Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2014 04:44 am Title: Chapter 31

I am waiting for Michael to say yes and then start unzipping his pants so she can massage his balls with her tongue.

Seriously though, I can't wait to see how he handles this. Hopefully he doesn't cum in his pants. I fully expect some embarrassing moaning though.

Poor poor TJ. 

Author's Response:

"I am waiting for Michael to say yes and then start unzipping his pants so she can massage his balls with her tongue."


Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2014 03:12 am Title: Chapter 31

Omg!! Please update soon. And Michael..get yo damn message. He was about to pass out right at that moment

Author's Response:

LOOOOL, He will probably won't be able to keep it cool while she rubs her hands on his back

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2014 01:16 am Title: Chapter 31


We need Massage moment, pleaaaaaaaaaase!!


Author's Response:

LOOOOOL, let's see if he agrees :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2014 12:04 am Title: Chapter 31

Lawwddddd idk about this massage. Tegan is so oblivious, it's almost cute. lol. it's like girl... You cannot offer Michael a massage if you knew what he really thought about you and what part of his body he wishes you were massaging. Lmao. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. And Tegan is so into planning this wedding, you would think she is the bride!!! Lol. Just shows that she definitely deserves her Prince Charming and husband at some point soon. But as for what's going on now.. Her and TJ are the king and Queen of oblivious island. Lol. I feel bad that she feels so conflicted about her feelings. But as for now, she needs to try to make it work with TJ. Michael hasn't proved himself as worthy of her, nor his true feelings. Does he really care for Tegan or just lust her? And vice versa. Tegan needs a man who's into mind, body and soul and treat her like the Queen she should be treated as. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl :) LOOOOOL, you know Tegan is not going to realize it's a bad idea until she hears Michael's moan during the massage! She is so adorable, she wants to get married so bad, I hope it will be true because tou're right, she deserves it. And maybe with her oblivious King TJ lool!

Thank you for your always funny review girl. Love you <3

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2014 02:53 pm Title: Chapter 30

I hope that it's Mark who has a hand in finally bringing Tegan and Michael together. I'm glad that Tegan is friends with him again. 

I can't wait for this's going to be Dramapalooza. Between Tegan and TJ constantly fucking, Michael wanting Tegan, Tegan secretly wanting to fuck Michael, and Mya's skanky ass it's going to be a gong show. 

I bet Mya will do something tacky like try to hookup with the groom. Or try to seduce TJ. 

I feel sorry for TJ, he likes Tegan so much and she's kind of 'meh' about the whole thing. If she doesn't start to change her feelings soon it's best to cut him loose. It isn't fair to him. 

I'm still neutral when it comes to Michael in this one. All I know is Michael better stay in his lane with this Kiyasha chick that will be starring in his video. He needs to keep it in his pants until Tegan is the one who takes it out.  


Author's Response:

I missed Marc and Tegan's friendship too! Marc really felt bad and I think he learnt his lesson now. Just because his loyalty lies with Michael doesn't mean he can betray Tegan.

Loool! The wedding is about to be a damn mess, I can't wait for this chapter!

You're right about TJ! Maybe it's because he is so clingy that she doesn't really care lol but we'll see if that change in the future!

Michael is behaving lately lol. He is not trying to push his luck.

"He needs to keep it in his pants until Tegan is the one who takes it out."

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2014 06:02 am Title: Chapter 30

OMG, girl please update ASAP.. Great chapter, Ugh. Tegan come on girl wake up. You could be eatting that exquistie man. Damnnnnn..

I was hoping whe does stay with Michael at Neverland instead of with Mark. That way she could maybe bump into him while he's getting out of the shower or something. She really needs to be alone with him. That way she'll see how much she is attracted to him. And maybe have a little taste of him. A kiss perhaps... 



Author's Response:

Heyyyyy! :)

LOOOOL! If I were Tegan I would want to get with Michael too but what about TJ ;(?

"That way she could maybe bump into him while he's getting out of the shower or something."

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2014 08:03 pm Title: Chapter 30

I'm so wmndidkknwnbeudnwks about TJ I mean I fel like all h wants is sex and when he gets tired he will ditch her. He is getting to clingy and it's too much might as well be friends with benifits since that's pretty much what they doing but he isn't taking her out: I'm so confused about them two together.

also Michael is just too innocent but in a bad boy way. He know he wrong for that office I'd be screaming as soon as them gold pants came in my view. Shooo watching the VMA's it's sad cause B.E.T can't get beyonce at the awards but VMA's can I'd be pissed in a way. But anywhoo TJ is not on my good list

Author's Response:

Loool! TJ likes her and he really enjoys having sex with her lol. Let's see if he ditches her after he leaves for Los Angeles! Same! I would take the poster to my house lol.

Well, I felt sad for the BET awards too but after that joke about Blue Ivy's hair, fuck them. Black Entertainement TV making joke about a black little girl's hair.  That's sad!

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2014 10:24 am Title: Chapter 30

I was waiting for these two new updates!!! Love it and can't wait to read Tegan accepting to live..... with Michael...

This is a good idea. They 're going to get to know each other more!!!!!!!!!!!


Please, come back soon!

