Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 07:57 pm Title: Chapter 27

Michael is sprung and hasn't even got to sniff the panties. Smdh. Serves his ass right though. Tegan is fucking TJ's brains out and if Michael had half a brain, it coulda been him. Tegan is LIGHTYEARS ahead of the vapid ho Mya, yet he couldn't realize that. Tegan is gorgeous, intelligent, funny, everything he wants in a woman. Like I said before, I can't wait til it comes out that Mya is wack as fuck in bed and the only thing she's good for is arm candy. And since TJ is getting the sex of his life, I can only hope he will let it slip to his Uncle DooDoo. Just rub it in his face! Although at this point, Tegan is using TJ for an outlet, that's alright for now. It is not realistic nor expected for her to just drop everything and go running to Michael. He didn't use discernment and good judgment before, and now he must pay the price. He must prove why he's good enough for Tegan and why she's the woman for him. Tegan is partially to blame as well because she should've told Mya's ass from the beginning not to date Michael. She was too soft and timid and should cussed Mya's stale ass out and used her OWN picture. She's pretty herself and didn't need Mya! Michael really has his work cut out for him here. He needs to prove himself and make up for what he did. He needs to prove that Tegan is better than the slut he was with and that she's the One. Until then, I say Tegan continues to ride TJ's dick into the sunset and get their eyebrows done together. 


And I seriously hope Mya gets her karma soon. Seriously. I hate vapid hoes like her. I hope there's a man at the wedding who will shade the fuck outta her and say how Tegan is much better or something. Something that will really ruin her ego and fuck her self esteem up. 

Author's Response:

They all have their wrongs, but what Michael did was effed up and if Tegan doesn't want to be with him right now I understand. Why would she? She has fine ass TJ waiting to give her all his love. She needs to focus on him and give him a chance!

And for Mya... You'll see lmao (as I say when I have no diea what I'm going to do with her character lol)

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 07:09 pm Title: Chapter 27

He didn't force her to remove anything, but he pretty much forced her to have sex with him. TJ is such a loser. He's not even what she was thinking of when they were having sex. I wonder if he knows that he's her second choice and that she's in love with his uncle. Please update soon!!!!

Author's Response:

I don't think he knows he is her second choice. It will be heartbroken once he finds it out :/ The new chapter is here!

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 07:04 pm Title: Chapter 27

I guess for Tegan sex is going to be an outlet for her to get away from Michael but it isn't going to work. It's like... it's like a cut. When you cut yourself, cleaning it up and wiping the blood may make it better but afterwards you're still going to feel some pain. This is how Tegan is acting to me. For right now she can clean up and wipe the blood (have sex with TJ) but after she wraps it with a band aid (finishes having sex) the pain of the cut will still be there (her thoughts of Michael will be there. I can tell that she loves Michael and its obvious he's trying his best to convince her for them to become one but Tegan is not having it. Which I can't blame her for. She needs breathing room. She needs to focus on TJ and not hurt TJ and i can't lie Michael is sort of getting on my nerves... he should just give her time. He doesn't know if the relationship with TJ will work out or not. If he wants her that bad then he needs to STOP telling her and START proving it. No one wants someone who is just sitting on their ass and talking words. People want actions. I know I would want some actions. Michael's feeling the wrath on being the outside looking in like Tegan did with Mya and him. Can't say he doesn't deserve it because he damn straight does. He needs to start working for Tegan.. W-O-R-K-I-N-G. Not talking.

Anywho.. awesome chapter as always and the people you pick for characters are always so gorgeous. Very gorgeous. Update soon Annie girl. 

Author's Response:

You are absolute right. This whole review was nothing but the truth! Let's hope Michael hears you!

Thank you lol! The new chapter is here!

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 26

Damn.... Poor Mikey. Come here baby, I'll make you forget Tegan. I'm sooo pissed off at her.. I guess that's it, they won't be getting together.  Damn things are so screwed.

Author's Response:

LOOL! Michael needs someone to comfort him rn lol!

