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A week later, upon arriving at an airport in Dublin, Ireland, Renee, Tyrell, MyKayla and her Speed Demon band mates-after disembarking their flight from Indiana- headed along the corridor with other passengers to the baggage claim area where they waited to collect their luggage. While they waited, Renee and her friends were greeted by a stout, gray-haired man carrying a sign with the name of MyKayla's band written on it.

"Hey guys, over here." said MyKayla to Renee and the others, having seen the name "SPEED DEMON" on the man's sign. "Hello." said MyKayla as she crossed to the man.

"Hello!" said the man cheerfully, with a distinct Irish accent. "I'm looking for SPEED DEMON."

"We're SPEED DEMON". replied MyKayla while referring to her band mates. "And this is Renee and Tyrell Alexander." MyKayla continued while referring to Renee and Ty.

"A pleasure." replied the man. "I'm Alistair...I'm part of Michael Jackson's staff during his stay here in Ireland...I take it he told you he'd send someone to meet you when you arrived."

"Yes." replied MyKayla and others in her party.

"If you'll follow me, folks." replied Alistair.

MyKayla, Renee, Ty, and MyKayla's band mates followed Alistair out to the parking lot of the airport where they were led to an nondescript, unmarked van whose driver assisted with the loading of the luggage as well as the transportation. Although at first disappointed to be riding in a van rather than the limousine they'd assumed would be waiting for them, MyKayla and her band mates realized the logic of the situation.

"A van." muttered one of MyKayla's band mates under his breath. "I thought we'd be riding in a limo."

"So did I." muttered another band mate.

"Yeah, I did too." replied MyKayla. But you know guys, this is Michael Jackson we're talking about ...the King of Pop himself...I mean, just think of the crowd we would have drawn if they'd seen us getting into a limo...And the mob scene there would have been if Michael had been here instead of...I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name already." continued MyKayla to Alistair.

"Quite alright...it's Alistair but you can call me 'Al." replied Alistair. "So, you lot are going to make some records with Michael, are you?"

"My band and I are." replied MyKayla. "They're just here to listen." MyKayla continued, referring to Renee and Ty again.

"Ah...Well, I wish you all the luck in the world." replied Al to MyKayla and her band mates.

"Thank you." replied MyKayla.

"Well, here we are." replied Al, a short while later, as the van pulled in and parked in front of an attractive cottage. "Oh, and in case you're in need of lodging, or transport, we'd be happy to oblige."

"Our lodging is all arranged." replied MyKayla. "We're going to be staying in a bed and breakfast while we're here...We found one right down the road."

"Ah, yes." replied Al as MyKayla and the others climbed out of the van. "A good choice, reasonably priced too...Here we are, folks...Right this way." Al continued as he entered the cottage and led MyKayla, her band mates, Renee and Ty into what appeared to be the cottage's living area.

"Wow!" Renee exclaimed under her breath, impressed by the attractive decor of the room.

"Oh my God!" replied MyKayla under her breath, awestruck at being in Michael Jackson's home.

"Michael's expecting you...He's outside in the yard with his children. They have three little friends visiting...He should be in momentarily." replied Al as MyKayla and the others then heard Michael's familiar laugh from outside where he, his children, and their guests were playing a game of "Mr. Fox",with Michael presently taking the title role.

"Yeah, he's out there alright...oh my god." muttered MyKayla with nervous excitement as a gray haired Irish woman, the same age as Alistair, having seen MyKayla and the others, called out to Michael: "Michael...your visitors from America are here!" to which Michael'd responded by excusing himself from the children and their game, and making his way across the yard and porch to the cottage door, followed closely by daughter Paris-curious to meet her daddy's visitors.

"Hey! Hello everybody !" exclaimed Michael with a smile to his guests as he and Paris came in to the room as they returned the greeting. "Thank you all for coming."

"Thank you for having us." replied Renee calmly with a smile.

"Hello, Michael." said MyKayla.

"You must be MyKayla." replied Michael pleasantly.

"Yes." replied MyKayla who then remembered to introduce the members of her band. "And this is Nick-my drummer; my bass player Chad..."

"What a pretty little girl." commented Renee in a whispered aside to Ty,- having seen Michael's daughter Paris-as MyKayla finished introducing her band mates to Michael. "She has her mother's eyes, no?"

"Mm, definitely." replied Ty who'd seen photos of Michael with Debbie Rowe, the birth mother of Paris and older brother, Prince.

"And this must be your daughter." MyKayla was heard to say, having noticed Michael's daughter Paris who was standing beside her dad.

"Yes, this is Paris." replied Michael proudly with an arm around his daughter.

"Hello!" exclaimed MyKayla

"Hello." replied Paris pleasantly.

"Paris, c'mon! It's your turn." one of the little Irish children Michael and his kids had been playing with earlier called from out in the yard.

"Okay!" Paris called back before looking to Michael for approval. "Can I, daddy?...Please?"

