Date: Nov 02, 2012 07:55 am Title: Chapter 70B
Awww Mrs. Jackson might be pregnant again ^_^ I know that Michael is going to be so happy if she is. I can't wait to find out.
Author's Response:
Hahahaha! ohh I hope you'll like it *blushes* xxx
Date: Nov 01, 2012 12:22 am Title: Chapter 70B
Awww, that was sweet! I loved it!
Author's Response:
Thank you!! :D xxxx
Date: Oct 31, 2012 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 70B
Eeeppp!! I really hope they have a baby this time!! I don't want Remi to miscarriage again. :(
Author's Response:
I really hope they do. They've been through alot in the 8 months of marriage. This will be beautiful! xxxx
Date: Oct 31, 2012 10:15 pm Title: Chapter 70A
lol Poetic Justice is my MOVIE! R.I.P. Pac. And oh my goodness, Mike & Remi need to get it together gosh lol
Author's Response:
Hahaha, Janet and Tupac are something else! and yess, Michael and Remi really do need to get their shit together. They really need too.
Date: Oct 31, 2012 09:41 pm Title: Chapter 70B
Can't wait for them to find out if she is or not. They're assholes to each other, and then 5 minutes apart has them rushing to get back into each other's arms; that's love for real lol! And might I add, she has some mean mood swings, Jesus! Great chapter
Author's Response:
Hahaha, they are assholes to eachother but thats marriage. Theres ups and downs but they cant live without eachother thats whats beautiful. And Thank youuuuuu *sings* her mood swings are something else hahaha! *covers face*
Date: Oct 31, 2012 09:24 pm Title: Chapter 70B
I'm glad they made up.. I hope she's pregnant! If she indeed is, it's definitely motivation for Michael to get his shit together and keep it together.
Author's Response:
The baby would be everything they want in the world, and I agree so much, the baby needs to be the motivation for BOTH of them to get their sh*t together.
Date: Oct 30, 2012 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 69
Yay! Aokie is back ^_^ Mike waited too long to tell Remi about what Shana did smh Aw poor Michael is about to be going through the struggle lol
Author's Response:
"through the struggle." XD hahahahaha! she cock blocked him so badly, kinda sad and funny at the same time *hugs MJ and rubs his back*
Date: Oct 30, 2012 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 68
Awww they're so cute. Michael has a lot going on *sigh* he needs to slow it down. On the other hand, I love him & Remi. They're meant for each other.
Author's Response:
Awwwwwwwww, thank you!! xxxxx
Date: Oct 29, 2012 07:46 am Title: Chapter 66A
Shana tried lol she really did. She knows good and well that Mike don't want her. She needs to chill with that before Remi cuts that tail smh...she's thirsty.
Author's Response:
HAHAHAHAHA! shes really is thirsty hahahaha! XD
Date: Oct 28, 2012 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 65
Awww it's good that they made up and that Michael finally admitted to his problem. That's the first step in making a change.
Author's Response:
It is the first step to making a change, a change for the better :)
Date: Oct 27, 2012 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 70A
She's pregnant or my name is Cruella DeVille :D I bet my Bad25 boxset!
Author's Response:
Hey Silvia!! havent spoken to you in forever! :o and hahaha, you are not Cruella DeVille because Remi is pregnant! you guessed correct!! and I need to get the Bad25 box set! *cries*
Date: Oct 27, 2012 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 70A
Yep. Remi's ass is pregnant! And Michael needs to get over himself. But I'm glad he told the truth about that Shana shit.
Author's Response:
You are so right Kat, her ass is pregnant!! and hahaha, I hope that their petty squabble ends because they got a bigger things to be worried about lool. ;)
Date: Oct 27, 2012 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 70A
So, I'm guessing she's pregnant and maybe it is her hormones that have her taking this whole thing to the extreme. I mean, she had a right to be upset; but almost two weeks is pushing it! Aww poor Michael, he was really missing her.
Author's Response:
Brianna, I really wanna... GOD I HATE KEEPING STUFF FROM YOU GUYS. IM THE SH*TTEST LIAR. YOU KNOW WHAT, YES! YES SHE IS PREGNANT! *covers face* and yeah your right, her hormones are acting up and making her over react about stuff, but overall yes she is pregnant. :D
Date: Oct 27, 2012 09:47 pm Title: Chapter 70A
Lol I remember when that movie came out. I saw it like 5 times with my friends. We all had a crush on Tupac lol. And Remi is pregnant. Yay!!!!!! And I love their interactions with each other. GReat chapter hun.
Author's Response:
Hahaha, that film is too funny ;) and she pregnant? *Im the worst at lying to you guys!!!* Hmm...we'll just have to find out on the next chapter, and thank youuu!! xxx
Date: Oct 27, 2012 09:22 pm Title: Chapter 70A
Hahaha if only he was still alive man h and Janet had some chemistry.....SHE PREGOO MIKE!
Author's Response:
Likeya, if only he was still alive. Hip Hop would be so different...and hmmmmmm? I dont know Likeya, is she? ;)