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 09:45 pm Title: Chapter 26

My reaction *deep long a$$ sigh* I KNEW HE WANTED IT!!!' He couldn't wait... Like I said he wanted it because she wasn't showing him attention... Like what did that thing say... Her heart said wait... Since when do you not listen to your heart... (Unless yo a$$ need a job) ya listen... If I was Michael (like forreal do) this happened it. Ain't my fault but hey men can be stupid!!! Back to what I was saying... If your are still my my pay check f'in my nephew and I gotta call you to train my worker and you don't show me mean or uptight... Imma call erbody in the business and cut her out... Shoo (I'm trippin) sorry#teamlookalikeandnotmytypelookingprettierthsnmeandhIseyebrowslookbetterthAnminebishgosomewherecloneofamjeyebrowLookinboy!!! I'm a #teammichaelsmexylookinbabydadyoriginslbabymakerandeventhohestupidinthisstoryitainthisfaultsheshoukdhavecametohimbutimmalethergo-andshecanscrewthelookalikebutwhenitcomestofamilyhera$$isgonnaloolikeagolddigga! Sorry girl I get protective like dang can you please turn of yo dang phone while you doin it she lucky she haven't met mama k cause if she did and heard that... (Ooooooh!!!! I just thought of something!!!) why don't you let mama k get an unexpected phonecall... Girl you know I'm bad!!! (MJ voice)

Author's Response:

You're right, he didn't like she wasn't showing him attention so he pushed it a little bit. LMAO at the hashtag. To be honest, TJ's eyebrows look better than everybody's eyebrows in this word lool

Thank you for the review Keke :D

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 08:11 pm Title: Chapter 26

"...I guess" <-- he's desparate if he acts on that kind of an offer.

And - NOOOOO! That's like the worst cliff hanger I think you've ever ended a chapter on. #*(&#@ There is no way that uncle/nephew relationship can ever NOT be weird after such an overheard phone call. ugh....let alone seeing Tegan. I know you've posted a lot these last few days, but please don't leave us with this cliffhanger for too long!

Author's Response:

LOOL! You know he is lmao! I have no idea how Michael will be able to face TJ after that!

The new chapter is here love :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 25

Hahaha. What an ending to that chapter. Poor TJ. Ouch. Dude is way too oblivious. I'm just waiting to find out that he is totally aware of the tension between Tegan and "Uncle Doo Doo".

As to Mya, I can't believe she took her home. Okay, I can. I could see calling her a cab....okay, taking her to her apartment and making sure she found the couch okay. Cleaning her apartment?! Z says no

Another great chapter!

Author's Response:

LOOOL! TJ is so crazy in love with Tegan that he wouldn't notice it if Michael was hiting on her rn lol!

I know! I wouldn't have either but Tegan is just better than us , I guess :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 26


As usual Camillepyt mimicked my thoughts perfectly. I am over the bs as well. I hope Tegan rides TJ's dick til it detaches from his damn body! And I hope he blabs about how good Tegan is in bed too. Sick of hearing about Mya's ho ass with Michael. I hope TJ breaks it all the way down on Tegan. Enough is enough!  

If Michael ever does end up with Tegan, I hope he has to endure all the talk of her sex life with TJ like she has about Mya's funky ass. And quite frankly, she looks like she isn't even good in bed. Good to look at maybe, but actually pitnit down? Hell no. Mya looks like lousy lay, just like Kim Kardashian. The type to think because she's cute, that's all it takes. UHH NO BITCH! Tegan is intelligent AND gorgeous, always an awesome combo. And quiet as it's kept, people who are intellectual and have intelligence tend to have much better sex anyway. And something tells me beneath all that timidness, Tegan can put it down in the bedroom! So I hope she works it out on TJ! And I so hope TJ talks about it and Michael overhears it. I also feel like Mya hasn't gotten her karma either. She deserts to suffer as much as Michael does with her dumb, lying ass. Hopefully it will come out that she's actually lousy as hell in bed and dumb as a box of rocks. Anyway, go TJ and Tegan! Wax that ass! 

