Reviews For The Roommate
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Reviewer: MJsAngel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2011 03:30 pm Title: Chapter 1

Ok, so you've probably heard this hundred of times but, I absolutely love your story! Girl, you've got me hooked. I rarely ever give reviews, but this story is amazing and I think you deserve it! ;)

First I wanted to thank you for your time. You've mentioned that you're busy with school work and everything, and I admire you finding the time to do all of that and writing the chapters. So, again thank you! <3

*Sigh* I have so much to say. I found this story a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love. I wanted to post a review earlier but the website got hacked. Like you, I LOVE Michael as a bad ass. It's so sexy. You're doing an amazing job with the characters! Michael IS a little bit unpredictable, but that's one of the MANY things I love about this story.

Tbh, I would love it if there was better communication between the two... without Michael being drunk. I really do hope, they could work on a friendship. I truly love this story, and I respect anything you write, but I want to make a request. Please don't jump into a relationship. Most stories I've read on this site are like that. Michael and the girl meet, they start talking, then BAM. They're in love. It's crazy. I know she has feelings for him and he has feelings for her, which I think is adorable... but don't move too fast, please?

Ah, the house arrest. I'm not big on violence but I think Cassandra deserved it. Everytime her character came up, I was like please kick her ass Hallie! I was so happy when she did. BITCH GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT. LOL.

Ugh, I can't wait for the next chapters. House arrest with Michael for a week!? And Cassandra ain't there to ruin anything! Eek. That's gonna be good!

I don't know if this is your first story or not, but you're doing a fantasic job! They're just so cute together, I love it! I know it seems like, impossible for Hallie and Michael to have a relationship because they fight constantly but... please give them a chance at love!<3 Well, that's it for my review. ;)  

I'll be waiting for an update. Keep up the great work! :)

~Maary. <3

Author's Response:

Wow. That was quite the review! Thank you so much, really! To take the time to write me a review like this means so much. I have been so busy with school and it's really stressing me out, but I finally have some time to myself so i'm DEFINITELY working on the next chapter right now. I didn't realize I was in so much crap at the moment; All AP classes, Photography Society, Key Club, YoungLife, Drama Club, STUCO, Blue Curtain, Theatre Arts, Choir, varsity soccer..... Fml. I didn't realize updates were going to be much slower and not as frequent. Though on weekends, definitely expect an update every day; Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (This goes out to everyone)

Also, don't worry, they're pretty hard-headed right now but they'll come around and have a bit of a meaningful conversation eventually. I mean.... look at the situation they're in? It's bound to happen sometime(; Yeah, me neither but I was getting mad at my own pretense character and wanted to do something intense to her hahaha! 

OMFG THANK YOU. I hate when people rush into relationships! I don't plan on it for a while. They've had their moments, but I don't want to take it too far because what's the point? I'll have nothing to write about after they get together! This isn't my first, but I haven't been pleased with any of my past stories. This one is different(:

Thank you again!<3

Reviewer: Alina Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2011 08:30 am Title: Chapter 11

Michael and Hallie sitting in the same room...ooooo....,,dangerous" combination.......I WANT TO READ MORE! :)) LOVE IT!

Reviewer: wisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2011 07:15 am Title: Chapter 11

lol... I like this chapter and the last cuz it shows a different side of Hallie. And I feel like Mike has some feelings for her but he's too d!<K headed to admit it.



Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2011 03:23 am Title: Chapter 11

Oh Gosh! She's in a coma ;o.. This might get ugly...

But Michael doesn't seem to care much for Cassandra at all, hah.? x'D I hope it'll stay that way after he finds out she's in coma.

Oh my God! I could totally picture it all happening..Hallie beating Michael's ass at Call of Duty and Mike getting all frustrated .lol

I loved this chapter, nice to see them hang out together and not fighting ALL of the time, for a change ;p

Oh I'm so excited for more of this!!

Update soon? I'm so loving this story, but then again I already told you that like a hundred times, haha x3

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2011 02:44 am Title: Chapter 11

omg her n mike had a moment lol also aww that bitch is in a coma #sucks

Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2011 07:12 am Title: Chapter 10

Gaaahd! I can hardly wait for an update.. srsly, I'm officially addicted to this story now x'D

Hope you'll have time to update soon, cause this should get awfully interesting! x3

Author's Response:

Hahaha thank you so much!<3 Expect an update tonight(:

Reviewer: deedee1980 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2011 01:42 am Title: Chapter 1

wow!! This story is awesome! You must update!!!!!!! I'm going crazy wondering whats going to happen.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much<333 Expect an update tonight(:

Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2011 02:51 am Title: Chapter 10

Aaaaah!! House-arrest...With MICHAEL???!! ;o
Oh sweet heavens!!! What did she get herself into now? x'DDD beating Cassandra up like that xD
Even though I'm not much one for violence, lol, she deserved it with her verbal-attacking! xD
I wonder what Michael and his friends did to get in trouble this time?
Oooh Girl, you got me all caught up, impatient for the next chapter already! xD
I really have to grow some patience.. lol
LOVE this story! x3

Author's Response:

Hahaha yeah, me neither but I thought 'what is one way to get her in deep shit...?' and came up with that! I'll explain it all in the next chapter. I'm working on it right now(: Since I have a three day weekend, expect an update every night!

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2011 02:41 am Title: Chapter 10

Damn house arrest wit mj shud be just super

Author's Response:

Hahaha thank you so much<333

Reviewer: ilovemj1973 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2011 02:35 am Title: Chapter 10

love it hun cant wait for more :)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much<333

Reviewer: wisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2011 01:45 am Title: Chapter 10




Author's Response:

Thank you so much!!<33

Reviewer: dreamer875 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2011 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 1

Oh Gosh! But it's actually a good thing, because now Michael and her will spend time alone, and hopefully they'll work things out, and ...*winkwink* ;)

Author's Response:

Hahaha hmmmm maybe...(; Thank you so much<3

Reviewer: ilovemj1973 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2011 03:57 am Title: Chapter 9

please update soon am loving this :)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much<3

Reviewer: Gottobethere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2011 02:38 am Title: Chapter 9

Oh NOOO!! Michael was drunk? It cound't have all been nothing!! It felt too real for that ;(
Aaargh, he can really piss me off sometimes, I can only imagine what Hallie must feellike, poor, poor girl!
I hope Michael's just masking though b'cause hes friends are around..otherwise he's just plain obnoxious!
Anyways, great chapter girl, as usual! Hope you'll update soon yet don't be so hard on yourself, we all get busy sometimes ;)

Author's Response:

Hahah I knew putting a twist on it would make you readers frustrated!(; Well I'm working on TWO chapters right now and they should be out tonight so we'll see then.......Thank you very much<33

Reviewer: ellie1958 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2011 01:26 am Title: Chapter 9

I decided to postpone studying for my 4 tests tomorrow  just to read your story. I love your detailing. I admire you because you make time to balance out your storymaking (which I love) and your school work. Well anyways, I can't believe that Michael can't remember or maybe it's just a mask. I'm guessing. Continue with your story because it's obvious that everyone loves it! Update soon so I can skip the (3) chapters I have to read.

Author's Response:

You did? Aw, that means so much to me! Really, that makes me feel a lot more confident in my writing.<3 Thank you so much, I do try to please every reader.(: I'm working on TWO right now so check in later if you'd like! Again, thank you very much<33

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