Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 11:45 pm Title: Chapter 11

I just want to punch Mya in her gosh darn throat.... And Michael needs to open his eyes and start thinking with the head between his shoulders and stop thinking with the head between his legs. Mmmkay! LLol

By the way, great chapter!!!

Author's Response:

LOOOOOL, he needs to! When he will realize it might be too late >.<

Reviewer: DajahMykal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 11:13 pm Title: Chapter 12

Mya thinks she is smart, but Tegan is 10 steps ahead of her. Mya thinks she is slick. Im just ready for Tegan to really rip her a new one. I can understand Tegan feeling like she owes Mya for saving her, but Tegan came out of one abusive relationship and entered another one! She didn't even realize!!

Marc is sooooo bad!!!!! Getting Grace drunk!! hahahaha, smart way to go about getting the information he wants because he knows that he won't get it any other way.

Author's Response:

Hello Dajah :)) You're right, with Mya it didn't get better but Tegan is slowly realizing she is better off without Mya! Marc is crazy LMAO! But he got what he wanted ;) Well, almost what he wanted!

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 09:01 pm Title: Chapter 12

Uh oh this is getting better and better every chapter its so great.

Author's Response:

Thank you :)

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 08:17 pm Title: Chapter 1

lol yea, But I'm glad to see that there is a shift within him now. To bad it might be too late tho. 

Author's Response:

I say until Tegan falls in love with someone else, there is still a way! But let's see how long it takes Michael to understand everything

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 1

I know I tend to get analytical about stories, but what I've noticed and gathered from the story is that Michael and Tegan have more in common than just books and movies. They are both insecure in ways. I believe that is why Michael is having a hard time seeing what's wrong with Mya, because apart of him is trying to make something work that is not going to last. He's lonely and plus he has expressed that he doesn't care for how he looks, just like Tegan. So chances are he's doing what he is doing cause he sees it as "With who I am, and not being the most attractive man, I can't be too picky. I have to except what I can get, while still hoping that true love will happen." But a harsh reality is that things like that don't always happen. He needs to be a lot more picky about whom he dates and put his wallet on lock down. That part upsets me the most. Not that he hasn't seen through Mya yet. But that he spends money on her. He will eventually see through her with Marc around, I'm sure Marc will not stop till he gets into Michael's head. But his money is a deal breaker in a way. Your keeping a woman should not depend on the availability of your wallet. As far as his oblivion, I'm not too upset seeing as a lot people do what he does and they all come out feeling stupid. He definitely deserves better than Mya but until he starts to increase his standards, he wont get better. Both Tegan and Michael are beautiful people but insecurities tend to effect how you perceive relationships, how you see yourself getting one, and how you see yourself having a successful one. I believe if Michael finally wake up and if he and Tegan get closer they will most likely be healing to each other. 

Author's Response:

I love your analysis!! You're right, they are both insecure and you're right again when you say Michael stick with her because he believes she is the only woman that want to be with him. That's definitely not the case and when he realizes Tegan wanted him, it might be too late. They are getting to know each other more and he can't help but say she is beautiful but also they share the same interests. What does he need more to see she's the one lol?

Thank you for your review (LOVE THEM) and the new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 09:55 am Title: Chapter 11

Also, Marc is awesome! 

That is all. 

Author's Response:

He is!!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2014 09:21 am Title: Chapter 11

Michael is retarded. Like seriously mentally handicapped. All that MyWhore does is whine, talk about the shit he buys her, and talk about herself. Surely the sex can't make him that blind, being who he is he could get sex anywhere, so I don't see why he would want to put up with her for longer than it takes him to ejaculate a few times. He is already aware of the fact that Tegan is the bigger person and he doesn't know even know the truth yet! His best friend is warning him about her, and there are inconsistencies between some of the stuff they talked about online and what May says in real life (LOR). Time for him to wake up already! I hope he feels beyond stupid when he realizes his mistake because he should. It would be hard for him to get any dumber.

MyWhore's plan to apologize to Tegan will backfire. First, Tegan is going to see through her bullshit and her insincerity is going to push the two even further apart. Not that Mya cares about anything other than her tan. But I also think May will be wasting her energy. I don't think Tegan will ever come out and tell Michael on her own because she is too classy to stoop to MyWhore's level and interfere in a relationship. Plus how long would she really be still pining for a guy who is too blinded by cheap pussy to notice the difference between her and Mya? Time for Tegan to be over Michael he doesn't deserve any less. What I am hoping for is that Grace tells Marc, then Marc tells Michael. That way Mya will get what she deserves, Tegan won't know that Michael knows, and it will be Michael's turn to pine.

