Reviews For Prudence
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Reviewer: TenderLovingCare Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2015 01:45 pm Title: Prologue: Princesses

This sounds very promising. Great job! Will keep an eye out for more :)

Author's Response:

thank you so much!!

Reviewer: KisstheSky Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2015 04:56 am Title: Prologue: Princesses

I was scratching my head trying to remember the rumors - so I googled. And then proceeded to keep reading this story with anticipation. Immediate add to favorites. Can't wait to read more! And great job on using another POV. Please update soon!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I actually only learned about Prudence very recently and practically freaked out I was so excited haha!

Reviewer: SkyWriter Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2015 01:17 am Title: Prologue: Princesses

omg I havent even finished the other one, but I facking love you! I cant wait to start reading this Ann! 

Author's Response:

lmfao i know....i should proabbly finish one before starting another...but....i actually WANT to write this one! so we'll see :)

Reviewer: JusAkid Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Aug 31, 2015 10:01 pm Title: Prologue: Princesses

Pls pls pls! Update i have shipped them for the longest ^_^

Author's Response:

Which? Lisa and Mike or Prudence and Mike?

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 31, 2015 08:54 pm Title: Prologue: Princesses


More soon please.

Author's Response:

Thank you! Will do :)

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