Date: Jun 19, 2014 12:37 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
Oh shitty shitty bang bang...Keisha's got a bun in the oven! I knnnneewww this was gonna happen! A baby is on the way with all this crap still going on in their lives *smh* they need to get it together quickly. Keisha needs to gon head and tell Michael about this baby and maybe just maybe it'll knock some sense into his head to get himself together. He needs to get clean and he needs to Stop letting these allegations consume him. He is a hot ass mess. I mean dude is tracking everything she does? He need to know when she pees and poops as well? *smh* Hey! You the one that pushed her away boo boo! It didn't have to be this way from the get go.
What has his family being in New Orleans done for him? He is miserable and Keisha is managing because shes a strong independent woman...but i know she is in pain as well. There has been no progression this past few months...besides Keishas pregnancy...which adds strain to their already strenuous relationship. I hope they both can find their way back to each other for the sake of this new baby, their family, and for love.
Awesome chapter as usual. Thank you for gracing us with these updates, I'm Lovin them.
Date: Jun 18, 2014 07:17 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
I literally covered my mouth with my hand when Keisha revealed her pregnancy. I understand that her and Mike are going through a hard time and all, but one just doesn't hide that from their husband. In all honesty, they two of them need some Dr. Phil in their lived. Things are changing and not for the better.
Date: Jun 18, 2014 05:25 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
OMG! I cant believe shes over 3mnths pregnant! This is gonna get crazy, i can feel it
Date: Jun 18, 2014 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
Oh my God. Ki is preggos!!!! And Mike is so into keeping tabs on her and shit. Like, nigga? Did you not tell the woman to leave your ass and find somebody else but you can keep tabs on what she's doing? Who does that? Lol. Girl keep up the good work. I love this story.
Author's Response:
he told her to leave...not to find someone else...hahahaha.
Date: Jun 18, 2014 12:38 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
I was right!
Date: Jun 18, 2014 12:18 pm Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
Damn pregnant
Date: Jun 18, 2014 09:37 am Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
I adore this story, girl! So, good!
can't wait for more!
Date: Jun 18, 2014 09:19 am Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
This is so fucking depressing. Just a mess. I'm so worried for Michael, he's going to end up killing himself with those drugs either intentionally or accidentally. Somebody needs to help him. Well, what he really needs is to help himself. Hopefully this new baby on the way will make him snap out of it and see the light, he'll realize what he's missing out on. None of this allegation bullshit is important, his family is what matters. And he's miserable without them, and them without him. Sigh. I'm just waiting for him to overdose and wind up in the hospital or dead.
Date: Jun 18, 2014 07:55 am Title: Chapter 52--The Moon Song
Whoa... Keisha is pregnant?! I hope she's been seeing a doctor. Which I assume she has since she knows how far along she is.. 14 weeks is about 3 and a half months. Which means she's probably known for a little bit. But I hope she does keep it quiet for as long as she can. Because we all know how sensitive her womb is. The slightest anything will cause her to lose it, and I don't want that to happen. Being away from Michael right now Ironicaly is probably what's best for her pregnancy to continue to flourish. Just hold on Ki. And speaking of her crazy ass estranged husband, he has a lot of damn nerve spying on her and what's she's doing. If he pulled his head out of his ass, he wouldn't need to do that because her and the kids would be right there with him! God forbid if a southern gentleman came along and befriended Keisha, Michael would lose what's left of his fucking mind. Shit that may be one thing that would give his ass a big reality check. Keisha is a good woman, and any man would be lucky to have her.
Date: Jun 17, 2014 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
Ugh! Why isn't he telling her all the stuff he's really feeling! Poor Keisha was so vulnerable in that moment when she was telling Mike to just say he loves her and needs her then they can fix everything...and Michael said nothing. He THINKS this is the only way to protect them...but NIGGA IT AIN'T! You are making things worse.
I am applauding @ iam_music review because it's so on point! He is so use to losing that he doesn't realize when he's won! It's really sad. But his self hating "I am a loser" mantra gotta go or he's gonna end up alone. He needs to be stronger. Keisha makes him stronger. He needs her like his next breath. And Like dude..your kids are obsessed with you, do you really think you are helping them by daddy being miles away? Michael must be planning on self destructing because he can't function without his family. Poor thing thinks so low of himself! stop it please!
I hate that they are leaving on such sucky terms but they do need this separation.
Thank you for this wonderful update. Can't wait for more!!!!!
Date: Jun 17, 2014 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
Sad but excellent!!!!!!
Please come back soon!
I'm dying for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Jun 17, 2014 01:15 pm Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
Oh wow! It would be interesting if Keisha happens to be pregnant again
Date: Jun 17, 2014 10:50 am Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
I have no words to properly describe the level of Michael's stupidity.
And does he seriously think he can get away with not explaining things to the kids? He knows he's so wrong, which is why he can't face them.
I know the allegations suck but come on man. Quite honestly, get over youself. The allegations are not the end of the world. Losing your wife and kids, however, is.
Date: Jun 17, 2014 10:35 am Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
Oh no this is getting worse and worse
Date: Jun 17, 2014 10:09 am Title: Chapter 51--Sugarcoating
Smdh. Like, are they seriously gonna get a divorce now? Noooooooo! Mike, your stupid ass need to do something. Why are you doing this to Ki and the kids? Man, he's fucking up BIG time. Like, he's literally tossing out of his life like they are some fucking trash. Maaan!!!! I'm mad/upset/angry/ everything but happy now. Fuck you Michael Joseph Jackson. I can just eff him up.