-with the seemingly untouchable and mysterious Michael. But as their friendship slowly begins to blossom, is there something about him that seems a little too concealed? Or is it just her imagination?


moon banner



Categories: Thriller: 1982-1983, Adventure, Angst, Fantasy, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mild Violence, Nudity, Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Strong Language
Trigger Warnings: Death, Emotional Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 121133 Read Count: 5214
[Report This] Published: Feb 08, 2015 Updated: Nov 22, 2017