Date: Jan 03, 2024 11:51 am Title: Chapter 1
I read the first chapter in full and the initial premise greatly interested me, namely the circumstances of the Arvizo-Jackson trial.
I find your text well presented and well thought out. Michael's daughters are adorable. I appreciate this first chapter even if, however, the fact that Martin Bashir is singled out as the bad guy because he cheated in a game race, I found it a bit easy and not very well done. Just because he intentionally or unintentionally cheated in a race does not make him a bad journalist (it is because he asks indiscreet questions, takes a condescending amount of time and looking more to entertain than to inform).
Second point that I didn't necessarily understand is the fact that we constantly remind people that the girls are adoptive. This is not necessary in my opinion because there is no distinction between a biological and adopted child. This makes the story a little heavier for me ^^'
There is a lot of emphasis on the girls' anger and rage, I find it a little exaggerated at times. The documentary wasn't great but I find that the fanfic demonizes it a little too much by calling it a sickening atrocity. If we omit Bashir's stupidity, Michael is super interesting and cute in this documentary (even if the slightly goofy audience won't hear it that way)!
But apart from that, I have nothing negative to say about this promising chapter :) I appreciated the fact that it was more nuanced later, notably by showing that Bashir "approved" Michael's vitiligo without trying to argue about it. The relationship between Michael and his two daughters is touching.
This first chapter convinced me enough - despite my little remarks - for me to read the rest.
Date: Oct 19, 2022 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
Seems like an interesting story!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I started chapter 15 but I've been lazy lately..but I'll get back to it :)

Date: Jul 21, 2022 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hasta ahora me ha encantado tu historia es increĆble
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 29, 2015 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
loving it
Author's Response:
thank you!!

Date: Apr 23, 2014 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 1
Bashir's a trip! EVIL. I hate his ass so much!
But other than that, this chapter was awesome! On to the next one tomorrow :D
Author's Response:
yes he has no shame at all
Thank you for the nice comments..
Date: Sep 04, 2013 07:33 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ugh..I know that documentary was just...complete utter crap
Author's Response:
It certainly was, even with the funny moments..thank you for the review