Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2014 09:13 pm Title: Chapter 17

mya only told half the truth, she need to come clean to michael and tell him that she wasnt the one talking to him online teagan was. 

Author's Response:

She did it on purpose to protect Tegan but more for Michael to pity her :/

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2014 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 17

When in the FUCKING HELL is someone gonna tell Michael that it wasn't Mya he met on the website!?!?!? It was Tegan!!!!! And Mya be all like woe is me and shit when she basically stole Michael from Tegan!!! Get away from her, Michael!!!! She's a no good lying BITCH!!!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2014 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 1

Great updates. I'm loving Marc in this story and I agree with him Camille being there was great. The way Michael handled his temptation with Camille wasn't the best, but he did fight her. So I'm somewhat satisfied with that. Now I'm curious to know if he gave into her, which I hope he didn't. I'm not happy with Mya, she was just as passive as Michael was. That is where my girl Tegan out shines. Mya spent so much time trying to teach Tegan how to be assertive but she couldn't do it herself. So far I want what Marc wants. I want Michael's attention to shift, and Mya did most of it herself, but Camille being there helped it along. As far as Michael only saying no to Camille because he was thinking of Tegan and not Mya, that is not a good thing but when you think about it. How is someone who is dense and passive like Michael going to wake up unless he starts opening his eyes and seeing Tegan for who she is? Now that he's noticing her I look at this as a step leading to him most likely waking up and seeing what he's been missing. Unfortunately Mya will probably end up hurt, so I feel bad for her in that sense but we all have consequences.

Author's Response:

Hi! Marc and Camille are great and even if they don't know everything about the situation, they give good advice. Michael and Tegan should listen to them!

Michael should have kicked Camille out of his suit and run after Mya! And Mya shouldn't be so passive, I agree. They are both wrong. Thank God Tegan has guts and said something!

That would be great if they could all be happy but one of them is going to be hurt! :/

Thank you for the review :))

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2014 04:53 pm Title: Chapter 16

Did michael really sleep with crazy Cam? :( Hopefully with this he'll see that Mya is not the one for him. Now what Cam said to him about his perfect girl, my damn she was right. I did not expect that from her but I loved that she told him how it was.. Glad mike got to hear that.

I love Teg, I love how strong and classy she is. No matter her feelings for him. When she saw the situation at hand, she was still professional and did what she came to do. Love her!

Author's Response:

Camille is always right and Michael should learn to listen to her advice and try to not sleep with her lol!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2014 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 16

Wow it just keeps getting crazier!

1) LMAO @ TJ calling Rihanna 'Romula" WTF kind of name is that? Hahahaha that's what I would name my kid if I hated her.

2) This is for Tegan in regards to TJ:


wake the fuck up photo: Wake the fuck up Wakethefuckup.gif

Don't end up like Michael-on a steady diet of dog food grade beef all while a fine cut of prime rib is staring you in the face.

3) And this one is for Mya:

cry me a river photo: cry me a river cry_me_a_river.jpg

When you are a man-stealing whore, eventually another whore is going to come and steal your man. You lose them like you get them. 

5) Now onto Camille. Well she is obviously a sex addict, but in a twisted way I think she cares for Michael. Everything Camille said about Mya was the stone cold truth. Michael knows it too, which is just sad and pathetic. I get the impression that Camille won't back down until she knows she's left him in capable hands, meaning with a woman who will take good care of him, is strong and actually loves him for who he is. Or maybe I'm just hoping that's what she'll do because she has my name :)

6) Despite their rude first encounter I get the impression that Camille and Tegan will end up getting along. Because neither of them puts up with bullshit.

7) Nevertheless, I think that seeing Michael waking up in bed with Camille may be the final nail in the coffin of Tegan's feelings for him. Why would she want to keep wading through sluts to get his attention? Especially seeing as she has men lined up ready to appreciate her. I think he may have permanently blown it, or at least for a long time, and I wouldn't blame Tegan one bit. 

7) Finally, this one is for Michael:

you're a hot mess photo: youre a hot mess & i'm falling for you tumblr_l92k67uwdR1qd127po1_400.jpg


Author's Response:


1), LMAOOOOO! You see, TJ is so smitten with Tegan that he couldn't even care about leaning Rihanna's name. He only wanted to see if he could get a girl in the club and practice his punch lines lol!

2) Tegan will only realize TJ exists when she'll be done with her dates lol. Trust me ;)

3) "You lose them like you get them"

4) Camille cares for Michael and she wants him to be happy.... while still giving her an orgasm when she is in town lol.

5) Who knows? ^^

6) I think every women would be disgusted if they were in Tegan's shoes. I wouldn't blame her for her crush to disappear after that!

7) He is a hot mess, indeed but I'm sure it won't last ;-)

Thank you for the revieww!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2014 10:09 am Title: Chapter 16

Mya - Boo hoo. She is finally getting a taste of her own medicine.

Camille - Who was your inspiration for her personality? I ask, because Sheldon

The Date: I think I snorted. The best date was with the gay guy.

Michael: Why?! I mean, is she really that good? I get that the d wants some, but she's so..... Fatal Attraction.He totally deserved that awkward awakening.

Tegan: She earns a fist bumpfor her handling of Camille.

Thank you for the longer chapter!<3

Author's Response:


For the name, it's inspired by the user CamilleianPYT and for the personality... IDk LOOL! I guess I read too many fanfics with crazy exs ;)


Reviewer: Mooreasia14 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2014 10:03 am Title: Chapter 16

Can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

thank youuu!

