Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 28, 2014 07:52 am Title: Chapter 35

Don't do it Debbie don't do it Michael hang on!!!!! Dang this is so good I would have been half on a baby at that moment

Author's Response:

LOOOOOOOL! The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 28, 2014 04:00 am Title: Chapter 35

Tegan girl your playing with fire and your gonna get burned. Come on already he has suffered enough. It was your fault too. T.J is cute and all but you can't hide the fact that you want Michael. Damn just when I thought they will get together you bring in Debbie. God this is so screwed. Poor Mike. Come Tegan. Out your girl panties on and go get your man. Great chapter girl. But please UPDATE ASAP!!!

Author's Response:

Tegan is starting to love TJ more so I guess it's harder for her to make a choice =S

Thank you for the review :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2014 10:10 pm Title: Chapter 35

No. No. No. No Debbie Rowe. Pleeeeaaaaase. I'm begging you, Annie! They are so close (after 35 chapters >_> ).  The tension was so thick in that room that I wasn't expecting Tegan to make it out the door lol.  There is NO Rowe needed. He was an idiot before, he doesn't need a repeat. 

Thank you for another great update <3

Author's Response:

LOOOOOL! It's only the 35th chapter, they'll have time to be close. And let's hope there is no baby between them!

Thank YOU! the new chapter is here :) Enjoy :D

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2014 08:10 pm Title: Chapter 35

Sooooo he's takin Debbie on her offer huh? First of all. Snaps and claps at Tegan sashaying in Michael's room like she is THAT bitch!!! Marc needs to throw away all of Tegan's outfits! The hell is she wearing a poncho, snuggies and shit in what? LAS VEGAS?!! But anyway she Gave me life!! I knew she could do it! I know I'm not the only one that noticed Tegan teasing Michael. Lmaoooo poor guy. THE THIRST IS REAL!!! Tegan need to put on her big girl panties and tell TJ and Michael whats up!! Michael hurryin up on a offer of a baby...(blanket I'm guessing)but I don't even remember him thinkin it far as I know the force is still awake needs to take a cold shower

Author's Response:


LMAOOOO! You know Tegan loves comfort over aesthetic lool! And yes, Michael needs to take a cold shower and maybe it will wake him up and persuade him not to accep Debbie's offer.

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2014 11:47 am Title: Chapter 34

Lmaoooooo omg! Damn Tegan don't know how to use the phone? Thank goodness it wasnt a nude! But I must say, at least she looks FABULOUS in the picture! She needs to have that level of confidence all the time. And if Michael does see the pic.. Oh well. Just rub it in his face that it was an accident and she was sending it to TJ. She does need to induce Sahara level dehydration in him, complete THIRST! Lastly, Kishaya told her the complete truth. She will need to make a decision soon before one is made for her, but more importantly get her confidence together and make Michael work for it. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl ;D Lmaoo, Tegan is so clumsy. Poor her! IKR, she looks gewd, no reason to not feel confident about her appareances!

Sahara level? I like that lool! She should ask Smoochy to give her some lessons lol

Now, Tegan needs to listen to Kishaya and made a choice!

Thank you for your review :) The new chapter is her,e enjoy!

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2014 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 34

HAAAAAAAAAAAA IM LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY!!!!!!!! I sent a message but not a pic lol!!!! Idris is so cuttttttteeee lol being awkward as heck. Welp peace!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

IKR, Idris is cute  lool :)

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 13, 2014 05:46 pm Title: Chapter 34

I have missed this story so much. Super excited about the new update! Looking forward to sum Michael gets his moment with his girl hahahaha Just happy for sum update. Now I'm sure Michael is gonna have a mini heart attack when he sees the picture of his girl. 

Author's Response:

Hey you! Aww, thank you! I'll try to update more often but with school is not easy >.<

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2014 01:25 pm Title: Chapter 34

love this story!!!!!!!!!!!! soooooooooooooo much! I can't to read the next part!

