Date: Mar 31, 2013 03:10 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage
That was so messed up
Author's Response: Hi there:) & I know she did Michael dirty and he wasn't even expecting it. Thanks for reading and reviewing:) happy you enjoyed this!
Date: Mar 31, 2013 02:03 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage
omg Ashley is evil i hate her michael has to so something to her
Author's Response: Ashley is a certified bitch thats for sure haha thanks for reading & reviewing!
Date: Mar 31, 2013 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage
AAAAAAAAAH you're killing me I gotta know what he does to Ashley lol. I am literally going to stalk this story till he gets her hehe. Great update I can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: Hahaha I love to keep my readers at the edge of their seats ;) happy you enjoyed it:)! Thanks for reading & reviewing!
Date: Mar 31, 2013 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage
Ugh that bitch needs her ass whoop two cent fold! I'll be glad to do it too! Lol. How dare she steal his presentation! Karma will be a bitch on her ass one day.
Author's Response: Haha I told you guys Ashley is devious, she'll stop at nothing to ruin michael haha thanks for reading & reviewing<333
Date: Mar 30, 2013 12:38 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
Hey girl,
I hope this housing situation gets resolved soon too. I think unfortunately I'll have to wait until Summer before things will be fixed. :( An update this weekend would really hit the spot right about now. I've had the worst week ughh. I love your story I really do it keeps me sane if you can believe that lol. Update soon girl!
Author's Response: Hey doll, & that sucks, I hate waiting on things when I'm not sure of the outcome you know? Luckily I just updated;) I hope your week gets better and Im hoping for the best for you! Happy easter<33
Date: Mar 29, 2013 07:05 am Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
gosh sorry but i think she deserve what michael wanted to do to her
Author's Response: Hey love:) & haha sorry to say I kind of agree Ashley has been on Michaels back since day one lol he can only take so much of her before snapping and vice versa! Thanks for reading & reviewing!!
Date: Mar 27, 2013 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
Girl I gotta tell you I adore you too. :) You're so sweet and I wanted to tell you something. I just received some devastating news this afternoon regarding my housing and ironically enough I come to this site and I found you had updated. The chapter made me feel so much better. I tried to send you an email at one point hoping to just let ya know how much I appreciate this story. Right now I'm going through a rough time and your writing is the one thing keeping me sane right now. Thank you so much! I have a feeling I know what to expect in the next chapter and all I gotta say is..please please update again soon? I hope you do another chapter before spring break is over. I wanna see what he does to Ashley! lol
Author's Response: Aww thank you, you're the sweet one not me lol. Omg I'm so blessed and happy that my story is having such a positive effect on you. I really hope your housing situation gets better!! I'll be hoping/praying for the best! Just for you I will update again soon I promise! Thank you for your incredibly sweet words, you're the best!!!<333
Date: Mar 27, 2013 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
Ashley irritates my soul.I really did want Michael to atleast hit her lol.
Continue please!!
Author's Response: Hola:] hahah that was a good one that Ashley irritates your soul that's original! hah thankfully he didnt or that would've been trouble. thanks for reading and reviewing<3 I appreciate the support!
Date: Mar 27, 2013 04:40 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
How she going to slap him? You don't slap people. You never know what they'll do... She is so just ugh smh I REALLY hope that Michael doesn do anything drastic or at least too drastic without Ashley's consent or somethin idk. I also hope she learned her lesson but of course she didn't but hey not everyone can have common sense. Great update! Thankies!!
Author's Response: I know! Ashleys one of those people who acts ridiculously when shes angry and she had been pushed by michael one two many times. lets hope michaels able to control himself. I'm happy you're enjoying this:] thanks for reading and reviewing!<3 im happy youre enjoying this!
Date: Mar 27, 2013 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
Michael and Ashley are like oil and Vingar. Lol they just can't get along.
Love this and i still want more!
Author's Response: haha thats so true, they are something special haha thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm happy you like my story :]
Date: Mar 27, 2013 01:24 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict
Damn I can't stand Ashley. Lol.
Author's Response: hahah Yeah Ashley is something special hah thanks for reading and reviewing hun<33 happy you're enjoying this!
Date: Mar 26, 2013 09:58 pm Title: Introduction
Please update again before Spring Break is over? I've been lookingg forward to a new chapter hoping we'd get closer to the business trip lol. I can't wait! I gotta tell you how I love how you drag this out with multiple chapters. I'm hoping this will be one of the longer stories that you'll drag out for a while. I love the anticipation of what the next chapter willl bring. It drives me crazy and I absolutely love it lol. Awesome story! Probably one of the best I've ever seen on this site. :)
Author's Response: Honestly hun reviews from you put the biggest smile on my face. You are insanely sweet and I adore you! Hah trust me I wil drag out this story for a big hah:) im soooooooo happy you like it so much! I don't deserve your flattering you are so sweet! Thanks sooo much! I just updated:)
Date: Mar 25, 2013 07:17 pm Title: Chapter 4: Michelle
I like this story a lot! Keep up the good work dahling! :-)
Author's Response: Aww you are sooo sweet! Thank you for all the love and support for both my stories! I really appreciate it!!
Date: Mar 25, 2013 07:16 pm Title: Chapter 4: Michelle
I'm really getting nervous for his potential victim... O_o Yikes!!
Author's Response: You should be, once his business trip is over with i don't know if he'll be able to hold himself any longer but you'll have to wait and see;) thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Date: Mar 25, 2013 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 3: Supplies
Oh GOD!! Michael is plotting on that poor woman! The horror... the suspense.... I can't take it!!! *clicks next* lmao!
Author's Response: Hahahaha Im happy you're enjoying this, yeah Michaels being a creeper and plotting on her! Thanks for reviewing & reading hun!:)