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      The red coats looked at the boys with impressive expressions written all over their faces. "Hmmm.... Not bad, those fine young gentlemen are very good; but they won't be when I pull out the secret weapon." Getting out his very large pistol, he then started to shoot directly at them who all ducked just in time. "Man, that was a close one." Jackie said as they all nodded slowly breathing out sighs of relief but, something was missing; Michael's hat was gone the bullet must have hit causing it to fall off his Afro. Looking around frantically, the guys saw that they were nothing but children impersonating to be like soldier men the entire time. "I can not believe we've been bamboozled by kids!" One of them exclaimed clenching his teeth and gritting them. Pointing toward the child vocalist, he then shot making the whole scene going into slow motion.

Upon seeing the bullet, Michael tried to get out of the way as quick as possible. Jackie, who also caught a glimpse of it, ran in front of his little brother protecting him but it had hit him in his chest making him fall on his side. Everyone watched in horror at the most frightening scene ever; even the girls were stunned themselves couldn't believe their eyes. "No... It can't be." April whispered covering her mouth to keep herself from screaming. They decided they had enough of just hiding around and it was time to make their presence known to help their friends out by carrying the eldest. The red coats stared at the guy with his gun as they all furrowed their eyebrows asking him why he would do such a thing? But he was already gone.

     William watched the entire time as he slowly turned his head towards the kids who were carrying a weak Jackie. "What happened to him?" Michael explained the whole thing making sure not to leave out any details what-so-ever as they were walking to a cabin that was not far. April came in with a bowl full of cold water and some bandages as she set to work nursing the eldest Jackson back to health while the boys watched with hopeful but helpless eyes. There, laid the 18 year old motionless not making a sound his eyes shut tightly while the young brunette took off his clothes leaving him half naked only showing his torso; lightly dabbing the rag, she cleaned him up and then wrapped the medical supply around. "Oh Jackie please be okay; we love you big brother." Mike said to himself feeling tears going down his face. "He needs rest right now it might do his body good." April said as they all nodded.

Michael watched the moon while the others slept soundly later that night. He sighed a deep sad sigh and turned his attention to his big sibling who hadn't moved from his spot. He quietly walked over planting a kiss on his forehead. "Please be alive and thank you so much for protecting me." Just then, a smile slowly crept up on his face but he didn't opened his eyes. "I love you all always." He said in his mind.

     Jackie's eyes flickered opened early the next morning. He was still feeling slightly sore but sucked in the pain anyway as he looked all around his eyes then traveled down to the children and William who were all still sleeping soundly; Michael was sleeping over next to him as he smiled warmly giving him a kiss who slowly awoke and rubbed the yucky mucus out of his eye corners as he looked up seeing his brother smiling. He then grinned real wide and hugging him but not too much for he was still in pain somewhat. 

"You're alive, I thought you weren't going to make it." The elder brother wiped his tears. "I would never leave you all behind to face danger by yourselves not on my watch." The others then got up and shook their sleepiness off seeing Jack waving towards them. "Nice to see you up Bro how are you feeling right now?" Marlon asked as he just replied saying he was much better but sore. "I'm sure you'll heal soon than later; how about I make you some soup to settle inside?" April asked and he nodded telling her thanks as she got to work making enough for everyone. "Why don't you just rest and we'll take care of everything?" Tito suggested but he shook his head. "No, I need to be there I was afraid that you were going to lose your life when we were still in Rome I'm not going to see any of you get lost let them put their all on me that's how siblings and friends are." The brothers, girls, and man became shocked after hearing his little speech as they had determined smiles and nodded.

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