Date: Apr 24, 2014 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 122
Smh. Just when I thought things were starting to look up for them...
Author's Response:
I knowww!!
When things were starting to look up, this nightmare happens. Its just...*sigh*
;p xxx
Date: Apr 24, 2014 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 121
Finally caught up, I'd missed a few updates and I'm not sure how. Wow, what a emotional roller-coaster! But happy to see them moving forward and making progress; it's been a long time coming.
Author's Response:
Its great you've caught up and yeah it has been a rollercoaster lately. I'm glad your happy to see them moving forward and making progress, it definetly has been a long time coming and it was only a matter of time before they'd be back together.
Thank you for reading!
;p xxx
Date: Apr 24, 2014 10:56 am Title: Chapter 122
dang i remember when i read about this i felt so bad for him esp cause he didnt deserve any of it. poor michael i wonder how him and remi are gonna deal with this :(
Author's Response:
I know!! it makes me angry that he had to go through all of that. Its just a nightmare!
And yeah, I guess with Remi there with him he'll get through it. He feels violated and humiliated but with his wife with him, I'm sure he'll be okay.
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 10:53 pm Title: Chapter 121
Girl! Don't apologize for the updates lol I'm enjoying them! Keep 'em coming!
As for the chapter...lawd LaToya. I just...smh. Now the whole world is confused on who's telling the truth between her and Remi. Such a big mess. Poor Michael for having to feel such betrayal from Toya like that. I just...can't *sigh* I can't even imagine the pain he must've felt.
Moving on from that, the communication between Michael and Remi makes me so happy. They really do love each other. It's good to see how the both of them are letting down their walls again. Michael was so adorable showing them around the center and introducing them to his friends. He's so cute 😊
Cant wait for more!
Author's Response:
Hahaha I'm really glad you're enjoying them. I thought it was too much then you guys like them so...I guess I'll be posting more lol.
And yes LaToya...I know exactly how you feel. The whole world's confused on what to believe, she totally through off the balance of everyone thinking good on Michael. Its like believe Remi because she's married to him but you have Toya who's known him the longest and everyone's just so confused, especially 'cause she's such a convincing liar. smh. He must have been torn.
I'm also happy that you like MJ and Remi's communication, its a huge step up from how they were and its amazing that they both love eachother and letting their walls down.
The whole rehab thing is bittersweet because its a shame he'd got in there but the good thing is he's getting the help, plus its probably the closest thing Michael's had of like a 'camp' or 'school like' experience. As an adult anyway...he's adorable. and thank you for reading as always!
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 10:30 pm Title: Chapter 120
Poor Michael is struggling but he's getting the help that he needs so that's all that matters. I'm proud of him for admitting his mistakes and having the willingness to change for the better. He needs that for the sake of himself and his family.
I smiled at Michael and Remi talking things over. They really needed that. Although I know more has to be said between them, it's great to know that they making progress. I'm proud of them.
Author's Response:
Yeah I know, its sad that he's struggling but the great thing is he's in a place were they'll wean him off those drugs. It's even better that he;s admitted his mistakes and wants this for himself, it took a while but eventually he knew his problem. Elizabeth is amazing and I'm glad she conducted everything for him.
And yes more definetly needs to be said between them, they've walked over the bridge of problems and its gonna take a little time to be in that exact happy place they once were. I think they both know that but its great that they've expressed their love for eachother.
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 09:10 pm Title: Chapter 121
Nooooo!!!! Please keep the updates coming like this lol.I dont mind at all.
Author's Response:
It's not too much? Well alright then, I'm writing constantly so I'll keep updating lol!
I love you guys, I swear your just like me when it comes to fanfic. I love fast updates, fast updates makes the world go round lol.
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 121
i personally love all the updates :) happy michael and remi are back together
Author's Response:
Really?? Well guess I'll be writing more then hehehe!
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 08:07 pm Title: Chapter 121
That tattoo was a really sweet gesture of Remi I hope every time Michael sees it he remembers how fortunate he is to have her after nearly ruining the marriage. Remi had her fair share in it too but at the end of the day the things he did and the way he treated her was worse. He needs to make sure he never ever does that shit again. I am so glad to see him being happy again though!
