Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: Zedd_MJ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2014 01:54 pm Title: Chapter 1

Annie I'm speechless right now. I can't even process what I just seen. I just I don't know Annie. It's to where it's whatever to me. I just hope Michael don't be with neither if them because they both lied and if he was to get with someone he should get advice from Mya friend. This story breaks my heart and it's crazy how Michael is gonna end up heart-broken again.

Author's Response:

Well, I don't know what to say. Keep reading?

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2014 07:49 am Title: Chapter 7

Ugh! Mya is foul for taking Michael knowing that she is practically in love with him. I'm glad someone knows Tegan well enough to tell why she do what she does. I just hope Michael funds it the truth and in the mean time not to be mad at mya for the lies and not mad at Tegan for not letting him know who she was.

Author's Response:

Mya betrayed Tegan but it seems like Tegan is still willing to put her friendship before everything! And thank god we have Marc. Maybe he will shake some sense into Tegan!

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 15, 2014 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 7

Ugh I just want them to be together already!!!lol but I know a good story needs some drama and time, but I'm just to darn impatient. Haha, anywho, I need more!!!! Update please. :D

Author's Response:

You need to be more patient ;)

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2014 08:47 am Title: Chapter 1

In my mind if you want to weigh who should get Michael based on who didn't screw up the most then Tegan would still win that one. Tegan messed up twice, one of them are not that serious and the other medium as far as seriousness. But compared to Mya's betrayal both mistakes are not equally important nor more important.

Well with this issue people have different beliefs as to what classify's as friendship. Where I come from, what Mya did is punishable by a good beating. Not that I would do that. But Tegan is definitely not the only one who is at fault here. She should have gone to meet him and told him herself which was her second mistake, the first was leaving that picture up on the site. But that does not give Mya the right to betray her friend no matter who the man is. Some people will do anything for Michael Jackson, personally I wont. My family and my friends who were there for me before he ever came into my life come first then I think of him. But no man should come between those who love you and have been there for you. Therefore Tegan would have every reason to be angry when she finds out. If Mya felt guilty she would do the right thing by her friend and set it straight and tell Michael the truth. She's not just hurting Tegan but hurting Michael whom she claims to love so much.

I agree with Grace , I wouldn't bring my man around Mya, she obviously can't control herself and that's no one else's problem but her own. She needs to check herself. This is excluding the scenerio where the man actually participates in cheating with the best friend. If you can't trust your friend around your man , your friend is questionable. In this case I root for Tegan because it was Tegan that Michael wanted to be with from the beginning. She is what he was looking for as oppose to Mya(whose vocabulary I'm sure is painfully limited compared to Tegan) So in this case my focus is on what Michael was looking for and wanted until these two chicks added problems. I don't care what Mya wants quite frankly. And Tegan I do feel bad for, although she messed up too, what she did does not warrant such betrayal. 

Now in the future if Michael does decide, when he find out, to leave the both of them. That would be justified, infact I like the idea of him not being with either of them than having to pick one. And if he does decide to pick I feel Tegan should definitely win this one. But solely based on his interests and compatibility.

Author's Response:

Hey you! Well, I think if Michael finds out the truth now he won't want to be with them at all! But it will get more complicated when he will start developping feelings for Mya and maybe for Tegan... who knows ^^

If Mya were my friend, I would be mad too! But you said you would put your family and friends before Michael, and this is what Tegan is doing. She knows she is wrong so she doesn't think she has the right to be mad at Mya. We will understand later why Tegan is so loyal to Mya and would rather be unhappy and miserable than lose her friendship.

I agree with Grace too. One of them has to tell Michael the truth before shit hit the fan!

"whose vocabulary I'm sure is painfully limited compared to Tegan"

Thank you for the review, the new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: neece Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2014 08:41 am Title: Chapter 6

Teagan needs to stop being bitter. She brought this upon herself, and now she is paying for it. She shouldn't have used Mya's picture in the first place; Teagan is a beautiful girl and she should of had more self confidence. The comment she made about MJ was rude and uncalled for, I'm not saying she needs to beg on her knees for his forgiveness, but she needs to be nicer to him. 

What Mya did was cruel. You never do that to your best friend out of spite. When Teagan finds out, I hope Mya gets her ass handed to her. 

You can't expect MJ to see through both girls right away. When he saw Mya for the first time, he was in awe because he recognized her from the profile; I believe that he was happy that she actually a real person. If Teagan used her picture, she would of got the same reaction from him; I don't think Michael is that shallow to choose Mya over Teagan if Teagan used her picture, but hey, you can never be sure. If Teagan shows more of her personality to Michael, I think he will start to put two and two together, but Teagan is being cold, so I understand why he is reluctant to be friends with her.