Author's Response:

Well, maybe the sex is that great ^^ lol. But he does need to open his eyes and put two and two together.

Instead of wasting her time thinking of these plans, Mya should just find a way to tell the truth to Michael that won't make him want to dump her! And you're right, maybe Tegan will find the right guy and won't even care about what Michael thinks of her!

Thank you for the review and the rate. NEW CHARACTER IN THE NEW CHAPTER :D!

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2014 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 11

Love this. Cant wait for Michael to see the light

Author's Response:

LMAOOOO! same!

Reviewer: DajahMykal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2014 10:37 pm Title: Chapter 11

Noooooo. I just need Mya to jump off a cliff or something!!!! I really despise her character now. It just irks me how her mindframe works. Everything is all about her, her, her!!! She probably didn't even talk to Tegan during HER housewarming party. All she does is subconsciously rub it in Tegans face how she has Michael. And all she does is fucking cry, lol. Suck it up backstabber. The only one crying should be Tegan and she hasn't dropped a tear yet! Mya getting with Michael was the beginning of the end of Tegan and Myas friendship.

Author's Response:

Mya should try to think how Tegan feels sometimes, and she should have done that when Tegan moved out or even way before! Thank you for the review and the rate :D

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2014 08:44 pm Title: Chapter 11

1. Michael is dense and a pushover.

2. God damnit, Tegan finally got a backbone. Hallelujah! And the choir sings....can ya tell that I feel for that girl?

3. Mya is that friend no one wants to be stuck with.

4. Why must you do this to me Annie? I just keep getting more and more sucked into this story.

Author's Response:

Michael is still a little bit too blind by Mya's appearance to understand. But it will come, don't worry :)

LOOOL, Tegan is a grown woman and she won't put up with Mya's BS anymore!

I wouldn't want to hang out with Mya too lmao!

The new chapter is here, don't die yet ;)

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2014 07:13 pm Title: Chapter 11

Uggghh! I despise Mya I do.

TEAMMARCE (Marc & Grace combined) there the only ones that im liking right now. Of course Tiger but i wish she would just tell the truth and not let Michael get too wrapped up with Mya. I love this Annie. Continue!

Author's Response:

LOOL! I love Grace and Marc too! ! :)

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2014 07:03 pm Title: Chapter 11

Fuck that!!! Tegan needs to tell Michael the truth very soon!!! And if she tells Marc first, his ass needs to tell Michael!!!

Author's Response:

You know Tegan will never. Even if she is upset, she still doesn't want to break them up

Reviewer: DaizyfreeMJJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2014 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 2


Author's Response:


Reviewer: DajahMykal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2014 10:12 am Title: Chapter 10

Grace and Tegan??? I wold have never thought! Lol at Grace not wanting Mya to take her man! I see Michael getting on Tegans good side. Where he should stay. Mya needs to stop being a spoiled rotten brat! She's already got the man!! Enjoy it and stop being bitchy! But we all know that it is karma slowly but surely coming around. Yes Michaels album is more important than you!! Just because an important person in your life walked away because of YOU doesn't mean that Michael should drop everything to be with you. She's basically lost everything because she put a man before her friends. Her fault, and if she didn't realize it yet than she is so blind and oblivious to everyone but herself.

Author's Response:

Yes, Grace and Tegan lol! Who would've known! I love their friendship 😊. The closer Michael is to Tegan, the quicker he will realise Tegan is the one he wanted but maybe it would be too late :/ Mya needs to get lost LOOL. THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2014 05:46 am Title: Chapter 10

Omg, Mya is such a brat.. I'm really starting to hate her. Come on Grace and Marc, get drunk and spill your guts, tell Michael the truth about Mya. Tegan keep it classy girl.. Being your wonderful self, Michael will eventually see the real woman he fell for. Please update soon... PLEASE!!

Author's Response:

LMAO! That would be so funny if Grace drank too much and tell Marc everything! Michael will understand but will it be too late 😏?

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