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Author's Chapter Notes:
hit me up on facebook to keep up with what I am doing and to remind me to write. :)
Sam just ran into the place like he owned it, I on the other hand slowly and quietly stepped in. There was a closet to my right and on forward the kitchen to my right. Across from the kitchen the tv room where Sam was jumping on the couch. “Sam! Quit, this isn’t our house!”, I whispered hurriedly and looked around for Michael. He stuck his tongue out and continued to ‘snoop’ around.

“I wonder what’s down here?”, he asked gesturing to the hallway that was draped with darkness. “I don’t know but sit down. Please”, I said as I took my seat on the couch. Sam obviously ignored me and continued down the hall, but I guess little children are just too curious sometimes.
If he wanted to get in trouble that was fine by me, I was sure Michael wouldn’t want some random child wandering through his home.
I must have sat there for a good ten minutes in silence in my own thoughts before I realized I heard nothing, I got up to glance down the hall. There was no sound, just eerie silence and dark. I crept down the hall whispering for Sam. Trying every door knob gently only finding them locked. ’Oh please don’t let me get in trouble’ , I thought. I eventually made my way to the very last door which to my complete surprise was open slightly. I slid in trying to find a light switch which didn’t happen. I stood there for a minute just listening. Then I heard the floor creak behind me.
I spun around when the lights flashed on only to find a zombie staring me dead in the face. “AHHHH!!”, I screamed backing up and closing my eyes. I tripped over my own feet and began to fall. I felt someone’s arm wrap around me in a pointless effort to keep me up and we crashed on soft cushion. Once I was sure everything calmed down I slowly opened my eyes to find the most brown chocolate staring right into mine. I was lost, it was like they were searching my soul.
My breath was stolen from me as my heart raced so fast it must have skipped twenty beats. The smell of cinnamon filled my nostrils, I was suddenly yanked back into reality when I heard a soft worried voice ask if I was okay. “Yeah”, I whispered. “Good”, he replied. Michael’s face and mine were inches away and we must have laid there, him on top of me and me in his arms, for what felt like forever. “Hahahahahaha, oh Michael you got her so good that time!”, Sam came in laughing. We quickly got off the bed and headed down the hall. I couldn’t believe I could even walk.

We made our way to the living room couch, Sam took a seat on the floor. Michael sat in front of the television looking in a cabinet pulling out movies. “We have Peter Pan, Mickey Mouse, and E.T,”, Michael suggested. “Peter Pan”, I replied. “What‘s Peter Pan?”, Sam asked. Michael’s jaw dropped, “Hold your horses little man, you will see”. Michael plugged the video tape in and took a spot next to me on the couch. I put my head and smiled widely in secret. I was sure this would be a fun night. As the movie went on it go to the part when Wendy is singing to all the lost boys and I felt something warm cover my hand. Without moving my head I slowly glanced down to find Michael’s upon mine. I could have died right there and been a happy woman. I turned my hand over we intwined our fingers.
This was definitely a great night. Once the movie was over Sam and I left and we took a taxi home. The whole way home I was in utter heaven, I could not stop smiling and I fell asleep smiling.
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