Annie you are doing great as always!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response:

I agree that all of this is happening because Tegan did not use her picture online and didn't tell the truth to Michael when she realized he was the man she was talking to online. And Mya is guilty because she is still omiting to Michael she isn't the girl he talked online to! They are both wrong!

I agree when you say Michael likes Mya because she exists lol! Michael is not shallow. And it's not like Tegan is actually giving him a chance to get to know her. She is cold and distant, no wonder why he likes Mya better!

Thank you  for the review Neece :)

Reviewer: kaybelike Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2014 01:31 am Title: Chapter 6

As much as I'm rooting for Mya and Michael, I know it may not come true. I think that Mya is a good friend because if she wasn't, she wouldn't be feeling guilty but I think when you have a man like Michael Jackson in front of you wanting every last bit of you, you sometime lose control and forget about others around you. Overall, I think it's Tegan's fault for letting someone as attractive as Mya around Michael! She should have grew some balls and told Michael from the jump and none of this wouldn't have happened! Obviously I think Michael's going to notice Tegan's traits that he noticed online and that'll come in the way of things but I don't think that it would be enough to make him leave Mya because he's getting to know her more and more. I have a feeling he'll distance himself away from both when he finds out! 

Author's Response:

Well, keep rooting for Michael and Mya because it's happening right now lol. Mya has regrets which shows she isn't heartless. But she is not the only one to blame, nothing would have happened if Tegan had told Michael the truth! Let's see if Michael will fall for Mya when he gets to know her or if he will fall for Tegan once he gets to know her! Thank you for the review and the rate :)

Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2014 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 6

Michael is so delusional if he only with May for her looks then his feelings for May is going to disappear real soon. Continue soon :)

Author's Response:

I think nothing will change as long as Tegan continues to be cold towards Michael :s

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2014 06:00 pm Title: Chapter 6

I hate that beauty is all most men want. They want arm candy and not a real woman. Smh. I feel for Tegan. Good thing she is strong enough to not let it get to her. Note mya's friend is right. Shit is about to hit the fan soon. Great up date Annie! 

Author's Response:

Yes, Tegan needs to keep her head high! What Michael doesn't see, someone else will and this person will make her happy! You're right, I agree with Grace too. It will backfire on both of them LOL. Thank you for the review and the rate :)

Reviewer: ShantiJ_Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2014 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 6

I LOVE this, please update soon. 

Author's Response:

Thank you very much, the new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: BitchesLoveMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 17, 2014 09:21 pm Title: Chapter 1

I love this story already :)!!! 

Author's Response:

THANK YOUUUUU! the new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2014 04:34 pm Title: Chapter 1

I haven't started reading this one yet (I like to wait until they reach a certain length...otherwise I read through too quickly), buuuuut, I LOVE the concept behind it. I've been wondering if/when someone was going to take this approach. Why am I not surprised that that someone turned out to be you?

Your storylines make me want to get back into creative writing.

SO looking forward to reading this!

Author's Response:

Then, let me updates more chapters LOOL! I'll try to update soon :) Thank you for the lovely review! I hope you'll love that too :D

"I've been wondering if/when someone was going to take this approach. Why am I not surprised that that someone turned out to be you?"

Reviewer: Itshumannature03 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2014 07:07 am Title: Chapter 5

I seriously can't wait for the next update! Hope its soon :)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much! The new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: neece Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2014 12:36 am Title: Chapter 5

Ohh Annie, you've done it again. I like the story already. Please continue!!!!!!!! OOOHHHH GUUURRLLL, How are you always so creative with coming up plots?

Author's Response:

Hey girllll! Yes, another story!! :) Thank you for the review!

Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2014 12:17 am Title: Chapter 5

I really like this story it's great

i feel kinda bad for Tegan, Mya dosent seem like a very trustworthy friend I mean if she Know her friend is in love with this guy why would u continue to go out with him , & then on top of that why not tell michael the whole truth I hope michael ends up with Tegan tho I think she would be a better match for him.

Author's Response:

Hi Jasmine :) Thank you for the review! At first Mya only wanted to prove Tegan she coud seduce a man like Michael. But yeah, as soon as she saw him, she totally forgot about teaching Tegan a lesson :s

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2014 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 5

Bad! I want to sucker Punch mya though. A friend is not suppose to hurt the other our of spot them continue to hurt them. That's BS! Even my best friend for nine years won't do that. I see she got her a job buy that is very rude of her to just take Michael. Smh. 

Author's Response:

Hey April! Oh yes, all of you want to punch Mya because of what she did! Thank you for the review and the rate!

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