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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sry i didn't update yesterday but...

I was dead tired, I berely made through school and kept tking naps in classroom corners during passing period. :(

But I did today? :/

I'm still sick tho...

Review? (Or nah!)

Just, just review.

Byzeeeeeee!:* :3



          I walk up the stairs to the bedroom to find Prince. I can hear him on the phone in his room.

          "Okay, love you Niki. I'll see you tonight." I walk in.

          "Hey Prince." He looks up at me and smiles.

          "Oh, hey Ella. How are you?" "Fine." He nods. This is super awkward.

          "So who were you talking to?" I ask, trying to ease tension.

          "My girlfriend actually." My eyes widen in surprise. I didn't know about that.

          "She must be wonderful."

          "She is." He shifts, studying me. "Did you want something?" I glare at him. He throws up his hands.

          "I don't mean to be rude, but I have things to do." I sigh at his frankness. Well, now it'll be extra awkward.

          "What would you do I f you had another sister?" I ask hurriedly. He ponders on my question for a good few minutes. I sit on his bed, waiting.

          "Well, I wouldn't mind it. Like, if it was some sort of Maury situation, I ‘d accept the new kid because, first of all, that's what my dad would want and two, I'm the leader, I have to set a good example." I smile at his thorough answer. At least I've got Prince backing me up.

          "Thanks Prince."

"No problem, but why the random question?" he inquires. I sigh and twist my wrist.

"Oh, um, nothing. Nothing at all?" I had squeaked my last sentence. Damn you voice!

Prince raises an eyebrow, but says nothing.

"See you later?" He nods as I scurry away. I really hope we get along soon.


I wander throughout the house, looking for the main library. I finally fall upon a secret door. It had a case of spiral black and red carpeted stairs. I walk up it slowly to be met by another door. I open it and to meet a large, well lit, room. I walk in and look around the place. I see rows and rows of books along the walls on dark-wooded shelves.

"Beauty and the Beast library" I whisper softly. It was like a real life version of the thing. "Whoa." I hear a soft giggle. I snap my head in that direction. I see Michael sitting in a chair reading. He gets up and walks over. The chair had a huge number seven.

"I see you like the library." I nod. He smirks.

"You like to read?" I nod again and he chuckles. He gestures for me to follow him. "Come."

We walk along the walls until we stop at a shelf. Michael pulled up a ladder and climbed up. He takes a book of the shelf and comes down.  He hands it to me. It was To Kill a Mockingbird.

"It's a good book. You should definitely read it. So, how've you been getting along with the kids?" he asks. I twist my wrists again.

"Yeah, except for Prince. Things are still a bit awkward. I also may have somewhat subtle asked what'd they'd think of having a sister?" Damn it! Another squeak! Michael raises an eyebrow at me, sighing.

"What'd they say?" he asks in an exasperated tone.

"Prince will back me up, Blanket will probably hate me, and possibly you too, and Paris would hate my guts." Michael's expression tires as he leans against the book case.

"What do you want to do?" he asks, in an undetectable tone. Is he testing me?

"What do you think is the wisest thing to do? They are your kids." He nods in agreement, still deep in thought. The man seems to be always thinking out everything.

"Let them get used to you. Maybe the blow will be softer that way."

That's a bad idea my inner voice admonishes. But I decide to go with it. They are his kids, right?

"I'm going to go. Are you fine down here Mr. Jackson?" He nods. I go up through the same pathway as before, with the black and red staircase. I hope his children don't know about this.


"Vania, this is Ella, Ella, and Vania." Paris was introducing me to her friend she invited over. I stick out my hand to shake. Vania takes it.

"Nice to meet you. Why are you in L.A.?" Vania asks in an analyzing tone. It sort of freaks me out.

"I'm actually recording an album." She nods, smiling. She wants to ask questions, but she decides not to. Fine by me.

"Well, since Prince is already on his date, and Blanket's at Karate, or whatever, want to have a super soaker war?" Paris asks, but mostly towards me.

"I'm all for it, but what about you?" Vania asks. Now both eyes are on me. I'm going to regret this but...

"Sure, why not, I mean, I could use a bit more sun and the sun is down so I can be out long. Let's do it!" We all squeal in excitement.

"Okay, everyone go put on a swimsuit and meet at the carousal. Okay?" Vania and I nod in response. We all rush upstairs, throw on swimsuits and a cover up, and head down.

We meet at the carousal as said.

"Okay, here are the rules. Don't shoot someone getting a renewal in ammo. Don't hide in the house. You can climb trees use the golf carts, the train, or even use the rides, but it's not recommended because someone will definitely see you. Oh, I almost forgot" Paris' face went dark, "NO Michael Jackson references, because not only will you lose automatically if I catch you, but I will personally strangle you, FROM DRIVING ME INSANE!" I back up from her outburst. She recoils a bit from realization. Vania leans towards me.

"Don't worry, this always happens. She just really hates when people do that." I nod, still a bit miffed.

"Okay ladies, follow me for the ammo!" We walk across the greenery for awhile until we see a small warehouse. Paris opens the door, which lets out a relieving squeak. She walk in the dark place And follow. She pulls something from the wall, and a light comes on. The warehouse is filled with tools for the gardens and greenery, and mountains of super soakers. Paris hands each of us one, then keeps looking around. Finally, she pulls out a rather large bucket of balloons.

"This bucket will be in the middle of the yard." She continues digging until she picks up a specific super soaker model. She holds it up with pride.

"This, my friends, is Madame Roulette. My dad got for me as a present. We've won many wars together." Her father's daughter alright.

"Girl, I got places to be! I need to hurry up, beat you and then--"

"Beat me! Vania you don't stand a chance! Especially since this is one on one on one. I'm definitely winning! I am the queen, of super soaker wars and--. Hey! Who did that!" I look down. I may have "accidentally" pushed the squirt button at Paris to shoot her. No big!

"Girl, you are on!" I smile deviously. We run outside to the starting point.

These girls have no idea what just hit them. Paris counts down.


"Let the super soaker war begin in...3...2...1... 

Chapter End Notes:

Byzeeeeeeeeeee! :3



This is Vania

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