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Author's Chapter Notes:

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter ♥

Things are getting more interesting ;)

Love ♥

- So...What's up ?

We were the 23 of July,  more or less one month after Michael's death and Kyla and I were in my room, on this hot thursday evening, talking instead of working for school like we were supposed to. 

- Well, nothing. Always these awful science homeworks from our beloved Miss Robertson that she left us to do for summer break. Talking about that, did you find the answer at question 8 ?

- It's A and C but I'm not talking about that, I'm worried about you. You changed since he left us.

- You can keep pronounce his name. 

- You're crying evertime someone does.

- So what ? Are you going to tell me what everyone told me since that day ? That I should go on and stop dramatize the situation ? You were loving him as much as me isn't it ? So why aren't you sad.

- I am but it's done now, none of your tears will ever make him breath again !

- How can you say that... How dare you...

I felt my heart break one more time and I threw on her the coldest look I could.

- Jo just listen to me, we couldn't do anything to save him see ? It's what this thing called God, destiny or whatever decided for him. 

- So you believe in God now, yeah that's easier like that.

I heard her sigh, exceeded.

- Let's finish our work.

I was feeling like the world was empty, time was frozen and people less... happy. I had always seen Michael's music like a way to stop violence and pain around the world. He was making everyone smile and feeling in need of giving love or help to eachother. Now, with his disappearance, good music would also quit this planet and every good effect she had would leave with it. And that was killing me days after days.  September finally came and with that, the end of our holidays aggravating my sadness. 

- We're finally in the same class this year, Kyla almost screamed, I'm dying to see the new sport teacher !

- That's because everone tell he's the sexiest we ever had, you're seriously incorrigible. 

- Oh please don't be so boring !

She kept talking with this almost annoying too much of excitation in her voice, but I wasn't listening anymore. Something, well, someone else has caught my attention. There, at the end of the corridor near the last locker, a  light black skinned boy was wearing a black t-shirt where I could recognize Michael's face. He was standing here, alone what could tell that he was new. After a few minutes at  staring at him, he turned to me, probably feeling my eyes on him. I quickly moved my head away, blushing. 

- Hey Jo, are you listening ? 

- Yeah ... Er...

- The bell rang five minutes ago already ! Let's go ! Hey, you're all red, are you okay ?

- Yes, I'm just hot, let's move to class.

I sat next to her and began to take my things off of my bag when Kyla shouted - a bit too loud - pointing her finger straight to the door.

- Hey Jo, this guy probably loves Michael Jackson too !

- Kyla please stop fangirling, not here at least, and stop screaming everytime that's...

And I saw him, the guy from the corridor. He was in my class and now, because of Kyla, he and the rest of people here were looking at us. " What a great way to start this year ! " I thought. He smiled and took a desk against the wall, hopefully two desks away from mine. Our teacher arrived a few seconds after and the class started. I felt the look of the strange boy on me all the day long. He was never that away from me on break what Kyla made me notice.

- I think he finds you pretty.

- Stop Kyla, you're dumb.

- I'm serious ! I even wonder if he blinked one time since he started looking at you.

- Kyla please...

She was a bit right on some points... I was feeling stalked and uncomfortable but I prefered think that it was just my imagination. 

This big first school day ended and Kyla took her bus while I decided to go put my stuff in my locker. I was here, with two or three other students doing the same things, thinking about so much things with my headphones on and Billie Jean saying that Michael was the one. Suddently, the music stopped in one of my ears. I turned to the silhouette behind me and let a scream escape at the same time of my book which fell to the ground. 

- Oh, I like this song, it's my second favorite with Black or White.

And then I saw my stalker bend down and pick up the book I left fall.

- Well, Moonwalker huh ? 

- That's like a Bible to me....

- Yeah, same to me. I'm Eden Foster and you ?

- Nobody knows or uses my name excepted my mother so... Call me Jo. Yeah, I'm Jo Harvey.

- Well, nice to meet you, can I ask you something ?

- Sure, what ?

- How can we be both dead and alive ?

- I don't know...How ?

- Hiding in Neverland.



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