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Rosetta was alone for a rare moment. It was two weeks after she had gotten her test results back, and no matter how many times she had apologized to Jana and Joshua, neither seemed ready to forgive her.
Not that she really blamed them. She had been a crappy person to everyone lately. That's why she was alone. She sent Adrienne with her parents while Lucas was at work. She didn't want to unwillingly hurt anyone else.
Now, she was sitting on the couch, watching Netflix and reading old stories of hers that had helped her with Michael's dying.
As she read, she felt the overwhelming sadness finally taking hold of her. She couldn't block the memories any longer.
Putting on her shoes, she headed outside and began to run. She didn't want to deal with this crap. She wasn't ready to, and she didn't want to cry. She rarely cried. But she knew that if she didn't put this behind her, she would become a blubbering mess.
So she ran until the fire in her chest made her stop. Then she collapsed on the ground trying to catch her breath.
Unfortunately, she had forgotten that she had forgotten to delete a song from her playlist, a song that brought everything back.

"You Are Not Alone is my favorite song of all time," Rosetta said to Jana via webcam when it came on her radio.
"It's a beautiful one, but pretty sad, don't you think?"
"Not really. It gives me hope even in the darkest times."
Jana laughed. "Well if you see it that way, then that's great."
"It should be our song. If we have each other, we're never alone." Rosetta said, grinning at her best friend.
"That, my friend, is nothing but the truth."

And that was the song that was playing now. And despite what she said all those years ago, Rosetta had never felt more alone or hopeless in her life.
She jerked her headphones out of her ears and screamed. The tears began flowing down her face. She couldn't stop crying.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Rosetta cried to the sky. "WHY ME? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?"
Rosetta put her head to her knees and continued to sob. This was the first time she allowed herself to succumb to what she was really feeling, and that was loss beyond belief.


Michael watched the scene from above, and his heart broke for this sad woman.
Despite everything, he knew that Rosetta had a heart of gold, and that when she said she was sorry, she meant it. Family and love meant the world to her, even if she couldn't show it. Michael knew Jana still loved Rosetta. He knew that if anything was to ever happen to Rosetta, it would impact everyone around her.
Which is why, as drastic as this sounded, something needed to happen to make everyone see how strong this bond truly was.


Jana was in a fog. Her days was work, Daniel (her son), Joshua, sleep. Often she fought with her mother and brother but she'd gotten used to it.
Her mother and brother despised Joshua, and despised the fact that she was smitten over someone she'd only met online.
Yeah, true, the only person who probably approved of her relationship was her father. But people were going to have to work with her. That's all she wanted, was to be happy.
Rosetta had messaged her a few times, apologizing, but Jana felt that she was probably just trying to get on her good side again. She just wasn't ready to forgive right now. She knew Rosetta meant every word of her rant, which is why she didn't believe she was sorry.
It was times like these she thought of Michael Jackson. His death brought them together, something Jana had been grateful for at the time.
And true, everytime Jana had been sick, or hurt, Rosetta had been there for her (well, in spirit as they lived hundreds of miles apart). 
Jana didn't know what to do. Joshua didn't want Rosetta in their lives anymore. And she didn't want to drive him away. But if he was still around, Rosetta wouldn't be able to be in her life. And Rosetta meant as much to her as Joshua did.

Something had to give. Jana couldn't live like this for much longer.

Chapter End Notes:

Sorry this is short. I'm trying to be as respectful as possible in this story.

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