Reviews For Dark Insolent Eyes
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Reviewer: crazyreader Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2013 05:50 pm Title: Chapter 14: Fearless

hahhahaha omg i want more of this... just too good :))

Author's Response: Aww thanks I'm happy you're enjoying this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2013 03:08 pm Title: Chapter 14: Fearless

Ashley Bitch you not fearless please boo Michael gonna handle you


Author's Response: Hahaha Michaels got this on luck don't even worry. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2013 10:59 am Title: Chapter 14: Fearless

That lame ass joke still isn't gonna do anything Ashley. Your ass is DONE! I can't wait til Michelle completely ruins that report and she'll look incompetent in front of everyone. Ugh!!! I'm getting so impatient. Lol. I'm so sick of this HO! I can't wait til she receives everything that's coming to her. 

Author's Response: Hahaha I'm sorry for what hold up haha it'll happen soon I promise! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2013 10:28 am Title: Chapter 14: Fearless

I knew she was scared of him. She should be. Knowing good and damn well she's a liar through and through. Can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: Hahah yeah Michael has Ashley shook. Thanks for reading and reviewing:)!

Reviewer: crazyreader Signed [Report This]
Date: May 11, 2013 03:43 am Title: Chapter 13: Desperation

oh god... :0

Author's Response: Oh god indeed, Michaels devious, no one screws him over and gets away with it. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 03:00 pm Title: Chapter 13: Desperation

Michael was right perhaps. Michelle is another Ashley in the making but who is he to judge...he rapes woman for gots sake...he gives me the creeps and the same time I still like him...its his wife im worried about - Sam. Well at least he thought about his victim Jennifer.  I am curious to know  how she is doing after he raped her.  Now with Michelle - can't wait to read if she followed Ashley or Michaels bidding...please continue soon.

Author's Response: Hahaha I know its so weird with him. On one hand you like him but its like hes still a crazy guy. We'll be hearing from jennifer soon:) thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 13: Desperation

Yaasssss I love it! I can't wait to see Ashley's downfall! It shall be epic I know. Michelle is gonna delete that report and Ashley will look like a complete incompetent fool. I was worried for a min there that Michael was gonna make her blow him but I'm glad he didn't. I don't want him doing things like THAT to Sam.. She's sweet. Anyway, this is so good. I can't wait til the next chapter. 

Author's Response: Thats the plan, if it works out that way;) hahahaha nahh hes not really into her like she was into him. Yeah sams a sweetie he wouldn't harm her, he knows better hah thanks for reading and reviewing! :)

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 12:42 pm Title: Chapter 13: Desperation

Haha I can't wait for Ashley's comeuppance. And he's got help too. Lol. Revenge is sweet.

Author's Response: Hahaha revenge is indeed sweet haha thanks for reading and reviewing<333

Reviewer: Alyaka Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 13: Desperation

Just when I thought this story couldn't get any better and it does! I love the fact that Michael is going to get the upper hand in this.  I already knew Michelle helped Ashley and now they both are going to get what's coming to them! Woohoo! Is it bad that I love how he's toying with Michelle to get her to do what he wants her to do? Way cool update!  Please post more soon? 

Author's Response: Hah aww you're so sweet:) hha no its not bad, michaels not going to let himself get double crossed and let ashley walk away freely thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Dreamer102 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2013 02:14 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

Michael got his ish tight xD He's handling this lol. Idk why Ashley has to be tripping she coulda just kept that for herself so it would be a surprise when she whipped it out but now she's jut trying to play with him again smh. Don't play with fire geez. GREAT UPDATE!!

Author's Response: Yeah Ashley just added fuel to the fire, She doesn't know who shes messing with haha. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!!

Reviewer: LavJacksonx Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2013 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

Can't wait to see what happens next

Author's Response: I'm happy I'm keeping you guessing:) thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: crazyreader Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2013 06:00 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

oh my gosh hahahahaha thats perfect... i loved it...

Author's Response: Thanks for that! Happy youre enjoying this:) thanks for reading and reviewing!,

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2013 02:42 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

So that's how he got screwed over. Michelle was helping Ashley's ass. I'm tempted to see what he'll do to her. This oughta be good. Lol.

Author's Response: Yeah Michelle helped Ashley out when they reviewed the presentations and now that Michael knows that he back with vengeance. Thanks for reading and reviewing<33

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2013 02:03 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

Ha!!!! Michelle better get ready cuz Michael is gonna put her ass through the wringer. Now he has a pawn to use against Ashely. I can't wait to see that slut go down. And not in the way she's used to either. I cannot wait to see her suffer. Michelle is gonna be used to take down Ashley. I just know it. 

Author's Response: "Not in the way shes used to either" LMAO you're toooo funny hahah. Michael has got some tricks up his sleeve now. Thanks for reading and reviewing<333

Reviewer: Alyaka Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2013 02:00 pm Title: Chapter 12: Trapped

YES he's getting his way! I love it Team Michael all the way! Michelle and Ashley better watch out and if Ashley uses that pepper spray on him? I will personally murder her lol.  Great update girl!  I hope you post more again soon I love this story so much! I'll email once I got an update on the promotion.  Love ya!



Author's Response: Haha Michaels smooth, hes not going to let Ashley get him down. Idk if Ashley would be crazy enough to use pepper spray on him but if she does I'm sure it'll be trouble haha I will update again soon:) I promise. Keep me posted:) thanks for reading and reviewing!!

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