Penname: TerryJackson [Contact] Real name: Terry Jackson
Member Since: Jan 18, 2011
Membership status: Member

Michael Jackson was my inspiration. That man, was incredibly amazing.

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Stories by TerryJackson

The story begins in the era of the end of the Jackson 5's motown days. When Michael was 17. His Vegas show manager's daughter and Michael become very close. But since she is white, and he is black, Mr. Jackson disapproves of Terry for his son, Michael. It fast forwards to the Thriller era, and the love story continues from there. Forbidden love, is always the most desirable.

Categories: Romance, Humor, Family
Characters: Lisa Marie Presley
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1727 Read Count: 6150
[Report This] Published: Jan 18, 2011 Updated: Jan 19, 2011