Reviews For beautiful ruins
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Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 25, 2014 10:47 pm Title: Chapter 16

This could be Lena's way out of the club, the law firm and into her own business. And Michael will fall hopelessly in love with her for that...

Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2014 07:51 am Title: Chapter 15

I love this fanfiction! I can't wait until he comes clean, and hopfully, tells her he's in loooooovveee with her :) Hehe...

Author's Response:

Thank you !!

I'm glad you liked this update.

Reviewer: Kunda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 26, 2014 03:22 pm Title: Chapter 14

*sighs deeply* 

Can I just say this chapter was the sweetest thing ever? Cuz it was.

Author's Response:

I just love 'That's What You Get' and really wanted to make it apart of his story. At first he was gonna just to Lena, but him singing to Mya was just too cute.

Reviewer: Itshumannature03 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2014 02:57 am Title: Chapter 14

Ooooooh, I wonder what she was meant to say!!! Hope you update soon :)

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 06:42 pm Title: Chapter 14

Wow, this is such a gooooooood story that it's not even funny!!!! I hope you continue to write this as I'm veeeeeeeery interested to see what happens!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you, this story is my little gem so I'm glad you like it.

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 01:28 pm Title: Chapter 4

Wow, what leana has to do to support her kids by working as a whore in a club. This club is completely not good, but at the same time it's very appealing.
I know not every girl in the club has sex, but I think that's the main thing, isn't it?

Author's Response:

It's kinda 50/50. One side is really raunchy with, sex, drugs, strippers. But then the other side deals with weird the fetish's people get. You'll see more of Len's wing the more you read.

Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 01:06 pm Title: Chapter 14

Awwwwwww this is so adorable!! The way Michaels sings with Mya, I could just dieee!!!

I love this story, it's one of my absoluate favorites! Update soon! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you, I really appreciate you reading this :)

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2014 01:02 pm Title: Chapter 1

Oh god, this is reeeeeally sad!!! It's a real shame how their dad would go from really wanting to be there, to just up and walking away. That's just not good at all.

Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2014 12:22 pm Title: Characters

This is truly the cutest story ever! I love Michael and Lena so much that i know as a couple they'd dominate the game. i give her props for raising two kids especially twins and Michael is so good with them. I read this story a little bit ago but i had forgotten the name and who it was by but luckily its here now! Keep up the good work. I love it!

Author's Response:

Well welcome back !!! I'm glad you think it's cute right now. Lena and Mke would be a force together, you know, if they could manage to get themselves together.

Author's Response:

Well welcome back !!! I'm glad you think it's cute right now. Lena and Mke would be a force together, you know, if they could manage to get themselves together.

Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2014 03:02 am Title: Chapter 13

Oooh that was amazing! I can'twait for the next chapter, and I thought it was cute how much Michael knew about all that stuff. It seemed real :) <3

Author's Response:

That make me happy, I spent hours researching the 7 sisters, so I'm glad it came out right :)

Reviewer: Kunda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2014 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 13

I see someone us definitely begginging to get the feels. Awww what's wrong with little Cam?!?!

Author's Response:

Just wait till you read the next chapter, I haven't written much of it yet but It's gonna be sooooooooo good.

Reviewer: TifftayluvsMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2014 09:56 pm Title: Chapter 13

Hey, hey, hey! Ok so I am all caught up with this lovely story.

May I just say that this is soooo gooood. I enjoy your writing style!

Lena is such a strong woman, I give her props. She is raising two beautiful kids on her own while still managing school and work. She is doing what she's gotta do, and I admire that. I am sooo anxious to find out where the hell Jay is though and what excuse he has for up and leaving them like that! I suspect he has another chick perhaps with a baby or...hmm he's just plain dumb. I'm excited to find out though! Michael is simply adorable in this :) And nooooo he didn't seem too nerdy lol I envision Michael to have been nerdy, bashful, and a sweetheart. I feel you got really close to how the life version of Michael was, based off his personality. 

Aww my heart melted when baby boy asked Michael if he would be his daddy :*( I love the close connection he has with the twins. They would be such a beautiful family. I'm ready for Michael and Lena to become exclusive but I think Lena needs time. She still hasn't fully dealt with the whole Jay still hurts her I know because he was still her first love. 

Great story and I can't wait for more!!! You are awesome. Girl, I'm scratching my head a little puzzled that you don't have more are so good :) 

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you enjoy it.

I love how strong she's become, in such a short time. Not everybody can handle being a single parent. She's not in school just yet. Right now it's just talk between her and Michael. I can't wait for you and all the other readers find out where Jay's been, I'm so tempted to tell but I know it would ruin a huge chunk of the story.

You know, you're the second person to tell me that about the way I've written Michael. I know in some stories Michael is like a sex god, which is cool. No judgement here cuz I'm guilty of writing him that way, but I just wanted him to the Michael that you hear about in the truthful stories that people who knew him told. That's why I made him nerdy, I love nerdy Mike, and very encouraging when it come to Lena's future and dreams.

Kameron just adores Michael which is a big deal. I haven't really mentioned it much, but he's not too open with new people. And Lena's got a lot of work to do on herself before she can properly entertain the idea of her and Michael in a relationship.

The funny thing is that this fic has more reviews than my other one, Burn, and I started this one six months after I started that one lol but I think it's cuz I'm new to this site or because I don't start conversations with others on her. But that's due to my weirdness. I know I have alot of silent readers, i just don't like asking them to review. Although I would love to read their reactions to the chapters.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Reviewer: DanieWritesLove Signed [Report This]
Date: May 12, 2014 07:38 pm Title: Characters

You're welcome! Well that explains why they look so awesome! :) Would you be willing to make me a banner? I would make sure to say you made it. I'm all about giving credit where it is do. Kunda, is awesome, I love her writing, she's great. I can't wait to start reading your stories too. Much love, xoxo!

Author's Response:

Yeah I can, I just wont be able to start it until friday or next week.

Just send all the stuff below to my email,

The girl:

Which MJ era:

The title:

Anything else that you might want added to it or ideas for the banner:

Reviewer: DanieWritesLove Signed [Report This]
Date: May 12, 2014 06:02 pm Title: Characters

Hi! Just wanted to say I love your banners. Kunda, told me about ya. I wanted to know if you would be willing to tell me why photo editing site you use? I'm trying to make better banners for my stories and your banners look insanely good, like they were done by a pro! Kunda, also said you were an amazing author so I am definitely going to have to start reading your work! :) xoxo

Author's Response:

Well thank you. I actually don't use a photo editing site. I use photoshop cs6. But Kuda is an excelent writer too, I'm envious of her word play.

Reviewer: Kunda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2014 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 12

Awwwww I almost wanted michael to say yes to the little baby asking him to be his new daddy. That would have made my day, but I can settle for friend. They'd all be such a cute family, I'm totally ready to find out what the hell is uup with Jay. I want to know now. 

Author's Response:

I know everyone is ready to find out what Jay is doing but not yet. Lol 

im  sorry it's takinge forever to finish your banner. I promise  I'll have it by tonight 

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