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2014 07:38 am Title: Chapter 16

Wow! All I can say is wow! Lol update please!!!

Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :DD

Reviewer: Jasminelovesmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2014 11:33 pm Title: Chapter 16

wow! this story is getting better and better. update soon :)

Author's Response:

Thank youvery much :) The new chapter is online ;D

Reviewer: neece Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2014 11:20 pm Title: Chapter 16

Oh Michael, he doesn't deserve Tegan after the way he's been acting with Mya and Camille. Tegan doesn't need that in her life.

I was so happy when Tegan called out Camille!!!!!!! Tegan didn't let that crazy bitch get to her. Makes me love Tegan more and more.

Poor Tegan, she can never find the right dude, if only she wasn't so blind to TJ making moves on her. But what TJ did at the club, was kinda fucked up. He didn't have to be a asshole to Ri Ri.

Great Chapter Annie, can't wait for the next one. 

Author's Response:

You're right, Tegan needs someone who thinks with his head and cares about personality more than he cares about looks! Tegan is strong, just the way she handled Camille shows it!

LOOL, TJ was just trying to see if the way he hits on girl is problematic or not! Seems like Tegan just don't get it lool!

Reviewer: Itshumannature03 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2014 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 16

This was such a great chapter! Really well written :) hope you update sooon

Author's Response:

Thank you very much and sorry for the typos :)

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 02, 2014 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 15

Camille need to take her ass on somewhere. Nobody got time for this bullshit that she's trying to cause. Mike wants Tegan he needs to drop Mya and get a restraining order on Camille and be happy. When all that is done the story is over. But I'm pretty sure your gonna prolong the bullshit because we looooove the drama  lol Continue pretty pleaseeeeeeee

Author's Response:

EXACTLY! More and Mora drama to come Cali :D Thank you for the review and the rate :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 02, 2014 08:57 am Title: Chapter 15

This chapter was EVERYTHING.

I have a few comments:

1) Camille is a total nymphomaniac nutcase and I love it.

2) ROFLMAO @ Camille calling Mya a groupie/prostitute. The truth hurts.

3) ROFLMAO again @ Michael thinking he should just buy Mya a dildo that is a cast of his penis.

3) Michael is a mess. First he almost fucks Camille without sparing Mya a single thought, then he's chasing after Tegan like a fiend. If this isn't a sign that he should dump Mya I don't know what is. 

4) The ending was hilarious. I don't see how he could possibly talk his way out of this one. But more importantly, does he really care to even try? Mya is not worth all the trouble. I hope she doesn't guilt him into staying with her. And I don't doubt that if they break up she'll go around telling everyone that Michael cheated when he didn't. But I guess he would have if it wasn't for Tegan. Methinks it's time for him to re-evaluate.

5) Yaaas to Marc getting Grace drunk again and then using Camille as a weapon. He needs to recruit her to get rid of Mya for good. I'm sure on some level that Camille cares for Michael's wellbeing and wants to see him happy and it will never happen with MyWhore. 

6) I can't wait for TJ and Tegan to get together already! Tegan needs to give him a chance. She needs to forget about Michael, period. He isn't worth her time. She doesn't need a man who only thinks with his dick. And TJ/Tegan pairing up will dramatically improve the eyebrow gene pool. 

UPDATE again soon, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Hey Camille :D I'm happy you liked this chapter and the way I depicted the character who is named after you! She's crazy, huh? And I love it too!

Michael needs to dump Mya because he doesn't even feel sorry for what he did with Camille. But if Tegan was his girlfriend, Camille would have never been in the same hotel as him! He keeps let these things happen, that's partly his fault!

I AM DEAD at you talking about their eyebrows LMAOOOO! They both have some nice eyebrows, it's true! They could have a gorgeous baby.... Maybe in the future ;-)

Thank you for the review girl, the new chapter is here! Enjoy!

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: May 02, 2014 12:49 am Title: Chapter 15

Amazing update!!!!!


Michael needs to react quickly about TJ's relationship with Tegan... she seems to want to forget Michael and move on... Michael needs to do something to change the situation...

Mia and Camille... well, not really the night Michael expected.... Poor Guy!

Author's Response:

Michael is already a little bit jealous of TJ and Tegan. He knows he noticed her and he  has the feeling Tegan will be interested. If he has to make a move, it has to be right now!

Thank you for the review girl :D

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 01, 2014 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 15

I love extra long chapters :) Merci beaucoup!

I'm laughing like an evil genius (minus the 'genius') - there's just so much ....erm... blocking going on. First Tegan hears about Corey donating his 'boys' and wanting to follow his 'kids', then Michael disrupts the date *swoons*. Next Camille grabs 'junior' only to get rejected and tricked by Marc. Tegan manages to block both TJ and MJ in under 5 minutes, and Mya and Camille block eachother.And then the chapter finale?  fight Girl, you can't leave me hanging like that!


“Especially if it’s a crazy blond haired girl with huge boobs”


Author's Response:

THIS GIF OF MICHAEL IS SO ADORABLLLEEEE! You always find the best <3!

I will try to make more long chapters :) I love Tegan for that! She is so oblivious to TJ and Michael's real feelings it's so funny! I can't wait til she figures it out.

Don't worry the new chapter is here girl :D

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