Reviews For Dark Insolent Eyes
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Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 02:11 pm Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

I don't understand how Ashey can lie like this and rub it in Michael's face. Seriously get lost girl! If I was her I would have left as discreetly as possible.
Fortunately he came back to his sense before doing something unforgettable!!!!
God I'm so angry at Ashley and i hope Scoot will find proof! Even if they discover the proof, Mr Smith is still a dickhead? Why whould he lie about it? He has everything to lose, not than slut Ashley.


I'm out

Author's Response: Hola Annie:) thats the type of person ashley is, she wouldn't sneak away she just had to say something. Thankfully, he was close too. Mr. Smith is just a jackass once Michael made him look back there was no going back. Hes so self-centered. Lets hope Michael can fix things somehow thanks for another great review & thanks for reading!:)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 02:02 pm Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

Damn it i hate how michael got screwed over like that it's not fair -__- he better start kicking ppl's ass asap! I want his mind to snap i dnt even feel sorry 4 those ppl whose treating me like shit i hope he gets them back & kills them slowly & plainful. LOL. I was just mad at the way Michael was treated he maybe crazy but he no dumb dumb. Get em mike!

Continue girly!

Author's Response: Hey there:)! Hahah I love your review! I love that you guys are feeling raw emotion and really feeling Michaels pain. Because it really does suck when you work hard and people treat you like shit because they think you're lying or something you know? Michael will get back at people;) haha Thanks for reading & reviewing!!

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 01:50 pm Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

poor Michael he has a right to feel like that

Author's Response: Most definitely, everyone is screwing with him. He didn't deserve that:( thanks for the review & for reading!!

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 01:25 pm Title: Introduction

Damn I was hoping he'd punish her ass! Shit! He crazy, but that bitch deserves to be punished!

Author's Response: Hahahaha you're not alone but he had to come to his senses. Though Ashley screwed him over that couldn't be his route of revenge. Thanks for reading and reviewing:)<33

Reviewer: Alyaka Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 12:00 pm Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

Sorry for double posting here, but I just had to comment on this.  I was thinking after reading the chapter how much I have in common with Michael right now work wise.  I am like him trying so hard working for a company that tells me I'm doing great, but never shows appreciation for my hard work by promoting or even giving me a different campaign to work on.  I feel connected to Michael right now in the story because I know what it feels like to work your butt off for something and in the end up with nothing. At least he can do something about his situation and I hope he does I really do.  My only regret is that he didn't get Ashley and came to his sense lol.  You gotta admit she deserves whatever he gives to her and more.  I hope you update again soon. Now I am starting to see why I love this story so much.  I can relate to a certain extent.  

Author's Response: Hey again & don't worry about double posting I love to here my readers thoughts. That really sucks :( it just really sad when you work so hard and am so unappreciated. I hope your situation gets fixed, luckily in Michaels case hes able to take things into his own hands, I wish you could do the same. I'm hoping for the best!!

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 11:54 am Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

damn I would have killed them both

Author's Response: Hahahaha You're not alone! I don't know how Michael kept it together. Thanks for reading and reviewing<33

Reviewer: Alyaka Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 11:38 am Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

Ok I admit I was slightly disappointed thinking he would finally teach Ashley a lesson, BUT I hope he does soon? I can't wait to see what he does. He was right and Ashley and that idiot boss of his were wrong.  Michael did nothing wrong. He worked hard to get what he wanted. Get her Michael!!! Wonderful update god please update again soon lol I'm gonna be agony until he finally gets her.  :) Thanks for the uplift girl.  This made my day! 

Author's Response: Hey hun:) he had to come to his senses because if he were to hurt Ashley she wouldn't keep quiet about it since she knows him. He can only take things so far, I know Michael just royally got screwed over :/ it happens to the best of us. Im happy this chapter was an uplift for you.:)! I hope to update soon, just need to do some studying then I can fix up the next chapter and post it. Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: SunniVan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 11:31 am Title: Chapter 7: Acting Out

Awesome chapter honey!!

I'm glad Michael came to his senses before doing something to Ashley, but at the same time, I want him to get his revenge!!

