Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 04:32 pm Title: Chapter 40

More more more.... Please update soon!

Author's Response:

The chapter is online :) Enjoy!

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 17, 2015 08:43 am Title: Chapter 1

This situation is truly a mess. Tegan has screwed up a lot in this. First she lies about who she is and then lets it go on for a while, now she's doing it again, letting things pile up till it's about to explode. I agree with Kishaya, Tegan is just making up excuses so that she wont have to choose. Tegan is also still harboring pain from her previous relationship, which she is bringing into this. If you look at this situation in terms of punishment. Michael choosing Mya was not the best choice and was a mistake on his behalf but was a consequence for Tegan lying to him. This situation will teach her to be honest in the future. Tegan holding on to past hurt is only making things harder than they need to be, and often times when people do that they make other people suffer more than they should because that person is putting the past hurt and the current hurt on top of the new person. That is what she is doing to Michael. Now although, what Michael did hurt her, Tegan is not in any position to determine how long Michael should suffer for this situation. In fact she's proving it by continuing to make him suffer for it now. He has served his time, now she needs to forgive him. It's like she said, she is more responsible for this mess than Michael is, so why is she still holding that over his head? He forgave her for lying to him. She can forgive his mistake. I believe she hasn't fogiven him yet is not because what Michael did was extremely bad or anything, in fact her ex was worse. She hasn't forgiven him because of all the hurt she has been through not solely based on the hurt Michael caused alone. 

I hope whatever offer Debbie has for Michael is what I'm thinking it is, because if so I think Michael should go for it. No one has time to sit and wait for Tegan to do what she needs to do. She needs a lot of healing and it's her choice if she's going to get it or not. Michael apologised and served his time for it. Time to move on now. Michael's was roght to apply that pressure to her. She need to to choose now. She is past the point of not hurting anyone. Make the choice and set someone free. Part of me hope she sets Michael free here, like I said if Debbie's offer is what I think it is. I want him to move on and pursue that offer. He'll get more healing and love there than dealing Tegan. But I do believe that if she chooses Michael they both can help each other heal, the problem is that Michael seems more open to let her love him. She needs to be open for him to love her. 

Author's Response:

Hey! Now I remember where I saw your username. You reviewed "Like a Moth to a flame..." & "Waiting to exhale" It's good to see that you continue to read my stories! :)

I am persuaded that Tegan would heal if she would forgive Michael too. Not necessarily by in a relationship with him, but at least admitted that she made mistakes, that he made mistakes but that she is willing to forgive and forget. She also needs to realize that her previous relationship shouldn't affect the way she views men in general. I think TJ himself proved that he is not like the others. She needs to give a chance to love.

About the Debbie situation, I guess you'll have to keep reading to know what Michael is about to do with the offer. I think you're the only reviewer who wants Michael to agrees.

"But I do believe that if she chooses Michael they both can help each other heal" so true :')

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2015 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 40

I want to cryyyyy😢😭

Author's Response:

Nooo, don't cryyyy

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 06:37 pm Title: Chapter 40


Author's Response:

Thank you for the rate and the review :)

Reviewer: Ngbballgyrl15 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 12:46 pm Title: Chapter 40

I dont mean no harm but God knows it will be a great day when these 2 get together cuz all this back amd forth is toooooo much lol I feel for Marc, I truly do lol Tegan needs to stop playing games. I mean TJ is cool but uhhhh he aint no Michael Jackson lol

Author's Response:

LOOOL, Marc must be having a head'ache whenever he thinks of them. They are so complicated :/

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 06:42 am Title: Chapter 40

I'm glad that Michael has finally told her how he feels. He should have done it a long time ago. Not quite sure he's in the position to be giving her ultimatums, though. First he says he will wait for her forever and then tells her she has to decide tonight. Neither alternative is fair and he is being a touch too manipulative for my taste. Although something needs to force her to decide, maybe he isn't so dense after all! 

She needs to dump TJ. Poor guy. Her heart just isn't with him and to hold onto him any longer is selfish and unfair. I still think she should make Michael work for it a bit more. She doesnt trust him yet and he needs to earn her forgiveness rather than expect it. But she should definitely give him the chance, cause it wasn't 100% his fault to begin with. And let's face it, she loves him desperately.

Wasn't Mya supposed to be at this wedding?? Maybe it would help if Tegan gets to see Mya finally get what she deserves.....I would think Mya would try to be all over Michael the minute she stepped through the door. Surprised you haven't mentioned her yet!


Author's Response:

Hello Camille :) Lol, Michael is a walking contradiction, you're right. But I believe that even if he gave her the ultimatum and says no, he will wait for her anyways.

