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:.Monday 27th of  April 1997 :.

Michael and Paul sat under the fan in the empty collage lounge waiting for Eva. The pair of friends sat beside each other complaining about their hungry stomachs.

“Michael pal when is the famous Eva going to get here? I am quite fascinated. tea isn’t cutting it” Paul inquired to his friend shaking his bottle of ice tea to emphasize.

“I don’t know Paul she’ll get here when she’s ready. I hope what she promised is good” Michael responded with a roll of his eyes.

“and you didn’t bother to ask what she was bringing? I have tried a few off their dishes to be fair and they are quite good” Paul replied while looking down at his watch ignoring the loud whaling sound from his stomach.

“of course, you’ve tasted the food. Your harem bought the food for you? You don’t think they might be trying to poison you with their love potion?” Michael told him.

“blasphemy my friend! It’s not store bought they cook the food. As you and I know I can easily burn my house down with my atrocious skills in the kitchen. They aren’t only good for warming my bed. Naivety is a sin” Paul smirked.

“I don’t need to know Paul!” Michael replied scrunching his nose in disgust at the imagery in his mind.

“look buddy just because you don’t get some---“Paul said before the door flew open revealing Eva in a jade coloured ruffle top with grey jeans and black dolly shoes on her feet.

“I’m sorry I’m late the sweets didn’t cool in time and eh Paul? Why are you here?” Eva said as she walked up to them.

“I heard about the food you were bringing my friend and I had to get my chance to try your food if that’s alright with you” Paul replied giving her a cheeky grin.

“eh sure that’s fine” Eva replied as she walked to the small table gently placing the small box securing the treats she had made in the morning.

She opened the box revealing golden brown pancake shaped sweets. The pair of friends sniffed the sweet aroma emitting from the box feeling their stomachs growl loudly.

“well I’ll take two with me! I’ve heard these are delicious from a lady friend of mine.” Paul said happily grabbing two pieces and laying them on his clean handkerchief. He plopped one into his mouth. He immediately sighed in pleasure from the sugary taste filling his mouth and belly.


He quickly gobbled up the first one as Eva and Michael picked their own pieces watching Paul’s reaction in amusement.

“well my dear! That was delicious! You are a snacking queen in my book. I’ll have to try more of your food someday!” Paul praised.

“thank you, Paul. You can take more there is plenty more to go around” Eva replied scratching her cheek in embarrassment.

“don’t be ashamed of your talents love! I’ll take one more and leave you both in peace. I should find my model and get the last shots for the final critic this Thursday! Toodles” Paul answered grabbing one more piece before walking away with the snack and ice tea out of the room.

Now duo was alone Michael could finally get a word in with Eva as he scuffed another piece down before he responded wiping his mouth with his own handkerchief in hand.

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agree with Paul the sweets were delicious! It wasn’t too sugary it was just right. What are they called? I thought they were pancakes but they didn’t taste like pancakes. What are they?” Michael questioned curiously.

“the treat is called malapua. It’s made by crushing ripe bananas adding coconut then flour and water.” Eva explained as she watched Michael grab another piece, biting into it.

After swallowing down the last bite in his mouth Michael felt his stomach was full and didn’t eat another piece. Eva noticing, he hadn’t taken anymore closed the box lid.

“you don’t want another piece you only ate three” Eva questioned.

“don’t worry my stomach fills up quite quickly. You can leave the rest to the boys” Michael replied grinning.

“they already had one or two for breakfast after begging” Eva said with a roll of her eyes.

“they are growing boys didn’t you say so yourself” Michael mentioned cheekily.

“yes, but it doesn’t mean they should be greedy” Eva scoffed.

“are you trying to not let the boys have any more food! They are growing so big” Michael mocked jokingly.

Eva raised a single eyebrow at his wide toothed smile. Just as she was about to shove him Michael immediately grabbed her wrists in retaliation.

“now Eva don’t start something you can’t finish” Michael responded giving her a beaming smile.


Eva didn’t bother trying to respond as she struggled to pull her wrists out of Michael’s grasp. Michael chuckled before letting her go.

“Do you want to finish the photoshoot today? Paul did mention it” Eva asked Michael.

“that would be helpful. How about we go to my place? We can take the last shots in my room” Michael answered.

“um sure” Eva replied unsure.

“I promise I won’t try anything your safe with me” Michael assured sensing her unease.

The pair left the room to stroll out of the college bantering back and forth ignoring the curious stares they met along the way to the car park.


One Hour Later,

Michael parked in front of a modest cream coloured house. Stepping out of the car, they walked up to the front pathway leading to the front door.  Eva noticed the small bushes of roses and lilies behind a small fence.

Eva strolled behind feeling slightly nervous that she would be going inside Michael’s home. She didn’t expect she would come along so soon.