Author's Response:

Heyy :)! I know! I'm starting to beleive you and Camille are the same person lol!

"I hope Tegan rides TJ's dick til it detaches from his damn body!"

Michael slept with Mya so Tegan has the right to enjoy herself too! LOL @ you talking about Mya's and Tegan's sex life haha! You might be right ^^

Thank you for the review, it made me laugh so much loool! Love you <3

Reviewer: prettyNicki Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 02:49 pm Title: Chapter 26

Is it bad that im crying because that what im doing. Man teagan you have offically rip michael heart out.but hey mike had sex with her ex-bestfreind and now teagan is having sex with his nephew tj.


Author's Response:

Well, at least she didn't do it on purpose! Thank you for the review and the rate :)

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 02:47 pm Title: Chapter 26

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Why!!!!!!!!!!!!! You killing me!!!! please, come back!

Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 12:33 pm Title: Chapter 26

Noooo!!!!! Fuck I hate TJ. Poor Michael. He didn't need to hear all that. I know he messed around with Mya but that was Mya and Tegan's faults. If Mya hadn't lied and if Tegan worried about herself for once instead of being a little pussy, Michael would be with her instead of that wanna be gangster piece of shit. Lol sorry if I offend you, I'm just pissed off. Like, this literally ruined my day. :'( Jkjkjkjk I just don't like TH. Him and Randy are my least favorite Jacksons. Don't really know why.... Anywhore, please update soon!!!! Lol I'm such a bitch when it comes to reviews!!! XD

Author's Response:

I guess you won't like TJ and Tegan together now that they had sex lol. I'mm laughing at you calling him little shit LMAO! Thank you for the review and the rate :)

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 12:12 pm Title: Chapter 26

I'm a bit speechless. Um, more please. :)

Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 11:47 am Title: Chapter 26

May I add to my last review...

TEAR HER UP TJ! Dick her down until she's convulsing on the floor! Let her know who big daddy is! Okay Im not going to lie Michael does deserve this but 10 percent of me feels terrible! God that is such a shame... Hm... anyway.. DICK HER DOWN TJ in every damn place! Kitchen, floor, bathroom, couch!! PLAY ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Michael fucked Mya so Tegan needs a chance to fuck TJ and might I add he's doing a wonderful job. Okay Im done, lmao. 

Author's Response:

LOOOOOLLL! You know he will! He waited for so long it's going to be the longest bust ever lol

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 11:42 am Title: Chapter 26

OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT! Did I say oh shit? HOLY SHIT! 

TJ AND TEGAN ARE 'BOUTA STRAIGHT FUCK AND MICHAEL HEARD A GLIPSE OF IT. Laaawwwddd.. I can't say I'm though I just dislike the fact that TJ sort of pressured Tegan into it but if she's okay then Im okay. She's about to get DICKED DOWN... Lord have mercy I can't--- I can't deal Annie girl. When I clicked on this chapter i wasn't expecting tegan and tj to... yanno and i damn sure wasn't expecting Michael to hear. God, I feel bad for him.. I really really feel bad for him.. He wanted a chance but he lost it but then again it was his fault too. I'm not going to put it all on Mya because she was stupid because he was blind too. Tegan and TJ are adorable together but i can't deny that part of me wants Michael and Tegan Migan -my ship name- to have a chance.

Author's Response:

Yes you said it loool! They are to get their freak one and everybody will here, including Michael lol! Poor him! I'm here to write unexpected things lol! Michael will be ok lol! You know it won't stop him!

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 11:28 am Title: Chapter 25

I'm sorry I say that tn only wants the p I mean he is younger and cute but tj sooner or later is going to slip up because all he wants is the p! Michael poor Michael he is just hanging on to her every move I hope that she can see that he is trying to do make a move but that's what she get for pursuing tj... Like the rule goes... If you love the guy DO NOT MESS WITH THE FAM!!! It gets hella messy😡😤

Author's Response:

That is going to be SO messy if she decides to be with Michael lool

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