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The soft grey rain is falling above me like a comforting sheet surrounding the mansion. I am searching for a melody today, and have been since I woke up this morning after hearing it in my dream last night. I cannot remember it. It eludes me and I cannot find it. I know it is there, I just have to know it when it comes. The thunder rolling from the sky does not inspire me, nor does the sound of the wind blowing the leaves along the stone pathways. I come across the melody quite by accident when I hear it on the glass roof. This is it, this is my inspiration. This is what I have been looking for. I know it. I feel it. I shut my eyes and listen as it taps down to me. It’s like a whispered message; I have to listen to hear it. The melody forms in my mind, no words yet, just the sound. In the grey light that surrounds me I begin to slowly move my feet; I shut my eyes to listen to the rhythm which is now coming from all around me from the roof above and the windows to the side. It is like nature can hear my thoughts and intensifies the storm to a roar, I move my shoulders and then my thigh until all of my body is united in movement.
I am dancing with nature. I am inspired by her rhythm.
I open my eyes, and I begin to write.
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