Author's Response:

Than you ;) The new chapter is hereeeeeee

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2014 07:36 am Title: Chapter 34

LMAO Good thing she was wearing something! I love this chapter <3

Now, what will Michael say?? Please don't leave us hanging for too long!

Author's Response:

OMG, I caan't imagine how embarassing it would have been if she was naked x_x

The new chapter is here Redone :))

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2014 11:29 pm Title: Chapter 34

I was like OH MY GOSH!! Why?? Whyyy??? Lmaooo when Tegan decided to be sexy and send a pic. Everyone gets it?!!! I kind of guessed she would make a mistake and send it to thirsty Mike buuuuut everyone gets it *cryin* she should've left those damn eyes open lol!!! And Idris had me Rollin. That pic of TJ was cute too! He had Mickey Mouse on his shirt, that's how you know  he's blood to Michael lol!!!. Michael is gunna flip when he get that pic of his Tiger. He's gunna faint lmaoo. And Marc is silly lmaoo love him. And I 100% agree with Kishaya. Tegan needs to say somethin to both of them and not leave them hurt. I mean they're gunna be hurt anyway but she needs to say something before her relationship with TJ gets deeper. She needs to do what's right and stop avoiding reality! She really needs to be true and also love herself more too.

Author's Response:

Hey Nene! LMAOOO! She is so clumsy, bless her heart :/ Let's hope Tegan follows Kishaya's advice!

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2014 08:18 pm Title: Chapter 34

So freaking stoke to see an update! I absolutely love your sense of humor, and I'm excited to see what happens in the next chapter. Anxious for more!!!😃

Author's Response:

Thank you very much ;) I'm excited to be back too LOL. enjoy the update :D

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2014 08:09 pm Title: Chapter 34

Lmao Tegan fucking up. Mike is bout to go crazy.

Author's Response:

LOOOOL! I would love to see that ;)

Reviewer: 4theloveofMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 19, 2014 12:47 am Title: Chapter 33

Tegan needs to put on her big girl panties and take control of her life. The man she loves is right before her willing and waiting for her to just say the word and she's acting naive and conflicted at the same time. Girl PULEEEZE! Get yo LIFE!  She's torturing herself! so what he was with Mya. It's your fault! At this point give the man the massage of his life! Make him forget Mya even existed! 

Author's Response:

Hey! LOOOL! Tegan doesn't know which one to choose! She is lost poor her! Don't even worry about that, I don't think Michael remember who Mya is since he he kissed her lol

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2014 11:02 am Title: Chapter 33

Can't wait to see Michael's jealousy in full display.

Tegan is pissing me off. She needs to grow some She-balls, time is running out being so wishy-washy. Very soon she will need to decide what and who she wants or she is being unfair to everyone- herself, TJ and Michael. I feel really sorry for TJ actually she kind of treats him like shit. Exactly how she used to be treated by her ex.

Will her ex make an appearance in the story? Maybe she can heal some of her confidence issues by confronting the man who screwed her up so badly. 

Girlfriend also needs to stop acting like a fan girl around Michael. Make him work for it a bit and induce Sahara level thirst. Don't be so freaking obvious. Men like a challenge especially ones like Michael who usually get what they want. 

I still don't think Michael has fully proven himself but he is getting there. I think his dense big old head finally gets it. The more time goes on the less excuse she will have. 

Author's Response:

Hey Camille!

Me too! This is going to be fun! If TJ doesn't get a clue... God, I don't know what he will need lol! And you're right, Tegan needs to treats Michael and TJ like she wants to be treated. Now, she has the chance to choose between them but soon, they will be tired of her and she will regret it. I think her ex will make an be in the story, just briefly tho.

"Sahara level thirst"


I like the idea of it looool. Make it happen Tegan!

Thank you for the review Camile <33

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2014 06:40 am Title: Chapter 33

I'm addicted to this story. I would love to read it, the whole thing!

I hope that you will updte soon. I can't wait to see Mike with Tegan, finally!

An TJ is on the way to come....! well, it os gonna be an interesting moment...!

Author's Response:

Thank youuu! I will do my best to update more often! Ye,s TJ is coming! It's about to be good!

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