Date: Aug 25, 2011 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 48
Let me start off by saying that I am soooooo depressed right now. I freakin come to the site, jump around in my seat to find that my favorite story on here was updated, then find out that it's over?!?!? :( :( Noooo, AtMJsHouse :( I am just so sad. Everyday I came to the site in hopes that this story was updated, and everytime it was it was seriously the highlight of my day. Out of all of the FF's I've ever read I've never liked the female character in them as much as I love Flo, as much as I love her for Michael. They truly are my favorite couple in the Fanfiction world. The ending couldn't have been sweeter. Michael revealing Flo's name tattooed on his arm which he got to "even out the embarrassement" at the very end was just the absolute best thing ever and the best scene you could've chosen to end the story. I'm sooo happy you went back to the whole tattoo incident. :)
I vote for a sequel! I just can't imagine my life without Michael and Florina right now. Just have it be about them being engaged and put in more fights & make ups between them & more drama with everyone else :) Pretty much just like this story :) & then them finally gettting married OR having a baby could be the ending. Plus we need to know how everyone else is doing. Please take this into consideration, I need more of these two, lots more!
Gosh I'm just so sad. This was really great, it was sooo hilarious. I loved every moment between these two. Thank you so much for the story, love <3
Author's Response:
I'm definitly considering a sequal...we'll just have to wait and see. Aw Thanx so much for ur review! I loved this story very much as well and I find myself reading it as everybody else does but I felt as if the story was ready to end. But that doesn't mean that i new one cant begin and who knows...maybe I'll add a few more chapters for the fans...
Date: Aug 25, 2011 06:20 pm Title: Chapter 1
Date: Aug 25, 2011 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 15
that's girl stand up for your family. i love food fights and i've been in many of them at school
Author's Response:
You giving me three and a half stars is bringing my rating down.......pleasse give me the full ten if you really like it
Date: Aug 25, 2011 12:22 pm Title: Chapter 14
yeah it could especially since they're teenagers j/k
Date: Aug 25, 2011 11:51 am Title: Chapter 12
man i thought that they were going to do it
Date: Aug 25, 2011 11:38 am Title: Chapter 11
because duh you like him lol!
Date: Aug 25, 2011 04:08 am Title: Chapter 48
sweetie,since I first read your first chapter ,I feel in love with it,I knew it will be an amazing story ,it's so full of love and humor...oh God...when I read your note,I said : ,,WHAT???OH,I'M going to kill you!!!:)))))" But then,after reading your LAST chapter,seriously,my heart MELTED...all I can say now is : CONGRATULATIONS an GOOD LUCK FROM NOW ON!!!!LOVE YOU
Date: Aug 24, 2011 10:43 pm Title: Chapter 48
grrrr....i just wrote a long review and the damn thing got deleted!!! I'm making this shorter.
aww Michael is perfection I totally forgot about Flo's other side of the family. That was so sweet of him and he proposed and he has her name on his arm. This was......awesome I loved it the only thing that would of made it better was if Flo's friends were there.
As I said before this story has always been special to mean because this is the exact way my and my boyfriend got together. lol we fucking hated each other until a special trip happened and I started to hate him less and less. but I love this Michael was an all round good guy lol he just got annoyed with Flo sometimes. But he was always there for people. He was vunerable and Flo helped him through alot of his family issues. Flo acted like she was afraid of life. she always did things for other people but not herself. I'm happy she found Michael to let her know shes very important.I always thought her friends were going to be betray her but they didn't. Its good to see girls support and love one another.
I was thinking that instead of doing a sequel *since new stories always come to u* I thought maybe you could do a chapter when like a couple years has passed and update us on everyone. Like if Rebecca got married, Flo and Mike get married, did they adopt Paige, did Brit graduate, how are Caseys babies, where in the hell is Sheryl, Is terry in jail lol ya know just a suggestion.
I love all your stories though. can't wait to see what you come up with next but this one will be my favorite!!
Date: Aug 24, 2011 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 48
I really enjoyed this story, especially in the beginning with the arguing and all. This is a really good place to stop and I can't wait for anything else you write because I know it'll be interesting and unique!
Date: Aug 24, 2011 09:59 pm Title: Chapter 48
that was too cute i love this story
Date: Aug 24, 2011 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 48
I dont wanna read it yet!! *cries*
Date: Aug 24, 2011 09:17 pm Title: I know you're gonna hate me for this....
but but but we have so much to cover...Casey and the babies, a big fight between Terry and Michael, Flo and Michael's engagement, Paige not liking Flo and Michael having to step in, Sheryls surprise pregnancy, Flo and Michael's parents meeting, Flo and Michael's new jobs, much moar....
ok ok if you don't really wanna do a sequel please give me a good sex, Mike proposing and maybe they elope or something, Rebecca gets married, brit stays weird, Terry gets hit by a car or something.
*le...sigh* Thanks for sharing your stories..imma bout to read this one all over it's my favorite of your stories!
Date: Aug 24, 2011 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 10
i don't think that karen and chris will last either
Date: Aug 24, 2011 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 9
i loved how she punched him in the face lol!