"Okay." said Michael after a minute to consider. "Just be careful."

"I will." replied Paris while heading back outside to join the other kids. "Thank you, daddy."

"She's so cute." thought MyKayla while watching Paris leave the room, before remembering she hadn't introduced Renee and Ty. "Oh, and this is Tyrell Alexander...Ty impersonates you for a living." MyKayla continued as Michael and Tyrell exchanged handshakes and verbal greetings.

"Actually, I'm a dance teacher." continued Ty. "I teach your moves to school kids. I impersonate you when the opportunity presents itself."

'Really?" replied Michael impressed to be meeting someone who impersonated him. "Let's see something." In response to the request, Ty executed Michael's trademark spins, 'moonwalk', and toe stand. "Hey! Alright!" replied Michael, impressed.

"You should see him in costume. He looks just like you." replied MyKayla, then remembering to introduce Renee. "Oh, and this is Ty's wife, Renee.

"Bon Jour, Michael." replied Renee while clasping hands with Michael.

"Bon Jour...It's good to see you again." Michael replied.

As Renee puzzled over Michael's comment, Michael invited her and her friends to take seats on the comfortable looking sofa and other chairs in the room.

"Hey guys, don't forget the presents." whispered MyKayla to her friends, who went to retrieve the items they brought for Michael, as one of her band mates handed an item to her.

"Michael, we all know how incredibly difficult the past year was for you, with the media circus and everything." said MyKayla. "And we were so thrilled by the news of your acquittal, that we-each of us-held fund raising events in your honor. You've already seen a clip from our concert on Youtube but here's a video of the entire concert along with a check for the money we made in ticket sales." continued MyKayla while presenting Michael with the d.v.d and the check.

"And my radio station held a two-day marathon of your music, which brought in enough to divide between a fund for you, and contributions to some of the charities you've worked with in the past." continued Renee while handing an envelope to Michael. "And there's also a check in there for contributions Tyrell and I made in your name to the Red Cross and the burn center you opened following your accident."

"And the students of the school system I work for staged a festival showcasing your music, and collected donations as well." added Ty while handing Michael a d.v.d. of the recent all-school performing arts festival, and an envelope with a check for the donations.

"Ah, you collected donations." replied Renee in a quiet aside, not having been sure if the school had collected any money.

"Wow...this is incredible." replied Michael, quietly while looking over the gifts he'd just received, seeming to have been rendered speechless.

"You okay, man?' replied Ty, noting a change in Michael's demeanor.

"I really wasn't expecting this." Michael replied, feeling overwhelmed by the outpouring of love expressed by Renee and her friends. "...Thank you, everybody."

"You're worth it, bro." replied one of MyKayla's Speed Demon band mates as MyKayla went over to Michael and knelt before him.

"Oh, Michael." replied MyKayla as she clasped one of Michael's hands in her own before reaching up and kissing Michael on the cheek, making herself resist the temptation to kiss him on the mouth. "I love you so much."

In response, Michael whispered "I love you more." just as a member of his kitchen staff came into the room.

"Excuse me, everybody." said the younger woman pleasantly. "Lunch will be ready in fifteen minutes, Michael."

"Thank you." replied Michael before getting an idea, excusing himself, and speaking quietly with the assistant who shortly afterward invited Tyrell, MyKayla and her band mates to join her outside on the patio.

"Refreshments are being served on the patio if you'd care to join me." said the assistant to Ty, MyKayla and her band mates who proceeded to follow the assistant out to the patio.

Assuming Michael knew about her agoraphobia, and had known better then to extend the invitation to her, Renee waited and watched as Michael made sure Tyrell and the others were taken care of and served outside.

"She's really excited about getting to work with you...they all are. They're really looking forward to it." Renee commented to Michael as they watched Tyrell, MyKayla et al about to be entertained in the back yard.

"I'm looking forward to working with them...," replied Michael. "They're really good...I would love to do a concert here and use them as my band but I'm going to be leaving Ireland soon...There wouldn't be time..."

Renee speculated briefly perhaps Michael was going to be returning to the states, and found it hard to understand why anyone would want to return to the country whose citizens-a lot of them-had practically ostracized them with their hatred. Renee also couldn't help notice how rested and happy Michael looked lately. It was as if leaving the United States and the hostile 'fishbowl' existence the tabloid media had created had allowed the old Michael Jackson to re-surface, the Michael Jackson who Renee remembered looked so happy while performing "Blame It On The Boogie", and "Enjoy Yourself" with his brothers, and "Rock With You" at the start of his solo career. Renee had also noticed the same joy earlier when she'd witnessed Michael at play with his children and their friends.

"I wouldn't blame you if you never came back to the states, Cheri...I've been thinking lately about returning to Nice...but there is Tyrell to consider...I would give up my United States citizenship in a minute but perhaps Ty wouldn't be as willing." Renee thought to herself.

Kindred Spirits (c) 2010
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