Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 09:48 am Title: Chapter 25

Have Teg and TJ slept together yet?

Author's Response:

No... Not yet ^^

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 06:55 am Title: Chapter 25

Annie you are playing with my emotions.

I have many things to say:

1) I'm not even going to comment on Mya's behavior. She's dead to me.

2) Tegan WTF is wrong with you? She obviously gets off on being a human doormat. When she gets really turned on she probably cries out "yes baby step on me, wipe your feet all over me" during sex. Lol. She should have let that bitch Mya choke on her vomit in a dark alleyway. And when her sister was like "find me an apartment bitch" she should have told her to do it herself. Now Michael is phone stalking her and trying to force her to work for him. I really, REALLY want for Tegan to grow a spine and tell everyone to go to hell. 

3) Whatever Michael is planning, he'd better be careful. Why he's hiring some useless woman I don't understand. I seriously hope he isn't planning to make Tegan jealous with some bimbo groupie slut. Tegan has had enough of that, that's the problem. She already thinks he's shallow and only into sex, and if he hires some skank to replace her he is only going to 'prove' it and push her away permanently. At which point I would say he deserves it. God, everytime Michael builds some cred with me in this story he promptly does something dumb to destroy it. Maybe he should be with Mya, they have the same brain power which is absolute zero. Between the two of them you could create a powerful enough intelligence vacuum to destroy the universe.

4) If I have to hear about Michael and Mya's sex life one more time, I swear I am going to puke. That whole drunken conversation of Mya's made me want to bleach my brain. Another reason that everytime I start to want Michael and Tegan together, I change my mind. Which is why I hope that Tegan fucks TJ until her vagina turns itself inside out and prolapses and bleeds, then walks right into Michael's studio the next day with a limp and hickies on her next. Or maybe they get really loud and Michael hears it, and then at some point in the future TJ shows up drunk and proceeds to tell his Uncle all about how good she is in bed in graphic detail. Cause if Michael and Tegan do wind up together, that's seriously what I think it will take for her to ever get over the entire Mya thing. Fuck, I'm only a reader of this story and I can't even get over it. 

Can't wait for the next update girl! I need to see what Michael has planned.

Author's Response:

Hey Camille :)

1) Unfortunately she'll be back for the wedding :(

2) "When she gets really turned on she probably cries out "yes baby step on me, wipe your feet all over me" during sex" GIRL LMAOOOO

Is time for Tegan to grow a backbone! It's time!

3) Let's see if Michael is smart with his plan!

4) OMFG! LMAOOOOO I can't go over this "Which is why I hope that Tegan fucks TJ until her vagina turns itself inside out and prolapses and bleeds" I have the feeling you'll like the new chapter I posted ;-)

Thank you for the review Camille! Love tou <33

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 10:34 pm Title: Chapter 25

Michael is desesparated!!!!!!!! LOL!

LOve it!

Author's Response:

He is LOL!!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 25

Will she please just fuck TJ already? Damn! 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 25

I got a feeling Michael's plan might just backfire on him. Can't wait for more!!! :)

Author's Response:

Maybe it will, maybe it won't ;)

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 05:54 pm Title: Chapter 25

All that little shit TJ can think of is getting in Tegan's pants. He needs to calm the fuck down, stop acting like he's God and let Tegan tell him when she's ready. Shit if it were my desicion, they would've never gotten together in the first place. But Michael has to prove himself to her and that will take some time, I'm guessing. TJ is just a second choice. Michael needs to learn his lesson and this will totally set him straight. Please continue soon!!! :)

Author's Response:

I laughed for two good minutes @ "that little shit TJ" LMAOOOO. TJ definitely is horny and he doesn't feel uncomfortable telling Tegan lol! Michael still needs to work for it!

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2014 06:20 am Title: Chapter 24

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, Tegan, what in the world is wrong with you?!! This beautiful man is throwing himself at your feet. Come on girl, wake up!!! I hope she tells TJ the truth and that way he will talk to Michael, and see that Michael is truly in love with her. Ughh.. Please Update ASAP!!!