GRRR!!! I am BEYOND pissed at that heffa! -_-

The amount of humiliation he had to deal with in that office.... wow.  smh.  I know he's about to explode... AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! :-D


Can't wait for the next chapter Love!! <3<3<3

Author's Response: You're so sweet! I'm happy I'm getting raw emtion from you guys! I know poor Michael, he didn't deserve that but Ashley & Mr. Smith screwed him over. Lets hope hes able to control himself. Thanks so much for the sweet review!

Reviewer: Dreamer102 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 12:14 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage

That little hoe nugget. That poop bag. That everything that is bad in the world. I'm so done. I'm sooo so so so done with her. Michael...! No no no don't go back on your words Sammy "A man should never hit a lady" *deep breaths* Michael fuck up her life. I'm sorry but you need to do EVERYTHING that was done in ALL of the Home Alone movies. When she walks into her room there better be some major ishmas raining done upon her ugly soul. I'm so mad right now geez. *sigh* Well awesome chapter! 

Author's Response: Honestly, you guys always know how to make my day. Your reviews are soo funny xD hahaha "fuck up her life" had me going hahaha I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sure you guys can tell Ashley is not holding back and will do everything in her power to ruin Michael hahaha thanks for reading and reviewing hun:)!

Reviewer: SunniVan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 12:54 am Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage

This is exactly what she deserves right here... The Pat Bateman treatment!!!!! 



Author's Response: Lmfaoo hahahah you have seriously got me dying laughing over here XD hahahaha I love this thank you for giving me a good laugh babe:)

Reviewer: SunniVan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 12:53 am Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage


You know what... I have NO sympathy for Ashley.  I hope Michael goes Patrick Bateman on her!!! GET HER MIKE!!! 

LOL!  Great updates Honey!

Author's Response: Hahah believe me when I say you're not the only one hhaha thanks for reading and revewing! i'm happy you enjoyed this chapter:)!

Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 09:44 pm Title: Introduction


Happy easter to youu to Love ;)

Author's Response: Hahaha thats so crazy! My sister & I loveeeee girlfriends we recorded a whole season on our dvr haha. Hah aww you're so sweet :) haha thank you! Hope you had a good easter!

Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage

Ugh, silly you Marie!

That Ashley is a fox! I hate her. Though I can understand; she is a woman, it's harder for her to have good jobs but girl!  Fucking your way to the top. That isn't very Beyonce of you

She is playing dirty. How can you watch your reflexion in the mirror and not being disgusted? This so much classy to lose if you were faire. That's just... UGH! Watch your back girl, Michael is but to either whoop your ass or kill you! And since we all know he is a psycho... You should be careful Ashley haha. I don't even know how Michael does to keep her cool. Like if I was him! akdqnfzeozeikgezl. Damn, that bitch would be seeing the light!

Can't wait to see what will happen. Sorry for the late review, I was busy updating mine ;). Update soon Honey !;)

Author's Response: Hey Annie, I can't really get mad at Marie because shes a young naive girl, she probably thought letting her in would somehow help their relationship. Haha Ashley is something else, she really is determine like Michael but she went about things the wrong way. Haha love the beyonce gif! Lmao oh lord I was dying when you said if it was you she would be seeing the light xD annie you're too funny! Michael will have to retaliate somehow, lets see how ;) hah don't even worry about it! I know you have your own stories to work on! Thanks for reading & reviewing<33

Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 5: Conflict

Michael is attrated to Ashley's fears??? HELLLLL TO THE N-O

Tell 'em Maya!

Author's Response: Haha I use to love girlfriends! & yeah hes sadistic so that stuff tickles his funny bone haha thanks for reading & reviewing Annie!

Reviewer: LavJacksonx Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 04:39 pm Title: Chapter 6: Sabotage

AGGGGGH! How much I wanna strangle ashley. She was foul she need her ass beat lmao. Agggggh.

Author's Response: Haha I'm sure everyone can agree Ashley crossed the line, trust me when I say karma is after her haha thanks for reading & reviewing<33

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