Date: Dec 29, 2012 05:33 am Title: Chapter 46
Nikki makes me laughs so hard and so does Michael. They are the funniest people and that is an mofo for them lol. Damn the drama ain't over,i guess its getting started. Continue soon
Author's Response: Of course it isn't over
Date: Dec 29, 2012 04:36 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm the 230th review!
update soon :)
Date: Dec 29, 2012 12:38 am Title: Chapter 46
Ha Ha Ha! Cute chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thanks hun
Date: Dec 28, 2012 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 46
It's about time they said it, lol. Seriously though, the way they finally admitted it to each other was perfect, for them it was. She just had to bring up gettin' in his pants again, love it. Great chapter, as always.
Author's Response: Thank you thank you thank you. More to come soon
Date: Dec 28, 2012 06:53 pm Title: Chapter 46
loooooooooooove ur story sooo funny and Nikki is just amaziiiiing!!!!
Author's Response: Thaaaaaank you!!!
Date: Dec 28, 2012 05:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
BTW, who's the chick in real life?
I mean Nikki.
Author's Response: Idk lol
Date: Dec 28, 2012 05:02 pm Title: Chapter 46
Naw, glad they are a couple nowand they're gunna wag school.
:P update soon
Date: Dec 28, 2012 08:24 am Title: Chapter 45
I hope he talks to her! they are so cute! update ASAP
Author's Response: I will!
Date: Dec 18, 2012 03:26 am Title: Chapter 2
lol Love her aunt. Finally someone to help her come correct. Micheal is such a sweet heart!! (cheeses) Soap tastes nasty as hell mayne. Feel her pain. Dont ask me how i know. lol
Author's Response: How do you know??
Date: Dec 18, 2012 03:23 am Title: Chapter 1
Nikki my nikka though. Sometimes I wish that I was a badass growing up. Being a good kid got you no where. =/ Fucked up how her mom did her but people get fed up with other peoples bullshit real quick.
Date: Dec 17, 2012 08:59 pm Title: Chapter 45
Damn that's shocking as hell that delonte and Michael know each other. Why michael won't hear what she has to say? I hope they work it out.
Date: Dec 17, 2012 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 45
Whoa, shit just got too serious! I like it!
Author's Response: Thanks! And yea its gonna get pretty serious
Date: Dec 16, 2012 01:00 am Title: Chapter 45
Ah shit man... Confuzzle here. Well not really I just don't know what to think. This is damn damn damn. Lets see WHY is he even at her porch, drunk maybe? Hope not
Date: Dec 15, 2012 06:42 pm Title: Chapter 45
Aww I seriously love the way you make connections between all the characaters in the story. It really makes the story even better than it already is:) another great chapter! Cant wait for more
Author's Response: Thanks
Date: Dec 15, 2012 01:03 pm Title: Chapter 45
Well damn... small ass world. I can't believe Mike and Delonte know each other... oh boy... But I wonder what kind of shit they got themselves into that they're fighting over it now.
As for Mike, he's cold for just walking away from her like that. I'd feel stupid as hell if some dude did that to me. Ouch. And now he unexpectedly shows up on her front porch?? I can't say I'd be surprised if he just wanted to end things all together and I can't say I'd be surprised if her and Delonte got together. The dude is persistent as hell! Ai yi yi. I'm at a loss right now. I don't even know where things will go after this.
Update soon!
Author's Response: Lol I'm sorry that I have confused you lol