Author's Response:

LOOOOL! TJ ain't bad looking either ;-) the new chapter is here ;D

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 21, 2014 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 24

Ughh noooo  why does she have to shut him out? I get her point I do, but she cant hide her feelings.  Nor can she just get over him just like that. I dont feel or see her with TJ. Smh

Author's Response:

Tegan is still upset that Michael didn't notice the difference between her and Mya. Let's see if he can fix that like he says!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 21, 2014 02:06 pm Title: Chapter 24

I'm proud of Tegan. Michael fucked up, so TJ deserves a chance. She doesn't need to make up her mind yet. I do think she should tell TJ the truth if their relationship gets more serious but they had only been on one date so far. She shouldnt feel pressured to make any serious decisions at this point.

And if Michael really cares for her he will prove it. May the best man win.

Author's Response:

I think you're the only one who supports Tegan's decision lol! She is doing what she thinks is right! If Michael really wants her, he will do what it takes to have her. But until then, TJ stays! She definitely has to tell him the truth before he learns it from someone else!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 21, 2014 01:58 pm Title: Chapter 23

I'm glad that Michael told Tegan the truth. It is the right thing to do. But do I think she should fall into his arms just like that? Hell NO. Sure Tegan lied about her photo but Mya was the one who betrayed both of them and Michael is the one who royally fucked up. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if someone is lying about things they said online all he would have had to do is talk to Mya about something they had previouisly discussed to figure it out. But he didn't, cause he couldn't keep it in his pants longer than a minute. I'm glad he apologized but he can't just fix it insantly like he suggested. The connection they had online was obviously not as important to him as putting his penis into Mya's vagina and Tegan has every right to still be hurt about it and she should be. Michael's apology was half assed anyways.  

Time for him to see what it's like on the other side of the love triangle. He hasn't proven shit yet as far as I'm concerned. 

Author's Response:

Michael knows how it feels to be clueless, so I guess he wasn't trying to make Tegan feel like this too. Michael didn't want to see Mya wasn't the girl he talked to online and this is why Tegan is mad. The quicker he gets that, the better!

"Time for him to see what it's like on the other side of the love triangle"

Reviewer: neece Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 21, 2014 01:22 am Title: Chapter 24

To be honest, I have no words. I aammm....speechless; that how this story makes me feeelll!!!!! LOL. 

Fantastic chapter Annie!!!!!!

Author's Response:

LOOOOOL! you're so cute! Thank you for the review :D

Reviewer: mjsloveistheshhh Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 21, 2014 01:17 am Title: Chapter 24

Ohhhh no she has to give mike a chance right? He made a mistake....yes maybe he was a little shallow for choosing mya over tegan and not seeing the obvious but he's only human he wants happiness too and plus she shouldve just told mike the truth he's putting his heart on the line again....but girl i have read this story in one day so far and i love chapter pleeeese!!:)

Author's Response:

Michael is trying! And it's not he could imagine he was being played lol! Tegan wants to do what she thinks is the right thing to do instead of listening to her heart sadly! Thank you for the review and the rate ;D

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 20, 2014 11:29 pm Title: Chapter 24

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please, come  back I'm dying about this situation! Michael, do somlething, be strong and fight for the girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

The new chapter is heeeeerreeeeee

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 20, 2014 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 24

Goodness, I'm not sure what team I'm on yet, but I do feel that she needs to talk to the guys before making a real final decision. I freaking love this story! Update soon please!!!

Author's Response:

Don't worry, you still have time to choose a team :) Thank you for the review!! :D

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 20, 2014 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 24

And when you have to pep talk yourself that you gotta make a relationship work, it's a clear sign that it's gonna fail. And Camille needs to dissapear and get a life of her own instead of meddling in other people's lives.

Author's Response:

Indeed, Tegan would rather listen to her brain than her heart! LMAO! Camille just wants the best for Michael ;) Thank you for the review and the rate :D

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