Author's Response:

Hello Nellan! he new chapter is here. To live with Michael? LOOOOOL! We knows that as soon as she walks in Neverland, she'll never want to live! Thank you for the review ;)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2014 08:23 am Title: Chapter 30

Lmao yassssss at Mark! I'm glad they've made up and I'm glad she's staying with him. Hell no to her staying with TJ and his damn brothers. Just eww. And double hell no to her staying with Michael at Neverland. No ma'am. TJ should've definitely told her about LA too instead of being so insecure that she would find another man or break up with him. Like c'mon TJ. You and those arched for the gawds brows don't think very well. And as for Michael, him and Mark should definitely go to the wedding together. The last thing we need is him taking another one of these hoes. We've had enough of that and I'm still not over him and the last one. No Camille and HELL no to Mya's trifling ass. But back to Mark, I'm so glad he's ready to spice up Tegan's  wardrobe! I've been the main one saying I want her to gain some confidence and start dressing better! She's a beautiful girl, she needs to look the part. Stop letting that past abusive relationship define her and stop acting like she was second fiddle to Mya. NO. She has way more to offer because she has the looks AND the intelligence and personality to back it up. Even though she's with TJ now, I still want her to rub it in Michael's face how awesome she is so he can see yet again how fucking stupid he was. Tegan is LIGHTYEARS ahead of that slut and she always will be. Lastly, I'm still wondering how long will it take TJ's goofy ass to realize that Uncle DooDoo wants his woman. Every time he suggests her to do something with him, I just shake my head. Lol 

Author's Response:

Hey girl :)! I'm glad Tegan and Marc are friends again and TJ knows he is wrong for asking her if she wanted to stay with him and his brother. A mess lmao! TJ is so oblivious to his uncle's attraction to Tegan that it's funny. If he knew!

"You and those arched for the gawds brows don't think very well."


Don't worry, Marc is going to have Tegan dressed like a bad bish soon! Thank you for the review!! The new chapter is here :))

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2014 07:03 pm Title: Chapter 29

Soooooo junking happy to see a junking update!!! I totally spazed out not even

Tegan needs to say yes! It's a must. TJ bro, sorry but I'm still with Mike. 

By the way I absolutely love your sense humor. It's phenomenal. Cant wait for more. 😆😬


Author's Response:

Heyy! Thank yew! I'm happy to see your review ;D LOOOL! Poor TJ, can't compete and don't even know he has competition loool

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2014 05:46 pm Title: Chapter 29

You're back! I've been checking back like a crazy person. LOL @ the typos. It's always hardest to spot your own.

I love that Tegan forgot about TJ AND her parents once she saw Michael. I know, I know, TJ is hot, but in comparison to Michael? Hmmmmmmm...... nope

oh, and, I like Elijah.

Tegan needs to say "yes" to Michael's question. Hell, just say yes to whatever he wants.

Author's Response:

Hey you! I'm so sorryyyyy! But I'm back with all my stories, don't worry ;-) LMAOOOOO, that's a mess! Michael hypnotized her and made her forget about everything and everyone else. That gif of Tracy Morgan >>>> LOOOOL.

You know Tegan might say yes to Michael for something else soon

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2014 05:43 pm Title: Chapter 29

Lmao! This was a hot mess! I can't @ Tegan forgetting her man is meeting her parents! A hot mess. Her father is clearly not having it! Lmao overprotective daddy in the house. He just wants to see what TJ is made of, that's all. Seems like her mother likes him though. As for Michael, Tegan should've threw shade at his ass like "are you gonna try to date this friend of mine too or nah"? Lmao. His ass has it coming! Luckily Kishaya is married though, as I've read. At least when she did that video with him. Anyway, michael is pressed for Tegan! She's really gonna work for him again huh? Man I can't wait for the spontaneous visits from TJ so Michael can seethe. Maybe they sneak off for Quickies and take her out to lunch. Just rub his relationship with Tegan all in his uncles face. Let it slip that she's good in bed too. Lmao just make him seethe for the gawds! 

And to answer your previous question, hell yeah I want Mya's trifling ass to suffer! And I sincerely hope she does. Meanwhile Tegan has it going on. Go Tegan! I want her to maintain this confidence boost she has and keep it going. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl! LOOOL, indeed a mess! Tegan is sprung. Poor girl forgot she had a man... A family visiting her! But since we know a little bit about Tegan's past, we understand why Elijah is so protective. He is definitely not letting her daughter date some punk! He has to make sure TJ is serious ;)

As for Michael, Tegan should've threw shade at his ass like "are you gonna try to date this friend of mine too or nah"? Lmao.

Michael learnt the lesson the first time I doubt he is going to make the same mistake loool. Maybe Kishaya won't be married in this story... Who knows ;-)

That is going to be soooo funny once TJ shows up unexpectedly for a kiss or something like this loool/ For a quickie... Hmmm LOOOOL. I bet TJ is already thinking about that!

LOOOOOOL! I'll think about Mya! Let me watch Teen movies and see how the meanie is defeated lool


Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2014 05:06 pm Title: Chapter 29

Omg I just became best friends with Elijah!!! He hates TJ, too!!! Lovin' it!!! lol Please update soon!!! And make TJ and Tegan break up!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

LOOOOOOL, I knew you would love Elijah ;-)

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2014 06:02 pm Title: Chapter 28

Oh my Garfunkel why am I just seeing this? Like I was just thinking about how I need my fix and then I see this update. That's the last time I ever leave my house. Can't risk it lol. 

I absolutely loved it and am very much enjoying the build up. PLEASE!!! I BEG of you, MORE!!! 

Author's Response:

Hey you! I hope you still left the house because my lasp update was over a month ago >.<!

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2014 03:11 pm Title: Chapter 7

AHHHH I LOVED HIM ON UGLY BETTY!! Love me some mark lol

Author's Response:

ME TOO! I've been waiting for the right story to have him in it !!

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