I'm sure she loves TJ too, but it doesn't help to have Michael around, putting pressure on her. Maybe what she needs is some time with TJ only to figure out who she loves most.

Oh yes, Mya is going to be at this wedding

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 04:50 am Title: Chapter 40

Come on already. Michael has suffered enough. We all know he did wrong by not getting with Tegan first but he barely knew her. People can say whatever they want but it's not all Michaels fault. Tegan used someone else's picture. She could've stop Michael and Mya getting together if she would've said something the moment he gave her the paper with Kingtut777. So come on Tegan. He heard you have sex over the phone with his nephew. He never told Mya that he loved her. For once be brave and go for yours. 

40 chapters and they are still not together.  How much more do we have to wait? Come on Annie. Pleaseeeeeee

Author's Response:

Hey! Well, I don't know how long I'll make you wait ...

You'll have to keep reading :P

Reviewer: tinker13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 04:26 am Title: Chapter 40

Ok this needs to stop. Just go to him. Michael is her forever

Author's Response:

Maybe she will choose Michael... Maybe she won't :/

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2015 12:16 am Title: Chapter 40

Pleasssssssssssssssssssssse, I'm dying here to read the next part!


Don't let us wait to long, girl!!!!


This story rocks!


Author's Response:

Hey Nellan :) Sorry for the wait but the new chapter is herrrrreeeee :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2015 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 40

I am so worn out with these two and this damn soap opera chile. Smh lol. Michael has to understand that she's still not over the Mya bullshit. Just because he said he was sorry really means NOTHING. Hell even I got annoyed at the bullshit of "even if it took me awhile, I still broke up with her". THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Women want to feel like you've chosen them and they are your first choice because you want them to be. Michael still hasn't done that. I don't care how much or how many times he says he loves Tegan, he still needs to make Tegan feel like she's special, like she is the one. He has not done that. Tegan is still not over that situation and I can't say I blame her. Especially when that bitch hasn't gotten her karma yet. I just want Tegan to scream at MICHAEL and go off about how she truly feels about that situation until he gets it through his thick applehead skull! That's the only reason why I want her to go after him at this point, cuz he still has to prove himself and that he's trustworthy. Every time he doesn't get what he wants, when he wants, he makes terrible decisions. He's hurt Tegan enough. She needs to stop being so damn star struck (which idk why that's even still happening at this point smh) and be REAL! Stop being Ms. Prim and polite and be raw! Tell Michael everything. The good, the bad and the ugly. Enough is enough. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl! LMAO, tbh I am too! Tegan needs to take a decision asap! I promise that in the chapter I've just posted, she does! We can finally move to something else lool. Well thank you for still reading <3

Love you girl :)

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2015 09:08 pm Title: Chapter 40

Omg.. when I saw that you had updated I screamed and scared my daughters. Please don't keep us waiting for another month. I'm begging you.

Come on Tegan make the right decision. She was right with everything she said to him when she told him to leave,  but she can't deny that she wants him and is crazy in love. There are no rules in love and war. Just be honest to T.J and tell him the truth. He's young and will get over it.


Author's Response:

Hi girl! Awww, that's so cute. Thank you lol :)

I'm sorry I kept you waiting another month :/ I will try better for the next chapter. I hope you like this chapter tho :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2015 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 40

Gah. I love your updates! I hope she goes. C'mon, Annie. You've teased us enough in 40 chapters. Let love happen <3

Author's Response:

Hey Redone! The new chapter is here, unfortunately it's filled with typos ( :/ ). Enjoy!

Thank you for the review and the rate :D

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2015 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 40

AHHHHHH no u did not stop right here! :,(((( all these emotions!! She got 24 hours to make up her mind. Michael made that very clear lol. And she ran after him :(( 

Author's Response:

Hey Nene! Sorry for the wait, again! The new chapter is here ;D

Reviewer: 4theloveofMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 31, 2015 09:18 pm Title: Chapter 39

Ish just got REAL! This whole time Tegan has not utter a word other than his name. "Michael" lol! LOCK THE DOOR!!!!

Author's Response:

LOOOOL, he leaves her speechless

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 20, 2015 03:12 am Title: Chapter 39

Please Tegan....ugh I knowwww she is. But I hope she doesn't disappoint me and leads on with Michael. To finally know what it feels like to be with him. It's the only way she would know it he is what she really wants. 


Why stop now, when you have what you wanted all along right infont of you. Go for it girl! 

Author's Response:

Let's see what Tegan decides to do!

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