Date: Jun 24, 2013 02:22 pm Title: Chapter 19: Mr. vs. Mrs.
Excellent story, well written.... I can't wait to read the next part!
Author's Response: Thank you so much:) I'm really happy you're enjoying this!
Date: Jun 24, 2013 02:18 pm Title: Chapter 19: Mr. vs. Mrs.
Hmmph. I guess it was inevitable that they would seperate. Oh well. Let's see how his life will be now that she's left.
Author's Response: Yeah, they both pushed each other to the edge. Lets see how Michael is without his wife around :) thanks so much for reading and reviewing
Date: Jun 23, 2013 06:40 pm Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
Oh my god TEARS!!! I'm like having a seizure on my couch over here like... TEARS!!! I am like beyond destroyed dude like uugghh... *sigh* I can't even so many tears. Well... I hope that just... calms down Michael for a bit. Rather not have people get raped. He just needs to like join a web site for like stuff like that. Idk
Author's Response: Michael needs to find better ways to cope haha I totally agree. thanks so muchhh for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 19, 2013 07:53 am Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
omg!Sam's anger? Idk why she was angry at the first place. N Michael I could just slap him if I were Sammy! ;) please update!
Author's Response: haha both of them are acting up haha thanks so much for reading and reviewin!
Date: Jun 15, 2013 07:26 pm Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
Before the attempted rape of Michael with his wife Sam IMO she has no right to be upset I honestly believe she should have been more understanding, patient and considerate with her husband. He is on a lot of stress and pressure lately. She is lucky that Michael wants to have sex with her. He is a good husband overall pretending he doesnt do the horrible deeds he has done to Jeniffer and Ashley. I honestly felt Sam is adding more to that pressure.
Now after the attempted rape of Michael with his wife Sam, that is a different scenario she has all the right to be upset with him. Not only upset but scared. Michael is a different person altogether from the person she thought she married. That is really 'scary' thinking on Sam's part she really doesnt know the man she married.
Author's Response: You make a really good point, Sam should at times be more understanding and patient with Michael. Hes really going through it and her bugging him doesn't help. After the fact she did have the right to be mad because she was scared thats her husband for pits sake, hes meant to protect her. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing:] I love your reviews!
Date: Jun 15, 2013 06:37 pm Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
omg pmb omg i cant believe iiit.
Author's Response: Yeah Michael was acting a bit irrational in this past chapter. thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 15, 2013 06:08 pm Title: Introduction
wow ...bro...that was just-----!
Author's Response: hhahaha I see I left you speechless haa Im happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 15, 2013 03:20 pm Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
Hell no Sam is not in the wrong. I feel the most sorry for her. She's married to a mad man and don't even know it. I feel bad because she's obviously a good woman who deserves a good man. She's ready to start a family and live a happy life. Meanwhile Michael is on a fuckin rampage. Sam is the one woman he needed the most, and he was so worried about Ashley going to her and possibly running her away, he's done it himself. If she leaves him for good, I won't even be sad. Maybe this is what Michael needs to get his shit together. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Sam started having an affair. Michael damn near assaulted her!!! Smh the man has lost it. I hope Sam will be ok. She wasn't wrong at all. I'm glad she left. I have a feeling Michael is about to really go off the deep end now.
Author's Response: I agree with you completely haha. Michael is off doing his own thing meanwhile sams dying to start a family and really settle down. it really sucks how things work out. thanks so much for reading and reviewing! I really love your feedback
Date: Jun 15, 2013 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 18: Distraught
No I don't think she's wrong. At all. Damn Michael seriously?! You forced yourself on your wife! What the hell was you thinking? Oh yeah you weren't! Like with Ashley.
Author's Response: Yes ma'am just another time of Michael acting without thinking and just causing problems lol thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 10, 2013 12:01 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
oh now Ashley is gna get a hell lot more!!!! This one is getting interesting! :)
Author's Response: hahaha I'm happy youre enjoying this:] thanks so much for reading and reviewing
Date: Jun 08, 2013 01:36 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
Ooohhhh sham BAMF xD Well by this point it's like Michael... don't mess with her. If Ashely goes and tells then its not going to be like oh wow physco bish, not with that Jennifer thing floating in her head.
Author's Response: I'm not sure if im reading your review correctly but Ashley has no idea who Jennifer is or what occurred between her and michael. All she knows is what happen between her and him. Lets hope Sm doesnt find out because it will be chaotic. thanks so much for reading and reviewing
Date: Jun 07, 2013 07:46 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
omg omg omg dying update soon please
Author's Response: just got done updating love bug:]
Date: Jun 07, 2013 06:09 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
Michael's weakness is his wife - Sam. IMO all the woman in his life are pawns in his greed for SUCCESS. Sam, Ashley, Jennifer, or any other woman in this story associated to him are all 'victims' of his desire to be on TOP of the game. To be the successful person he wanted to be in ALL aspect - persona, family, love, life, career. He is a man whose character is distorted because he wanted to prove a point that he never loses to anyone and no matter what he is gonna do all it takes to prove and get that SUCCESS.
Author's Response: Wow powerful observation and I have to say I agree. Everyone is almost like a stepping stone for Michael to get what he wants. The thing is which stepping stone is going to stop him in his tracks? thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 07, 2013 02:44 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
Ahahah good one on bringing Sam into this. XD
Michael you think Ashley's gonna take this lying down?
Think again!
Honestly I don't know if I'm on Michaels side or Ashleys, both OK, you got me loving both. :3 I think I'm the only one whose not hating so much on Ashley :S hehe I'm too soft.
Gosh whats Michael gonna do? AHHHHHH I seriously can't wait for more.
Another great chapter Hun. ^.^ , <33
Author's Response: I LOVE THAT GIF haahaah thats perfect. hah I noticed that too, everyone seems to be team Michael but you have to at least have some sympathy for ashley. thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 07, 2013 01:49 pm Title: Chapter 17: Weakness
Oh crap I forgot about Sam. XD
Author's Response: hahaha got you there ;] Sammy wouldnt be happy to hear about ashley and michael being together in any form. lets hope it stays that way hah. thanks for much for reading and reviewing!