Author's Response:
Haha yeah the tattoo was really sweet, Michael definetly needs to do something bigger for her. Your right, he almost ruined the marriage and he's fortunate that she's even forgiven him for all he's done. She's definetly had her fair share but she was fast enough to own up to her mistakes unlike him, smh.
I'm sure Michael's learned the true value of his wife and lets hope he never does dumb shit like kissing women behind her back again. And girl I'm definetly happy with you!! its been waaay too long!
;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 120
Awwwwww omg I'm so happy they had this breakthrough and are talking again. This story was getting too depressing. They were both hurting themselves and each other too much.
And that Bambi comment had me laughing my ass off.
Author's Response:
Awwww I'm glad your happy again and yeah things were getting a lil tooooo depressing lol. I'm happy that they're together again and its good that they've both realised they were hurting eachother and themselves.
LOOOOL at you laughing at the Bambi comment, oh yeah Mike will tear her sh*t up LOL!!
;P xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 120
My babies! *sob* Beautiful chapter, just beautiful. Now, let's not let Mike start acting a damn fool about her interview.
Author's Response:
Hahahaha lets hope that he doesn't act like a damn fool!!
Thank you for liking the chapter! our babie are working it outtttt!! *sobs with you* ;p xxx
Date: Apr 15, 2014 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 119B
That deposition that he had to give in Mexico always makes me side eye those who tried to come for him knowing good and well that Mike wrote those songs lol. He obviously gave credit to everyone that had a part in any of his music so for him to "steal" a song is just outrageous. And it clearly showed in Michael's face that he wasn't for that bs lol. He's so shady.
Anyway, I'm glad that Remi held this interview and showed to the world what was really happening. Too bad Michael didn't get to see it.
I hope that this rehab does him some good because he needs it. And I'm glad that he and Remi did have a few words spoken. Even a few makes a big difference from where they originally were.
Author's Response:
LOOOOOOOL Michael's attitude in the whole deposition made me laugh. He clearly wasn't giving a fuck the whole time and kept constantly asking the guy questions back and smart talking him when it came to composing music and how it is done. And of course he gives credit to those who take part in any music they do for him, the deposition shouldn't have been done anyway! And yes he was definetly shady throughout LOL!
It's a shame Michael didn't get to see the interview because he was transitioning into rehab. I'm sure that he'll see it eventually and once he does It should open his eyes to how madly inlove she still is with him. It's nice that they've talked a little bit, it really is a difference to how they were before.
;p xxx
Date: Apr 12, 2014 02:55 pm Title: Chapter 119B
amazing chapter, can't wait for more
Author's Response:
Thank you Janice!! and hope you like the next chapters following this one. ;p xxx
Date: Apr 09, 2014 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 119B
omg i cant believe ive made it to the last update! ive been reading this story forever! im so emotionally invested in these two lol poor michael i feel like i know whats gonna happen before it does :o making his love interest beyonce..i see what you did there. great story
Author's Response:
Hahaha thank you for reading this story, it's quiet confusing to begin with but it plays out okay afterwards. The Beyonce thing is funny actually because I never even wanted her as Remi to begin with, she was such a generic choice and I wanted somebody unknown and new. The only problem with that was whenever I found a good girl, I only had limited pic's of them and I'm a very visual person and love photographs and gifs, Beyonce had ALOT of them and she's always taking pics of herself so I thought let me work with her, then I thought deeply about using the whole music thing and bringing in elements of her personality and music stuff and BANG Madness in the Music made sense lol.
Thank you again for liking the story and hopefully you'll continue to enjoy it. ;p xxx
Date: Apr 08, 2014 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 119B
I wonder how Mike will react once he finds out about that interview
Author's Response:
We'll just have to wait Brittany... ;p xxx
Date: Apr 08, 2014 02:37 pm Title: Chapter 119A
I'm LATE for this chapter, but made it, nonetheless. :)
This is the new beginning they need for themselves and as a family!
Author's Response:
You're never late! and yes this is definetly a new begining for them as a family! ;p xxx