Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: Zedd_MJ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 1

Yes she grew a damn backbone. I'm so ready for Tegan to beat the shit out of Mya. fuck friendship to me! 

#Team Tegan

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 08:56 pm Title: Chapter 8

Yes! she finally grew a Backbone now she can stop keeping everything bottled up inside & says how she feels! udats soon please :)

Author's Response:

Yaaass! Tegan needs to put her big girl panties on and let Michael and Mya know she is strong now!

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 08:15 pm Title: Chapter 8

Omg I love this!!! Please update as soon as possible & please make Tegan tell him the truth!!!

Author's Response:

New chapter online! Thank you for the review :D

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 8

Yes!!! It's about time Tegan grows some freakin tanatis!lol getting a little to excited but you can't blame a girl... Anywho.... UPDATE soon!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank youuu! The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 8

Uh oh! The dragon is unleased!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: ShantiJ_Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 07:32 pm Title: Chapter 1

I LOVE this story so much. The fact that Teagan is no longer playing nice makes me happy. It seems to me she gets pushed over a lot and I wish she would be honest with Michael that she was the one on the sight and not Mya. Mya doesn't deserve Michael and for the simple fact that Mya knows about it makes her a bad friend to continue to see Michael. If that was me I would have to decline because my friendship would come first. Anyhoo... I freaking love this story to pieces! Wonderful chapter btw! 

Author's Response:

Hello Shanti :D Thank you very much! I think the readers have enough of Tegan being a doormat. She needs to be strong!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 1

Girl just thinking about Mya in this story raises my blood pressure through the roof, past the ozone and into outer space. I finsihed reading it and now I"m thinking about it again. I hate hate HATE girls like her. 

I hope Michael figures it out soon that something is off with Mya. I think I might have a stroke if I have to read too many more chapters where he doesn't know. 

I didn't start reading this because I like them to be a certain length before I get invested but you've got me hooked now!


Author's Response:

LMAOOOO! And you're lucky I didn't bring Lisa in it lmao! HAHA! I'm going to update soon and more! Don't worry, you will have your fix lol :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 12:56 pm Title: Chapter 7

OMG I love you, you made a character called Camille! You have my full permission to use my namesake as you see fit, you can make her a complete amoral slutbag if you want but just promise if you do that she will show up and seduce Michael away from Mya. Like have Michael start to lose interest in Mya because she's a shallow selfish twat, and be thinking about dumping her anyways, and then have 'Camille' show up and they have a tryst, preferably in a room next to where Mya is that has thin walls. 

I see that Michael cares what Tegan thinks about him and has noticed her, huh? 'The most beautiful girl he's ever seen" that descriptor includes Supercunt as well. So indirectly Michael's admitted he finds her physically more attractive than Mya. I think that Tegan can get him, she just needs to switch off bitch mode and be herself. It's time for Tegan to learn the truth about what Mya did so she can stop being bitter towards Michael and redirect her hatred to where it is deserved. Also, Tegan needs to tell Marc what Mya did so that Marc can go blab to Michael. 

I don't know how Michael will feel about all of this but I'm sure he'll be disgusted with Mya. She's exactly the type of woman he doesn't want. And I hope at this point Mya is completely in love with him and he crushes her heart with no regret. Make that bitch suffer. 

Author's Response:

YES I DID LOOOOL! And she should definitely come back and snatch Michael from Mya lmao! Michael wants Tegan to like him so bad, that's cute lool! But you know Tegan will never be friendly as long as he is dating Mya >.<

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 12:44 pm Title: Chapter 6

Grace should have told Michael the truth. I would have. And everything she said is right, Mya is going to get a huge heaping of karma and she deserves it. Ugh I still can't get over what a bitch she is.

It's good that Tegan is working for Michael, I think if she loosens up and acts like herself in front of him, he will start to like her. And the longer he stays with Mya the less he will like her because her true personality will show. Looks only get you so far, they can grab a man's interest but are not enough to retain him long term. 

As soon as Tegan realizes what Mya did, she needs to step up her game.


Author's Response:

I don't think Grace wants to be in the middle of it. She told Mya how she feels about it but she wants Mya to put her big girl panties on and tell Michael the truth!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 5

Poor Tegan! Mya is such a trifling cunt.

I feel bad for Michael too because he's being played. I just hope he doesn't think Tegan played him because she has no idea.

The part that still blows my mind is why Tegan doesn't feel better about herself? I could understand her motivations more if she was ugly but she's just as pretty as Mya if not prettier because her beauty is less fake and put on. Tegan looks like a model too! She needs to learn to love herself.



Author's Response:

Mya has regrets but if she were a good friend, she wouldn't be in this situation at all! Tegan is a beautiful woman and it's time for her to realize it and comparing herself to Mya. They are both beautiful in their own way!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 12:36 pm Title: Chapter 4

Omg Mya is a complete and utter bitchslut. You don't do that to your best friend just to get some dick. And honestly, if Mya and Michael were meant to be telling Michael the truth at this point wouldn't have made him go for Tegan over her anyways. But since the bitch doesn't have the brains or personality to back up her looks she can't do that. Holy cow what a fucking bitch. If that were my best friend she wouldn't be for long that's inexusable in my book. Poor Tegan, although she's an idiot for not going in the first place herself. 

What's done in the dark always comes to light though. Mya is going to lose Tegan as a friend, and something tells me that Michael is NOT going to be happy with Mya when he learns the truth. I'm sure he's had his fair share of betrayal in his life and he will no doubt be disgusted that she is the type of person to do that to her best friend. If that's how she treats her friends how can he trust her? I hope he dumps her ass so fast that her head spins and she's left utterly completely alone. Cause at this point it's the best she deserves. 


Author's Response:

Tegan lied, Mya lied, poor Michael! He will be heartbroken when he finds out :S.

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2014 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 3

Tegan is so dumb. She should have just told him it wasn't her photo when he commented on it, before she even knew he was 'Michael Jackson' that way the truth would have been out. And let me guess, instead of going to meet him herself she's going to send Mya in her place?

Tegan must not have 2 brain cells to rub together.

Author's Response:

Hello Camille :) I'm glad you're reading this :D

Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2014 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 7

Michael is so dumb how can u not tell this girl has feelings for you its so obvious!but hopefully if he gets to know tegan alil more he will see it was her he was talking to online and not mya. update soon please!! :)

Author's Response:

LOOOL! I think Michael doesn't want to see it because he knows it will make the situation more complicated!

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2014 06:49 pm Title: Chapter 1

Haha Exactly that's what I feel would be good. Michael should not be with either of them. But because I know Michael is lonely and is looking for love. It will be hard for him to just go out looking again. So in any case I feel Tegan would definitely be good because she is what Michael is looking for. Yes the nut lied and hid from taking responsibility, (despite this slip up)Tegan certainly seems like the kind of person who does not take long to admit when she is wrong, she apologises, and also does her best to care and love people. Mya on the other hand is a traitor, and although has a conscience, she seems as if it will take her longer to finally come to terms that she needs to do what she needs to do. Between the two of them Tegan seems to be a bit more mature and loyal. I feel that since Michael endured much betrayal in his life Mya has shown she is a bigger potential threat. Tegan on the other hand, is human yet loyal. My first feeling is neither should get him, second feeling Tegan would be a better pick for him.

Author's Response:

Indeed, Tegan seems to be more loyal but they both lied! Let's see how Michael reacts and who he choose! :)

Reviewer: thatmjchick123x Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2014 04:46 pm Title: Chapter 6

I love this story please update soon!!!

Author's Response:

Thank youu

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