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Author's Chapter Notes:

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."

-Charles Chaplin


            I walk out of Mrs. Beaver's classroom with a smile. She's my AP math teacher and helped me finish last night's homework.

            Anyways, I was heading to the commons to wait to be dismissed to our classes, when I see Michael.

            "Hey, jheri curls, get over here!" He spots me and smiles.

            "I like your outfit today" he says awkwardly.

"I like you." He looks up and smiles at me shyly. See, I'm not the same timid middle school girl. I've grown some guts since then.

"How was your night?" he asks.

"My sister had a date so she borrowed my mom's perfume. The nozzle broke off so now the house smells like Chanel No 5." He laughs.

"That's horrible, but funny."

"It's okay, it happens a lot." He gives me a smirk. It fades away as Grant's new crew comes towards us.

"Hey look, it's the freak shows!" he yells catching everyone's attention.

"Shut the hell up Mackentire!" I respond. Everyone had their eyes on us.

"What are you going to do, write in your little tabloid about this!" his side chic Alyssa says.

"Tabloids are the opiate of the massive aka people like you with your dumb ass! Now shut up, no one here even likes you anyways!" Alyssa scoffs and rolls her eyes. I turn towards Grant.

"By the way, you are pathetic. You, all of you pick and tease and criticize and shun Michael because what? Exactly!" I turn my attention back to Grant.

"I'm never forgiving you for what you did, so don't fucking talk to me!" I say angrily, burning my eyes through him. I lean in to say the last part just for him to hear.

"Stay the hell away from Michael, or it will be hell for you, friend."  He laughs at my rant, but in his eyes I can see his fear.

"That's what you think." I blink twice in confusion before the bell rings.

"Better get to class Ski!"

"Don't call me that!"

I walk to my locker, preparing for orchestra, Michael trailing close behind me. I pay him no mind as I start fidgeting with my locker combo.

"Thank you, for what you did back there. No one ever does that" he says quietly. I smile softly at him.

"They don't say anything, because they're scared, that's all." He smiles and we stare at each other for a minute, until the two minute bell rings.

"Come on, we have our classes."

"Wait what about your bag and stuff?" I ask feeling slightly selfish for taking away passing period time.

"I carry it around as a shield" he states. I scrunch my face.

"A what?" Suddenly two of Grant's minions walk up to Michael. One with paste, you know the stuff they used as glue in the olden days, and the other a jug of milk.

"Drink up Jackson!" In seconds Michael's covered in the mixture of paste and milk. I blink rapidly at him in shock.

"Wha--"He hushes me.

"Happens all the time, trust me it's the norm." I do the first thing that comes to mind.

I take Michael to the, ugh Lorde help me, men's room, to help him clean off. Let's just say their restrooms are cleaner, because for starters, less blood, but that's not the priority right now.

First I clean of his face and clothes, which thankfully, wasn't stained. Then I took care of the real problem. His HAIR.

I wash the stuff out of his hair than use the product he hands me to put the jheri in jheri curl. Finally I was done.

"How'd I do?" I ask nervously. He looks in the mirror for a glance, and then gives me that award winning smile. I return it.

"Why do they do that though?" I ask out of curiosity. But unfortunately, curiosity killed the cat. He gives me an impeccable look of annoyance.

"Really Skeeter, you don't know?" I shake my head wide eyed, backing up towards the door.

"You can't figure it out with that brilliant mind of yours?" he asks again, his usual brown eyes, now pitch black. I shake my head again, my body now pressed against the entry door, Michael an inch away from me.

"It's cum, Skeeter." My eyes widen as he pushes me out the way and leaves the bathroom. I think about chasing after him, but decide against it. It'd best to let him burn off steam. On that note I go to the orchestra room.

"Good morning Skeeter, make sure to get your bass out." I nod at my orchestra teacher and set up next to the other bass player, Lauren Ellenz.

"Hey Skeeter, can I borrow your book again?" she asks. I nod, my mind preoccupied by what just happened.

"Okay everyone; I want to remind you that next week we start the Music Department Ensembles, so some of you might move to different classes. You all will get your assigned groups next week. Now someone please turn the tuner on and start tuning." I sigh. I like the kids in this class, there my other friends besides the whole newspaper staff. It's gonna be awkward working with people you don't know.


The day flies by after first period, leaving no homework for the weekend. I haven't seen Michael since this morning, and I'm starting to get worried. I'm afraid his mad at me for my ignorance.

Snapping out of my pool of thoughts, I look up to see Alyssa coming towards my locker.

"Here's the thing Skitter, or whatever your name is, Grant's having a party next Friday that the whole school's going to be at. He asked me to personally invite you and your little friend. It's going to be the party of the year, so don't screw up. See you there!" She says all this in a dull mood, annoyed by the fact that she had to do this. However, the party would make a great news scoop so...

"I'm in, me and my friend."




Chapter End Notes:


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