Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 06:56 am Title: Chapter 42

I'm very very proud of Tegan!!! She's finally growing up! To the confrontations to her sister! Her sister had some damn nerve! Tegan did her damn wedding! She didn't even say thank you! Spoke up to her boss! And Michael! Michael has to learn it's not all about him. He can't have everything he wants. He says he wants her but he got Debbie on the line. It doesn't work like that. You can't be having Tegan and your baby mama too. He trippin..hard! TJ cool he cares for what Tegan wants...but of course I wanna see her with Michael. Glitter glove needs to grow up. He talks about age difference but he's acting younger than her! Girl I can't! Lmaoo I like smashed cup scene 

I'm waiting for love struck, heart spoken Michael's POV lmao


Author's Response:

Hey Nene! I'm proud of Tegan for standing up for herself. It's about time! You're right about Michael, the world doesn't revolve around him and hopefully he realizes it.

Thank you for your review Nene <333333333333333

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 06:14 am Title: Chapter 42

Your intro? gaga

Is it wrong that I want to slap TJ? He knows how his gf feels for MJ, but he's fine with it? Ugh. Being proud of being second string is not the way to enter a relationship. Don't try to force a girl to love you *most*

Same goes for Moira. Holy ego and self-centeredness. She could've left to get her tickets. SMFH.

This is selfish Michael, you are acting like a spoiled child who throws a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants”

I'm cracking up. Damn straight! And that analogy with the mug? perfection

LOL. I need to tease about the typos? Hmmm. Naw. I don't do it on command :P

jdfas; You and these damn cliffhangers. I need to know what happens!

Author's Response:

LMAO! You know how I am with the typos :/ TJ probably thinks that the better she gets to know him, the harder she will fall in love with him. Can't blame him for trying!

Moira deserved it! I wish Tegan would have have checked her attitude earlier. But happy to see that Tegan decided to not be used anymore!

Than you <333 and I totally saw that on Tumblr and it made sense for this story lol.

The new chapter is here enjoy ;)

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 04:28 am Title: Chapter 42

Oh damn. I hate where this story went. Sorry but after so long, fighting against everything and everyone and they still aren't gonna be together? Very sad. :'(

Author's Response:

It's not the end of the story yet.

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2015 11:14 pm Title: Chapter 42

I'm so fucking heart broken right now. I can't even. So no Michael and Tiger :'( okay

It's what I wanted and asked for..... But it hurts lol

Author's Response:

Maybe it will get better? You have to keep reading to see :)

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2015 03:39 am Title: Chapter 41

Where are you, girl!

Would LOVE to read an update! I'm dying to read the next part since you wrote this new one with TJ demanding to Michael to quit and let them be...

I can't even think about Michael accept the deal. He's in love with her and he should tell her again. She's not sure also about her choice...

This is something she will regret.

And I would love to read Michael and "Tiger" live together a little bit...I' llbe waiting for thess hot love scenes together. They're in love!!!! NO...?

Author's Response:

I'm here, the new chapter is online :)

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2015 01:08 am Title: Chapter 41

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! I'm dying here, please!!

come back as soon as you can! don't give up on this story!!!

Author's Response:

I'm not giving up lool

Reviewer: 4theloveofMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 09:24 pm Title: Chapter 41

I think Tegan just heard a halfass story from TJ concerning Michael. Of course TJ is going to paint the worst possible picture of MJ to steer Tegan's decision in his direction. I hope she's woman enough to at least hear Michael out concerning his situations with LMP and Debbie Rowe. I have faith in you Tegan! Don't fall for TJ's okie doke!!!! You're smarter than that!  UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! Please! LOL

Author's Response:

