Reviews For The Roommate
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Reviewer: jnjlove Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2011 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 5

I love this!!!!!!!!!!!! As my friend wud say" im totally jizzin rainbows rite now!!!" Lol please update!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Hahaha that sounds like something one of my friends would say too!

Reviewer: Missdiana Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2011 07:36 pm Title: Chapter 1

Bad Boy Bad Boy Watcha Gonna Do Watcha Gonna Do When They Come For You-I Love This Story!Don't Ever Finish This Story!Keep Going All The Way!LoL!:)

Author's Response: Hahah looove that song! Thank you very much(: trust me, this story isn't stopping aaaanytime soon!

Reviewer: Alina Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2011 07:09 am Title: Chapter 4

you're doing a VERY good job!I love it!congratulations!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it(:

Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2011 04:19 am Title: Chapter 4

Girl, again I'm lovin it, lovin it , Lovin it!!

I really like the way you write first of all..but Mike..Damn, he's something else.. XD

I can't believe what just happened here..Boy, i can't WAIT to see what's gonna happen tomorrow cuase things just might get really,really.. awkward :/

Lol. I'm so glad you update so often for us cause I'm already on the edge of my seat for more! x

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! Hahaha I know, I wasn't sure how I was gonna make him act, so I came up with that!

Oh, it'll be quite... I'm not sure I know the word....(; 

The next chapter should be out tonight!

Thank you again, it means so much to me<3

Reviewer: mrsmjjbarbie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 4

I really am enjoying this so far. Update soon!

Author's Response: I'm really glad to hear that(: thank you!(:

Reviewer: Michael87Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 11:07 pm Title: Chapter 1

‎"You're Boob Is Loud, Ima Kill it."




Author's Response: Hahaha I loved writing that part! Thank youuu(:

Reviewer: wisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 4

Lol... I love the mood changes he has... and Hallie is a very patient person... :D

@Chapter end Notes: Girl i'll take what i can get this week. Are you in college?

Anyways GOOD Luck with classes...



Author's Response: Hahaha thank you, thank you. This is what I think Mike would be like if he was drunk, no joke! Aw well thank you! It'll get better as it progresses, I'm still getting the hang of it. Nope, I'm in high school. It's so hard researching all this crap about college and Indiana University. :/ Thank you so much!(:

Reviewer: coolkat123 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 4

I liked this chapter. It's good to see that Michael has a vulnerable side.

Author's Response:

Thank you!(: Yeah, I wasn't sure if putting all of that was too soon/too much but I'm glad you like it!

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 4

wow that was crazy

Author's Response:

Yeah, I wasn't too sure about it but oh well. Thank you!(:

Reviewer: tiyacts11 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 07:57 pm Title: Chapter 3

Lmao, Michael would have sex in her bed with a another damn chick, with out her permission that crazy lol, but I love this story!! :)

Author's Response:

Hahaha I know right!? Thank you so much!(:

Reviewer: wisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 3

The Nerve that boy has... on her bed??? smh!!!



Author's Response:

Hahah thank you so much!(:<3

Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 02:31 pm Title: Chapter 3

Oh My GOD! I'm LOVING this giiirl! I love me some drama!

I've actually met a guy once that reminds me a lot of Michael in your story and felt just like Hallie did about him..a myriad of things , but not necissarily good ones xD

I know exactly how she must be feeling..even though with Michael - gorgeous, sexy Michael, she's even more screwed than I was xD

And he's just a tad worse too..I mean: SEX with some girl in HER BED? He's a total ass! xP

Can't wait and see how this story unfolds! Please keep it up x


Author's Response:

Thank you soo much!(: You did? Wow, that's pretty crazy. Michael's beauty doesn't go well with his terrible attitude in this sadly haha! I know, when I was writing this I was like "omfg i can't believe i made him such an asshole". thank you again(:

Reviewer: dreamer875 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2011 07:44 am Title: Chapter 1

Omg what an asshole! Haha but I looove this story :)

Author's Response:

Haha thank you!(:

Reviewer: wisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 21, 2011 09:29 pm Title: Chapter 2

I love this... MORE SOON!!!!


Author's Response:

Thank you so much!(: The next chapter will be up soon.

Reviewer: Foolsumflesh Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 21, 2011 08:35 pm Title: Chapter 1

Yes! Yes! I freakin' love this story. I'm always used to reading Michael being a sweet as can be but its nice to see his dark side too :3


Author's Response:

Thank you so much!(: I agree, it has always been that way for me too, but I love the dark side of him(;

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