Date: Mar 26, 2014 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 29
Yogi is weak!! I don't know what he sees in her dumb, naive, gullible, cry baby ass!! Smdh...
Author's Response: Damn you going in
Date: Mar 26, 2014 05:51 am Title: Chapter 45
This bitch here whines too damn much!! Just go on ahead and give the p up, Yogi...damn!! You know you want to...old whiny ass!! She is so got damn annoying!! Shit!!
Date: Mar 25, 2014 11:42 pm Title: Chapter 18
He needs to cut all that damn fronting out and tell that girl how he really's been too long now!! And her with her dumb, gullible ass, lol...smgdh!! Weak!! But I'm loving this though...real talk!!
Author's Response: Where are you from? Lmao you're hilarious.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 09:59 pm Title: Chapter 11
This dude here!! I stay laughing at his retarded ass!! Loving it, hun!!
Date: Mar 25, 2014 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 36
Idk how to feel about this. I want to have faith in Michael but then again he does have a rep. But at the same time Chris is his rival so he's not too trustworthy either. This is a mess. Poor Yahara.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 08:47 pm Title: Chapter 1
I live for a good Thriller era asshole Mike story!! I know I am about to spend the next few hours reading this cause it is very interesting and I am enjoying the hell out of this!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I love new readers. Welcome welcome lol.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 10:08 am Title: Chapter 32
Awwwwww he loves her. That's so cute. You can really see how he's slowly starting to change for the better. It's good that Yahara came to some kind of agreement with the Ques too even though Gigi was the main cause of it smh
Date: Mar 25, 2014 09:35 am Title: Chapter 29
Gigi is a mess! Lol I love her crazy self. I figured that whoever she was threatening with the mace had to be Michael's ex. And oh gosh Yahara left him hanging again lol. She should probably just not lead him on at all because it's like they're both confusing each other. I know that has to be frustrating.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 09:24 am Title: Chapter 28
That's cute how Mike is overprotective of her but he could've let Eli stay. He really didn't mean any harm. And I hope that Michael's ex doesn't start any trouble. And ohhh gosh lol I wonder what Gigi done did lol.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 09:12 am Title: Chapter 27
She finally told Gigi. Yaaay! And the conversation between her and Michael was interesting although I can completely understand why she would be having doubts about their relationship since Mike does have a reputation. I wonder if she's gonna go to this Kappa party.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 08:57 am Title: Chapter 25
I wonder just how long she's gonna be able to keep this secret from Gigi. And Michael is such a troll lol but he actually did make a good point for once.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 08:49 am Title: Chapter 24
Ohh snap Michael is playing possessive lol and he finally pushed aside his pride and asked her out. I'm interested to see how this goes.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 08:40 am Title: Chapter 23
Who would've thought that he was religious? Lol Anyway, he needs to quit playing around and tell that girl how he feels about her instead of messing with her emotions like that.
Date: Mar 25, 2014 12:31 am Title: Chapter 21
I figured Yahara would call him out on his little sexcapade mission lol but at least they're still on decent terms. And I knew he had to be lying when he said he only fooled around with three girls lol. Shame on him
Date: Mar 25, 2014 12:23 am Title: Chapter 20
Ohhh snap he's admitting more and more things and we got some action going on lol. I hope he doesn't take it too far though since she admitted to being scared of him.