Okie doke loool

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 09:05 pm Title: Chapter 41

Lawd JESUS I am so... I don't even have words!!! What in the hell just haopened?! First off, why the fuck didn't Tegan tell that raggedy bitch Mya where to get off?! Newsflash ho: Michael NEVER loved her!!! She was an easy piece of ass attached to a nice looking outer shell, that's all. She had absolutely nothing to offer and clearly the pussy was whack because he dropped her ass with no fight at all. I really wanted Tegan to go in on this bitch but she didn't. But that's ok.. Cuz karma is still gonna kick her ass and the loss of Tegan's respect and friendship is gonna eat her ass alive for the rest of her life. Next, I am so glad that Tegan told TJ the truth, but I'm not liking the fact that TJ answered the phone. Tegan needs to deliver her message to Michael HERSELF. It needs to come from her. This is so crazy... Debbie is calling and I really hope Michael does not impregnate her. But because he's so fucking selfish and spoiled, I wouldn't be surprised. He needs to know that giving Tegan an ultimatum is what is gonna keep her in TJ's arms. He is NOWHERE in a position where he had the right to make any demands considering he's been on the wrong side of right damn near this entire story. SMH. Tegan finally is tryna grow some balls but to be frank, they're not big enough! She's still running from MICHAEL and really telling him what the hell needs to be said. I'm sick of the crying, the son stories, all of it. I'm pissed she didn't lay into mya the way she should have and im pissed that she didn't talk to MICHAEL herself as well. She still needs to lay into him over that bullshit with her ex friend as well as everything she's been feeling and what she now knows about his attitude and spoiledness. This is just too much chile.. Lol smh. I can't. I simply can't. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl :) Oww, you know Tegan. She is too nice and never want to hurt people too bad. She probably wanted to slap Mya into oblivion but chose the classy way, I guess.

It was about time Tegan told TJ the truth! That would have been bad if he heard it from someone else. And she needs to confronts Michael. Let's hope her balls are big enough when it happens lol :)

Thank you for your review, the new chapter is (finally) here. I can't promise I will update more often but I'll do my best :)

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 1

@redone: I so hope your right, hopefully she left in a hurry and  forgot her phone. 

Author's Response:

Maybe yes... Maybe no ^^

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 41

yaas^ when I see this story pop up as updated.

Finally Tegan stands up to Mya. I laughed at Mya being too narcissistic to even look at her own actions without someone having to hold up a damn mirror. Yet Mya still tries to play the victim. SMH. Complaining about how Tegan made her feel inferior? Fine, feel inferior, but why try to purposefully hurt a friend because of that feeling? Friends don't do that shit.

I don't trust TJ. Hmm. I'm running through scenarios in my head. My hypothesis: she left her phone in her rush and TJ drank to get rid of his problems.

jdfksa; I love how this story avoids so many cliches. <3

Author's Response:

LOOOL! I love me some Neil Patrick Harris :D

LMAO, Mya is never going to get it. It's never her fault :/

Let's see if you were right or not, the new chapter is online :))

Thank you for all your sweet compliments <3 And everytime I see your name on the comment section, I can help but sings "Redone" just like Lady Gaga did back in the days lmao :)

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 08:15 pm Title: Chapter 41

Oh hell no, Tegan you is so wrong. When are you gonna grow up and follow your heart. I guess you don't deserve Michael after all. Your gonna regret your decesión, Michael told you that he loved you, without you giving him so much as a kiss. 



Author's Response:

Lol, I almost forgot that they only kissed once!

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 41

awwwwww man!!! shit just left me speechless... I'm glad Tegan told off Mya thooo

But cmon now! how michael gunna give tegan deadlines when he got debbie rowe trying to have his baby? sigh

he is in deep doo doo now...

then to put the cherry on top TJ answered the phone

somebody hand me a tissue

Author's Response:

*hands you a tissue*

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 07:38 pm Title: Chapter 41


Author's Response:

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 41

Well TJ is right! Michael can be selfish, can't argue there. His inability to think of anything but his own needs is the root cause of all this mess.

If he takes Debbie up on her offer, I truly believe him and Tegan will never be together. It will be the final nail in the coffin. She will never believe him when he says he loves her after that point. 

Actions speak louder than words.

Girl I can't wait to see what happens next. I honestly haven't a clue where you are going with this. I hope he doesn't have kids with Debbie though. Just no. 


Author's Response:

I dope hope Michael doesn't ask Debbie to carry his children too!

Ha! I'm glad because that would be boring if you could see where this is going ;-)

Thank you for the review, the rate and the new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2015 06:50 pm Title: Chapter 40

Please update soon. I'm desperate here lol

Author's Response:

The new chapter is online :D

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