Unaware of Eva’s conflicted feelings Michael walked up to the front door and opened it using his silver key in hand. Opening the door Michael walked and Eva followed in behind him.

Eva stepped into the home noticing the walls filled with various pictures of a young Michael next to a girl who was almost his identical twin and two other people. She stood looking up at the different memories held in each frame.

Michael turned around to find her standing in front of the framed wall. He walked to stand by her looking up at the various images chuckling at the memories.

“is this your aunt Jay and Uncle Roy with you and your twin?” Eva asked pointing at the family portrait where Michael stood beside Aunt Jay as Janet sat cross-legged on the floor next to Uncle Roy. They all wore huge grins expressing their happiness with their fists held raised in the air.

“that was a family photo a year after my younger sister and I settled in the country after a sad tragedy. It was meant to be a playful photoshoot. but it ended up becoming serious since the photographer was being a pain and slightly racist to us. We chose to aggravate him even more by raising our fists in unity. That was a good day” Michael explained in whimsical tone ignoring the sadness flooding within him.


“wow that’s an interesting story! Now I can put imagination to a face to your aunt and uncle. Your family sounds like so much fun. Makes me realize how long it’s been since I last spoke to my family” Eva replied with a sad smile.

Michael pushed his sadness to the back of his mind. He patted her shoulder in sympathy and said in a comforting voice “don’t worry you’ll see them during the holidays and maybe it’s time to give them a call?”

“Your right I’ve been so busy that I didn’t have the chance to call them. Thank you, Michael,” she answered giving him a small smile.

“well let’s go to the living room. One day I’ll tell you about the stories linked to the pictures. “Michael answered as he began to tug her in the direction of the living room.

The pair walked into the living room as Eva’s eyes saw two burgundy coloured coaches with a small desk table arranged in the middle. Whereas behind second coach was a small wine bar decorated in a rich brown colour.

“wow I have never seen a bar inside a room. This is bizarre” Eva said as her eyes swept around the room.

“well this was the only room my uncle was allowed redecorate because Aunty Jay felt it needed a new style. Luckily he persuaded her to let him” Michael chuckled going to the mini bar while Eva went to sit down.

“would you like anything to drink? There’s wine and nothing else” Michael joked.

“water and nothing else” Eva scoffed.

Michael grabbed a cool bottle of water from the mini fridge. Taking one of the wine glasses, he held the two items in hand turning around to walk slowly out of the corner of the room to where Eva sat.

He bent down to his knees gently placing the items on the table before he stood up more once to full height.

“well enjoy the drink. I’m just going to check something in my room first before you enter” Michael said to Eva.


“don’t stay up there too long” she responded as she untwisted the lid from the bottle pouring herself a drink.


Michael rolled his eyes before walking out of the living room to his bedroom to check on his precious snake ‘Muscles’. He knew Janet would feed him in his absence since she was home from the flu she developed a few days ago.


Now Janet heard her brother’s door open and close from her bedroom.  


What’s Michael doing back so early?

Janet wondered.


She threw the covers back then shoved her feet into the bedroom slippers before leaving the room.


Janet hoped a cup of honey and tea would hopefully clear up the flu she developed in last week.


Walking down the stairs holding a roll of toilet roll in one hand and using the other to blow the mucus from her nose. She went down steadily till she stopped in front of the living room to see a young woman who looked a few years older than herself drinking a glass of water.


Janet let the curiosity overcome her shyness striding into the room alerting Eva.


 “hello! Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” Janet asked.


“What? No! I’m just his model for his project is all” Eva explained.


“oh, you’re the famous Eva I’ve heard about from Michael” Janet replied excited.


“um what has he said about me?” Eva inquired.


“well he said ---“her response was cut off by the urge to blow her nose. She pulled some tissue from the roll in hand and blew covering it in slimy mucus.


She eyed the mucus covered tissue before stuffing it in the hole of the toilet roll.


“you have a cold? Have you taken anything?” Eva asked in a concerned tone.


“I have been taking tea with honey and nothing more” Janet sniffed.


“a remedy from my country is lemon, cinnamon, and honey mixed together in warm water. It should help clear your cold” Eva suggested to the ill teenager.


“thank you now are you---“Janet was about to say till she was cut off by Michael’s voice.


“dunk what are you doing out of bed!” Michael tittered as he strolled into the room with his camera in his hands.


“I came down to make some tea but your girlfriend gave me a lovely remedy which I’m going to go try. Nice meeting you” Janet replied giving her big brother a glare before giving Eva a grateful smile. She walked out of the room ignoring Michael’s protest.

“now my sister is out of the way. Let’s go up to my room” Michael sighed 

The pair strolled out of the living room going up the stairs leading to his room.

