Reviews For The Surrogate
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Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 29, 2014 02:41 pm Title: The Doctor's Surprising News

Hmmm, lots of conflicting emotions and scarred pasts involved. This will be interesting to watch!

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 29, 2014 02:02 pm Title: Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures

That's good, keep going! I like Nina, she feels like a real person.

Reviewer: tinker13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 29, 2014 11:56 am Title: The Doctor's Surprising News

Excellent chapter.  You write really well.  I can't wait for more. 

Reviewer: tinker13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 29, 2014 07:42 am Title: Heat

I love the tension between always builds for a great story

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 28, 2014 06:13 pm Title: A Mother's Advice

OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe she just did that!!!! And poor Maddox!!! Didn't he get scaird too?

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 28, 2014 05:42 pm Title: Planting the Seed

I have only one word for Nienna, bratty!!!! She is!!! She really can be a down right brat. It makes me mad just reading how mean she is to Michael, but then again, Michael keeps pissing her off, so he needs to check himself.

Reviewer: tinker13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 27, 2014 07:32 am Title: Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures

Great start.  I can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Christine1234 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 02:34 pm Title: Planting the Seed

This sounds like a great story and I'm excited to see what happens next so please update soon! 

Reviewer: MJLover_98 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 06:23 am Title: Planting the Seed

Nina needs to stop actin so damn mean! Great update tho, please update soon!

Reviewer: TifftayluvsMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 11:51 pm Title: Planting the Seed

Great chapter. Michael is too funny pestering her like that. He's too cute. Sophia is acting like he ignores the hell out of her now but soon she will be giving into him lol....I mean with that face how can she not? 

I am really Lovin this so far. You are splendid. I'm itchin to read more! :) 

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 08:34 am Title: Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures

This is really great, and I am a new member as well and I've posted a few things on here, but it's fun so keep going!!! You have a really great start to a really good story!!!!
I hope you update soon!!!!

Reviewer: TifftayluvsMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 09:29 pm Title: Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures

Helllllloooo and welcome to MJ Fiction! :)

I like this! This plot seems very intriguing! Btw, You have a lovely writing style. 

Im excited to see what will transpire between these two....please continue! 

Reviewer: ilovemichaeljackson34 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 08:54 pm Title: Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures

Heyyyy, this is nice! I like it :D


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