Once inside the room Eva looked around the room to see some posters of musicians hung on his wall. A stack of comic books, and a pile of black covered books arranged neatly on a wooden medium sized table. On the other side of the room was a vivarium sat on the top shelf in the spacious wardrobe. She heard the low hissing sounds from inside.


 “well this is my room it’s not girly or decorative” Michael said strolling into the room to sit on his seat.


Eva didn’t know where to look feeling slightly embarrassed she had never stayed in a man’s room apart from her male cousins.


“do you want to seat on my chair? I can sit on my bed even if it’s more comfortable” Michael asked noticing the look of uncertainty written all over Eva’s face.

“I’d prefer it that way” she answered.

Michael stood up from his seat allowing Eva to sit comfortably on the chair crossing her legs.

“you know what to do Eva be yourself as always. please don’t force a smile” he teased.

“I don’t force my smiles. They are genuine” Eva scoffed in response.

“ah I don’t agree” Michael responded with a light chuckle as he snapped a few shots of Eva switching in between poses.


“Michael, you own a snake? I’ve been hearing a few hissing sounds from the box over there” Eva asked curious.


“I do own a snake and his name is Muscles. Would you like to look at him closely? He’s full grown” Michael told her.

“I would love to!” Eva replied excited.

“are you sure?” he asked with a hint of worry.

“yes, bring him” Eva replied in assuring tone.

Leaving his camera on the bed Michael went to the varirum to see his beloved pet muscles laying on a large tree branch staring up at him.

“heya buddy someone wants to meet you today” Michael cooed at Muscles as he bent his arms down to wrap his fingers around the middle part of his cold-blooded pet. Gently taking him out of the enclosure Michael turned around with muscles sat comfortably in his arms.

Muscles shifted around in his master’s arms till he felt comfortable. He flicked his fork shaped tongue absently.

Eva watched Michael come closer till he sat on the bed holding Muscles in his arms. She couldn’t help but admire the shine on his brown scales. It showed he was in full healthy condition and it was all because of Michael.

“wow he is so beautiful” Eva cooed at the unbothered Muscles.

“has he eaten?” Eva asked curiously.

“from what Janet said she fed him before I came home so he’ll be fed for a few days at least. Have you had any pets?” Michael asked her stroking Muscles arrow shaped head gently with his fore thumb. 

“I picked up many animals I found small enough to fit in my pocket from lizards to baby snakes. Keeping them for a few days till my younger found out my hobbies and told my parents forcing me to let them be free.” she explained with a wide smile.

Wow a girl who likes snakes? Now that’s rare to find. I’m liking her personality even more.

Michael thought in awe.

“would you like to hold him? It would be the perfect end to my project since you are my model” Michael teased.

Eva rolled her eyes at him as she spread her arms wide enough for the body of Muscles.

Michael chuckled before speaking to his beloved friend “now muscles I’ll be moving you to another friend. Don’t bite her alright?”

Muscles flicked his tongue in response not giving any answer to his master’s request. Michael sensing no protest from him. Stood up gently with Muscles approached Eva slowly holding eye contact with Eva as he slowly bent to her shoulders to place ‘Muscles’ on her slender neck.

Eva sat frozen as she locked her gaze with Michael watching him place the reptile on her neck. She felt the cool underbelly of the snake, ’Muscles’ briefly coiled firmly but loosened once he sensed no threat in sight.

“now stay like that Eva I’ll snap a few shots and I’ll take him back from you” Michael advised her as he slowly stepped away to his bed, grabbing the camera.

For the next few minutes Michael snapped many pictures of Eva gently handling his scaly companion in several poses and angles until he was satisfied.

Once his cold-blooded friend was back in his enclosure Michael sat on his bed facing Eva.

“well all I can say is for thank you for sticking with me and my project Eva. You’re the voted star model in my class” Michael mentioned.

“where’s my gold star?” she retorted in a teasing tone.

“well the gold star isn’t on me I must have left it in my other pocket” he replied pretending to pat his pockets.

“now you sound like Paul” Eva answered with a cheeky grin.

I have known that gentleman for over five years I did pick up some of his habits” Michael replied with a bark of a laugh.

“I can see that but what happens now Michael? I don’t want this budding friendship to end” Eva confessed chewing on her upper lip nervously as she looked at Michael.

“you want this friendship to keep going? Wow I didn’t expect you would. I want to be friends too. How about an invitation to my family cook out next month? About a week from now” Michael answered with a wide smile.


“A cook out?” Eva questioned confused with furrowed eyebrows.

“don’t worry I’ll explain while I’m driving” Michael responded with a cheeky grin as the pair stood together and left his room.









Chapter End Notes:

it's been two weeks since I last updated lol. I only did it to get more chapters and focusing on my work. beware more to come soon!



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